Daily 5 - Dual Language Education of New Mexico

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Daily 5 RTI in a Dual Language Program
Once, not long ago, two fourth grade dual language
teachers cried,
“Dual Language and RTI, too? Our poor, poor children! What
are we to do?”
All of our children have different needs! How can we
provide them with the skills they need to become lifelong readers? How can we carry out RTI successfully?
The teachers built a program to shelter their students. They
wanted each child to be able to speak, read, and write in
both Spanish and English…
Salazar Elementary
4th grade Dual Language
“50-50” model
Switch classes weekly
Switch language of instruction in Science and Social
Studies each quarter
Sheltered instruction in Spanish and English
G.L.A.D. strategies in Science and Social Studies units
No crystal ball could help them…
What do we know about our language learners?
How do we give such diversified students daily
meaningful intervention/s
Triage – “bubble kids” vs. seriously at risk?
What about the proficient readers?
How can we assess our interventions?
What will RTI look/sound like?
English, Spanish, or both?
They spent many a weary hour trying to find the solution
to their dilemma. Then one day, the teachers heard of
two sisters who could help them…
Daily 5 and the Literacy CAFE
Daily 5 is a literacy block structure used to foster
independent readers
 Pioneered by Margaret Moony – New Zealand
reading instruction expert
 Developed by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser
The teachers couldn’t help but agree with the
sisters’ wise words…
In referring to Leinhart, Zigmond, and Cooley, [Boushy
and Moser] agree that,
“The way teachers structure the learning
environment and the way students spend their
time influences the level of reading proficiency
the students have attained at the end of the
year” (Daily 5, pg. 7).
They learned about the Daily 5...
The goal is to create independent readers and
It is based on the “gradual release of
responsibility” model (Pearson and Gallagher, 1983).
Each component of the Daily 5 is modeled and
Instruction is focused on strategies for reading
The teachers wanted their students to feel safe
and supported in their classrooms.
They agreed with the sisters who believe that,
“Trust and meeting basic human needs are a
prerequisite to success with the Daily Five” and that “the
predictable routine of the Daily Five allows children to
be successful and feel safe, even if their lives at home
lack such safety and routine.”
(Boushey and Moser, Daily 5, pgs. 103-104)
The student learns independence
Read to Self
Read to Someone
Work on Writing
Listen to Reading
Word Work
Daily Five Basic Components
Read to yourself:
Good readers practice every day, with self-chosen
books, on a level that is comfortable (just right, good
fit (Allington, Morrow, Krashen, Pressley).
 Read to someone else:
practice strategies and improve fluency and
expression, check comprehension, and be a part of
learners and thinkers.
Daily 5 Basic Components
Work on writing:
Competent writers practice everyday
Listen to reading:
opportunity to listen to good literature and
increase vocabulary
Spelling and word work:
Practice phonics, spelling, grammar depending on
student needs.
Deepening the Daily Five
Once basic classroom routines were established with
the Daily 5, the teachers used the strategies and
structures outlined in The Café Book to deepen
students’ reading skills through differentiation.
The Literacy Café Menu
“I understand what I
“I can read accurately,
with expression, and
understand what I read.”
“I can read the
Expand Vocabulary
“I Know, find, and use
interesting words.”
Café Strategies
Café Boards in Dual Language
The children were each given a strategy to practice.
Meanwhile, the teachers talked to students…
The Daily 5 helps all children…
Regardless of where, and who, they are…
...may not necessarily be a good fit for another.
Classroom Library Supports Students’
Reading Levels and Interests
Three Ways
To Read a
The sisters’ Three Ways to Read a Book amazed and
delighted the children…
1. Read and talk about the pictures.
2. Read the words
3. Retell a previously read book
helpful to ELLS and SLLs to realize there are various
ways of making connections with text and building
develops metacognitive, analytical thinking and
language when you think about how and what you read
Reading the Pictures
Expanding Vocabulary
Phto, film?
What about the data?
STAR data (English and Spanish)
Tesoros Oral Fluency
Student Conferences—informal assessments
But, they were wise enough to listen to the sisters, because their
ultimate goal was to develop life-long readers…
“ We continually remind ourselves that in the face of
the public push for higher test scores, we must not let
ourselves or our students get caught up in a frenzied
- Gail Boushey and Joan Moser
And they all read happily, y leyeron
felices, el resto de sus vidas.