Entering the Mandala - Nyingma Centrum Nederland

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Transcript Entering the Mandala - Nyingma Centrum Nederland

Activating the Mandala of your Life
The TIbetan tradition offers a myriad of forms
to transform ordinary mind into dynamic,
awakened mind.
Some of the forms do not seem to have
an equivalent in the West, such as mantra,
mudra and mandala.
Especially the mandala is a potent catalyst
for transformation.
Mandala represents structures of reality
reaching from the infinitesimal small to the
unimaginable large, both the cell level and
the cosmic level reflect this timeless model.
As the mandala reflects fundamental
openness and optimal realization it
invites our perception and experience, our
actions and qualities to shift away from
self-centered, small mindedness to dynamically engaging in the possibilities of unfolding
the maximum potential,
‘Entering the Mandala’
engelstalige cursus
door Arnaud Maitland
5 dinsdagavonden van 19.00-20.15 uur
18 en 25 oktober
1, 8 en 15 november 2016
Kosten voor nederlandse deelnemers: € 33
Opgeven via [email protected]
Meld je aan via email en je krijgt dan van ons
een link toegestuurd waarmee je de lessen
op je eigen computer kunt volgen.
Arnaud Maitland:
In this brief introductory course we will discuss
the model of the mandala. We can speak
of Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche’s ‘mandala of
organisations’, we will discuss the traditional
explanations of Buddha fields and also reflect
on our own individual mandala of being, with
its chakras and energy body. We hope this
course will help inspire you to continue
activating the mandala of your life. ....
Bij voldoende belangstelling is de cursus
‘Entering the Mandala’ ook in het Centrum
op een groot scherm te volgen. Geef svp
bij je opgave aan of je daarvan gebruik wilt
Reguliersgracht 25, Amsterdam
0206205207 www.nyingma.nl