General Contracting and Equipment

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Transcript General Contracting and Equipment

Welcome to Session 3 of 6 . . . .
General Contracting &
Equipment / EQTR Refresher
May 21, 2014
1. Transports
2. Common Errors on Emergency Equipment Use Invoice
3. Tent Specification Updates
4. Fuel Vendors
5. Tips & Tools for Unoperated Equipment
The term "transport" or “lowboy” includes a truck tractor with trailer(s), or trucks with tilt
beds. Trailers may be an enclosed van, flatbed, or lowboy-type for hauling heavy
equipment such as Dozers, Excavators, Pumper Cats, etc.
Transports are ordered to an incident in two ways:
1. Attached to a piece of heavy equipment - to transport that piece of equipment only
● May have one operator for both transport & heavy equipment
● May have separate operators for transport & heavy equipment
● Rates vary with number of operators and time under hire
● Operate under same RO as heavy equipment
2. Stand Alone – to transport other equipment
Regular Shift
Double Shift
- Minimum daily guarantee for transport is
reduced to 65%
- Double Shift is paid at 165% of reduced minimum
daily guarantee (Min Daily Guar x 65% x 165%)
- Mileage rate is NOT reduced
- Double Shift equipment is staffed with two
operators (one operator per shift)
- Time under hire ≥ 8 hours is paid the greater of
65% of minimum daily guarantee or mileage rate
- Time under hire < 8 hours on first/last day is paid
the greater of 32.5% of minimum daily guarantee
or mileage rate
- Separate operator must be ordered in writing
for second shift by resource order and authorized
by Section Chief level
- Names of operators for each shift must be listed
on shift ticket
- Name of operator must be listed on shift ticket
Once the heavy equipment is delivered and unloaded at the incident
the transport is considered released. However . . .
Transport may be retained by the incident for the sole purpose of transporting the equipment
that was originally ordered. In this case the transport:
- Must be documented on the shift ticket that transport was retained
- Name of operator(s) must be listed on the shift ticket
- Transport and heavy equipment have the same RO
Regular Shift
Double Shift
- Time under hire ≥ 8 hours is paid minimum daily
guarantee or mileage rate, whichever is greater
- Double Shift is paid at 165% of minimum daily
- Time under hire < 8 hours on first/last day is paid
50% of minimum daily guarantee or mileage rate,
whichever is greater
- Double Shift equipment is staffed with two
operators (one operator per shift)
- Name of operators must be listed on shift ticket
- Separate operator must be ordered in writing
for second shift by resource order and authorized
by Section Chief level
- Names of operators for each shift must be listed
on shift ticket
Once the heavy equipment is delivered and unloaded at the incident
the transport is considered released. However . . .
Transport may be retained by the incident for the sole purpose of transporting the equipment that
was originally ordered. In this case the transport:
- Must be documented on the shift ticket that transport was retained
- Transport and heavy equipment have the same RO
Transport may be retained by the incident for the purpose of transporting other equipment . In this
case, the transport becomes stand alone:
- Must have an existing agreement under the Transport solicitation or have carrier’s insurance
- Must be ordered with a separate resource order number
Example of VIPR Agreement for a Dozer Type 2 with Transport
• Main rates for equipment and transport are listed on agreement but other scenario rates must
be calculated.
Equipment Daily Rate
Equip & Trans Mileage Rate
Transport Daily Guarantee
Equipment Double Shift Rate
Calculated Transport Rates from Trans Min Daily Guar:
Transport (2 Oper < 8 hrs)
Transport (1 Oper >= 8 hrs)
Transport (1 Oper < 8 hrs)
Transport DS (2 Oper)
Transport DS (1 Oper)
65% x 165%
Regular Shift
- Must have an existing agreement issued
under the transport solicitation or have
carrier’s insurance
- Must be ordered with a separate resource
order number
- Time under hire ≥ 8 hours is paid minimum
daily guarantee or mileage rate, whichever is
- Time under hire < 8 hours on first/last day is
paid 50% of minimum daily guarantee or
mileage rate, whichever is greater
- Name of operator must be listed on shift ticket
Transport Attached to Heavy Equipment
(Same RO)
# of Operators for
Heavy Equipment &
Two Operators
One Operator
Regular Shift
Under Hire ≥ 8 Hours
Paid Minimum Daily
Guarantee or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Paid 65% of Minimum Daily
Guarantee or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Regular Shift
Under Hire < 8 Hours
Paid 50% of Minimum Daily
Guarantee or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Paid 32.5% of Minimum Daily
Guarantee or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Double Shift
When Ordered
Paid Minimum Daily Guarantee
x 165% or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Paid 65% of Minimum Daily
Guarantee x 165% or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Stand Alone Transport
(Separate RO)
Regular Shift
Under Hire ≥ 8 Hours
Paid Minimum Daily
Guarantee or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Regular Shift
Under Hire < 8 Hours
Paid 50% of Minimum Daily
Guarantee or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
• Estimated travel time to and from the incident via ground transportation shall be calculated by
dividing distance (from point of hire to incident, or incident to incident or incident to point of hire)
by average travel speed of 45 mph, plus applicable rest time.
• The vendor will be paid for travel to and from the incident from the equipment City and State
designated in their agreement.
• Severity is paid at 75% of the daily rate for 10 hours or less, excluding meal breaks. For greater
than 10 hours, including travel time, the full daily rate applies.
• There will be no compensation for a double shift unless a separate operator is ordered in
writing for the second shift.
Time Under Hire
Per the IIBMH: “The time under hire shall start at the
time the resource begins traveling to the incident after
being ordered by the government, and end at the
estimated time of arrival 1 back to the point of hire after
being released.”
“For fractional days at the beginning and ending of time
under hire, payment will be based on 50 percent of the
Daily Rate for periods less than 8 hours.”
• Shift ticket indicates time under hire of 1700. First day
total time under hire is 7 hours (1700 – 2400). Fractional
day less than 8 hours so 50% daily rate applies.
Time Under Hire
• Resources under hire more than 8 hours,
with a separate operator for transport .
• Although the shift ticket indicates a 6 hour shift
the dozer and transport were under hire on
8/23/12 from 0001-1200 (12 hrs).
• Minimum Daily Guarantee should be paid on
both dozer and transport.
Rate Application
• One operator for transport and heavy
equipment - minimum daily guarantee for
transport is reduced to 65%.
• Reduced rate applies to all days under hire
• Mileage for transport exceeds the reduced
min daily guarantee on 8/11 & 8/14.
Porta Potties / Handwash Stations
• Mileage exceeding 100 miles per calendar day
should be posted.
FYI . . . Not an error on this invoice but wanted to mention:
• Additional Service Calls, Pickup Fees, Reset/
Relocation fees, if ordered, are per unit.
Separate Transport Operator
• Separate operators for transport and heavy
equipment - minimum daily guarantee or
mileage rate for transport is paid.
• Number of operators may vary from day
to day so transport rates will also vary.
Operating Supply Responsibility
• Check agreements to determine if supplies are
the responsibility of the contractor or the government.
• Per the EERA, operating supplies are being furnished
by the government so fuel expenses paid by the
resource were added to invoice for payment.
• Mileage calculation corrections made
Fuel Exp
From Chapter 20 of IIBMH: “Severity shall be paid at
75% of the daily rate for up to a ten-hour day. Shifts
exceeding ten hours will be paid the full daily rate.”
• Pay adjusted for 9/6/13 to reflect a payment of 75% of
the daily rate for a 7 hour shift on this severity
Duplicate Payments for Single Day
• Emergency Equipment Use Invoices were submitted
for 7/13 – 7/15 on two incidents for same resource.
• Original shift tickets for 7/13 – 7/15 were attached to
Golden Valley Complex packet only.
• No shift tickets for 7/13 – 7/15 were attached to
Billings IA Severity payment packet so line items were
questioned, researched and deleted from invoice.
Equipment and Meal Breaks
Per Chapter 50 of IIBMH – “Equipment will
remain in paid status during meal periods, where
people are required to show a meal break when
they are relieved of duty.
Rate Shift Basis
• Use invoice indicates hourly rate for equipment
contracted at a daily rate.
Hourly Rates
• When contract indicates an hourly
rate, reduced daily rate for periods
less than 8 hours is NOT applicable.
• Resource paid full hourly rate for
hours worked.