Emergency Equipment Use Invoice Common Errors Time Under Hire Per the IIBMH: “The time under hire shall start at the time the resource.

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Transcript Emergency Equipment Use Invoice Common Errors Time Under Hire Per the IIBMH: “The time under hire shall start at the time the resource.

Emergency Equipment Use Invoice
Common Errors
Time Under Hire
Per the IIBMH: “The time under hire shall start at the
time the resource begins traveling to the incident after
being ordered by the government, and end at the
estimated time of arrival back to the point of hire after
being released.”
“For fractional days at the beginning and ending of time
under hire, payment will be based on 50 percent of the
Daily Rate for periods less than 8 hours.”
• Shift ticket indicates time under hire of 1700. First day
total time under hire is 7 hours (1700 – 2400). Fractional
day less than 8 hours so 50% daily rate applies.
Time Under Hire
• Resources under hire more than 8 hours,
with a separate operator for transport.
• Although the shift ticket indicates a 6 hour shift
the dozer and transport were under hire on
8/23/12 from 0001-1200 (12 hrs).
• Minimum Daily Guarantee should be paid on
both dozer and transport.
Transport Daily Rate Application
• One operator for transport and heavy
equipment - minimum daily guarantee for
transport is reduced to 65%.
• Reduced rate applies to all days under hire with
only one operator for heavy equipment and
• Mileage for transport exceeds the reduced
min daily guarantee on 8/11 & 8/14.
Separate Transport Operator
• Separate operators for transport and heavy
equipment - minimum daily guarantee or
mileage rate for transport is paid.
• Number of operators may vary from day
to day so transport rates will also vary.
Transport Attached to Heavy Equipment
(Same RO)
# of Operators for
Heavy Equipment &
Two Operators
One Operator
Regular Shift
Under Hire ≥ 8 Hours
Paid Minimum Daily
Guarantee or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Paid 65% of Minimum Daily
Guarantee or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Regular Shift
Under Hire < 8 Hours
Paid 50% of Minimum Daily
Guarantee or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Paid 32.5% of Minimum Daily
Guarantee or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Double Shift
When Ordered
Paid Minimum Daily Guarantee
x 165% or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Paid 65% of Minimum Daily
Guarantee x 165% or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Stand Alone Transport
(Separate RO)
Regular Shift
Under Hire ≥ 8 Hours
Paid Minimum Daily
Guarantee or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Regular Shift
Under Hire < 8 Hours
Paid 50% of Minimum Daily
Guarantee or Mileage
(whichever is greater)
Porta Potties / Handwash Stations
• Mileage exceeding 100 miles per calendar day
should be posted.
FYI . . . Not an error on this invoice but wanted to mention:
• Additional Service Calls, Pickup Fees, Reset/
Relocation fees, if ordered, are per unit.
Porta Potties with Multiple Daily Rates
• Mileage exceeding 100 miles per calendar day
added for 8/17/14.
• Note multiple rates applied for same units
depending on whether units were serviced or
unserviced on day indicated.
From Vendor Porta Pottie/Handwash Station contract:
Porta Pottie/ HW Station Pickup Fee
• Pick Up fee paid only if the unit(s) is serviced
and ordered to be picked up on the same day.
• Additional fee paid to cover cost for additional
trip that must be made to pick up units already
serviced that day.
• Contractor must be given 24 hour notice to
demob unit(s).
In this instance, Contractor is owed daily rate on
all units for final day. Servicing and pickup will
occur in one trip so no pick up fee is paid.
Operating Supply Responsibility
• Check agreements to determine if supplies are
the responsibility of the contractor or the government.
• Per the EERA, operating supplies are being furnished
by the government so fuel expenses paid by the
resource were added to invoice for payment.
• Mileage calculation corrections made.
Fuel Exp
From Chapter 20 of IIBMH: “Severity shall be paid at
75% of the daily rate for up to a ten-hour day. Shifts
exceeding ten hours will be paid the full daily rate.”
• Pay adjusted for 9/6/13 to reflect a payment of 75% of
the daily rate for a 7 hour shift on this severity
Note: In this instance the vendor is a private contractor
and is paid according the severity rate of 75% of the full
daily rate per Chapter 20 of the IIBMH. Severity rates
for LGFF equipment is 50% of daily/hourly rate when in
non-fire status as stated in Chapter 50 of IIBMH.
Duplicate Payments for Single Day
• Emergency Equipment Use Invoices were submitted
for 7/13 – 7/15 on two incidents for same resource.
• Original shift tickets for 7/13 – 7/15 were attached to
Golden Valley Complex packet only.
• No shift tickets for 7/13 – 7/15 were attached to
Billings IA Severity payment packet so line items were
questioned, researched and deleted from invoice.
Equipment and Meal Breaks
Per Chapter 50 of IIBMH – “Equipment will
remain in paid status during meal periods, where
people are required to show a meal break when
they are relieved of duty.”
Rate Shift Basis
• Use invoice indicates hourly rate for equipment
contracted at a daily rate.
Hourly Rates
• When contract indicates an hourly
rate, reduced daily rate for periods
less than 8 hours is NOT applicable.
• Resource paid full hourly rate for
hours worked.
Agency Owned / LGFF Off-Road
Vehicle Daily Rate
• Applies to DNRC Agency Owned and LGFF OffRoad use vehicles for line personnel and
command vehicles.
• Rate: $100/Day + Fuel, NO Mileage. Fuel and
operating supplies will be reimbursed but NO
mileage will be reimbursed (per Chapter 50 of
IIBMH NRCG Supplement).
• Privately owned off-road vehicles follows rates
contracted through DNRC Off-Road Vehicle
solicitation and listed EERA.
In CY14, Off-Road and Law Enforcement vehicle rates were subject
to prorating on first and last day if under hire for less than 8 hours.
Change for CY15:
• Both Off-Road Vehicle and Law Enforcement Vehicle daily rates
are no longer subject to first or last day prorating.