2012unit 7highlighted

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Transcript 2012unit 7highlighted

Unit 7: The Changing
Andrew C. Jackson
Struggles for Power (1096)
► World
 World powers fought for domination
► The
Cold War
 Democracy vs. communism
► Independence
 Localized
 Terrorism
Triumphs and Tragedies of Science
and Technology
► Planes,
trains, and automobiles
► Microchip
 Late 1950’s
► Medicine
 antibiotics
► War
 Biological/chemical weapons
► Natural
 pollution
New Ways of Living (1097)
► Pace
is quicker
► Beginning of 20th century
 Mostly rural
► End
of 20th century
 40% urban
► Rich
and poor
 Still a widening gap
Global Interdependence
► Trade,
technology, and communications
 Made the world “smaller” and more “flat”
► Positives
 Can help underdeveloped countries
► Negatives
 Countries can lose identities
Democracy and Education
► Democracy
is spreading
 Especially for women and minorities
► Education
is much more available now
 Almost every country now offers something
Timeline (1098-99)
► Look
over and ask questions. I will try to
help answer them.
Expressions of Modernism (11021103)
Type I Writing (see me for details)
Social Change in Europe (1104)
► Europe
 WWI losses horrified people
► Russia
 Revolution led to communism
► Cars
and radios
 Gave some freedom
► The
bad guys
 Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin
Breakdown of traditional beliefs
► Charles
 Origin of Species
► Sigmund
 Father of psychology
► Albert
 Theory of relativity
Alienation of the Artist (1105)
► Distant
► Hostile
► Banded
Search for the new
► Rallying
cry of modernists:
 “Make it new!”
Pound (poet)
Part 2: When Worlds Collide
► Responses
to War and Conflict (pp. 1200-
The Russian Revolution and the Cold War
The Great War
An Even Greater War
Struggles for Independence
Fighting for Freedom
World War I (1202)
► 1914-1918
 U.S. entered in 1917, turning tide of war
► Allied
 Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy, and others
► Central
 Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the
Ottoman Empire
► Armistice
 Led to WWII
The Russian Revolution and
► 1917
 Czar Nicholas II forced from power
► Bolsheviks
 Led by Vladimir Lenin—became USSR
► Joseph
 Brutal dictator—killed many of his own people
Revolution in China (1204)
► 1912
 Sun Yat-sen
► 1928
 Chiang Kai-shek took control (hard on
► 1949
 Mao Zedong makes China communist
► 1966
 Cultural revolution
Collapse of Colonial Empires
► India
 Mohandas Ghandi led separation from GB
► Nigeria
 Became independent in 1960 from GB
► Algeria
 Won independence from France in ‘62
► South
 Ended apartheid in 1991
The Cold War
Democracy vs. Communism
 U.S. against Eastern Europe primarily
Iron curtain
 Separation of West and East (Churchill)
 1950-53 (to stop spread of communism)
 1965-75 (same philosophy as Korea)
Space race
 Nuclear and astronaut competion
 Ended communism in USSR and much of world
Conflicts in Latin America (1205)
► Argentina
 Juan Peron became dictator
► Chile
 Salvador Allende was militaristic leader
► Cuba
 Fidel Castro is military dictator
Conflicts in the Middle East
► Zionism
 Movement to move Jewish homeland to Palestine
► Palestine
 Was divided up in 1948 (conflict has been there ever
► Iran/Iraq
 1,000,000 people died in war between these two
countries in the 1980’s
 Saddam Hussein recently overthrown by U.S.
Other ethnic conflicts
► Yugoslavia
 Bosnia-Herzegovina was part of group that
voted for independence
 Ethnic cleansing resulted
 U.S. intervened to forge peace agreement in
Here endeth the lesson
► Andrew
► August, 2012