Transcript Tobacco.ppt

According to the CDC…
Worldwide, tobacco use causes more than 5 million deaths per year.1
Current trends show that tobacco use will cause more than 8 million deaths
annually by 2030.1
Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States.2
In the United States, cigarette smoking is responsible for about one in five deaths
annually, or about 438,000 deaths per year.3
An estimated 38,000 of these deaths are the result of secondhand smoke
On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than nonsmokers.2
For every person who dies of a smoking-related disease, 20 more people suffer
with at least one serious illness from smoking.4
Cigarette smoking increases the length of time that people live with a disability
by about 2 years.5
Tobacco Use in the U.S.A.
• Nearly 21% of U.S. adults (45.3 million people) are current cigarette
• Prevalence of cigarette smoking is highest among American
Indians/Alaska Natives (32.4%), followed by African Americans
(23.0%), whites (21.9%), Hispanics (15.2%), and Asians [excluding
Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders](10.4%).9
• In the United States, 23% of high school students are current
cigarette smokers.10
• Each day, about 1,300 persons younger than 18 years of age
become regular smokers; that is, they begin smoking on a daily
• Among adult smokers, 70% report that they want to quit
completely,12 and more than 40% try to quit each year.9
I don’t smoke…
but you do if…
• Your friends or family members smoke next
to you.
• You are next to someone in public who is
• You are in the smoking section of a
• You are in a car with a smoker.
Second Hand Smoke…
(aka side stream smoke)
• Secondhand smoke exposure causes disease and premature death in
children and adults who do not smoke. Secondhand smoke contains
hundreds of chemicals known to be toxic or carcinogenic, including
formaldehyde, benzene, vinyl chloride, arsenic ammonia and hydrogen
• Secondhand smoke causes approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths and
46,000 heart disease deaths in adult nonsmokers in the United States each
• Fifteen states - Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,
Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio,
Rhode Island, Washington and Vermont - as well as the District of
Columbia and Puerto Rico prohibit smoking in almost all public places and
workplaces, including restaurants and bars. Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota,
Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon and Utah have passed legislation
prohibiting smoking in almost all public places and workplaces, including
restaurants and bars, but the laws have not taken full effect yet.8
How much does it cost????
Approximately $4.50 per pack
1 pack a day
365 days a year
$4.50 * 365 =
$1642.50!!! That equals…
• A 7-day trip for two (air and hotel) to
Miami, FL.
• 11 weeks of groceries
• 6 months of car payments
• 1642 songs from I-tunes
• 445 gallons of gas
Nicotine? What’s this?
• Nicotine is a highly addictive substance
that causes smokers to develop a
physical “need” for more cigarettes.
• A stimulant.
Cigarettes contain what?
• Nearly 4,000 chemicals!!!!
• These include:
–Carbon monoxide
How does it affect the body?
• Throat
• Cilia (tiny hair-like structures that filter air in the
• LUNGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• Heart and circulatory system
– Blood pressure and heart rate rise
• Digestive system
– The risk of stomach ulcers increases
• Nervous system
– The senses of smell and taste are dulled
Most people begin when they are teenagers!
– If you are thinking about smoking, think
again…because nicotine is so addictive, it’s a lot
easier to start smoking than it is to stop!!
Smokeless Tobacco
• Includes
– Chewing tobacco
– Snuff
• The nicotine is still absorbed into the blood
stream and has the same effects on the body
as smoking.
What are the side effects of smokeless
Irritation of the gums
Stained gums and teeth
Tooth loss
Receding gums
Cancer of the lip and jaw.
Good Reasons for Quitting…
• You will live longer and live better.
• Quitting will lower your chance of having a heart attack,
stroke, or cancer.
• If you are pregnant, quitting smoking will improve your
chances of having a healthy baby.
• The people you live with, especially your children, will be
• You will have extra money to spend on things other than
5 steps to QUIT…
• Get ready.
• Get support.
• Learn new skills and behaviors.
• Get medication and use it correctly.
• Be prepared for relapse or difficult situations.
Each year 438,000 people in the USA
die from smoking!!!
That is 1200 people each day!
That means…
50 people just died from
smoking related diseases in
just this class period.