review for exam- unit one

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Transcript review for exam- unit one

Bell ringer
 1) Despite the major differences, Christianity, Hinduism, and
Buddhism all emphasized
A) a strong priesthood
B) clearly organized church structures
C) Hostility to worship of religious images
D) Life after Death
E) mixing political and religious institutions
2) Civilizations developed independently from the three classical
civilizations in
A) northeast Africa
B) Japan
C) the Americas
D) Korea
E) northern Europe
Themes of the THREE civilizations
 China, India, and Mediterranean Region
 Basic themes of the classical period: expansion and
 integrate - Definition
To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify.
 INTEGRATION: Growing/Expanding yet pulling together
by more than just name
 India used religion to integrate and cement people
 China emphasized centralization especially in politics
 Rome emphasizes politics and culture like never before,
offered citizenship to elites, and a tight trade network
among grain growing regions
Social Integration: FAIL
 All three classical civilizations fostered great
inequalities' between men and women AND
between upper and lower class.
 India: Caste System
 China: Confucian sense of hierarchy
 Mediterranean: slavery
 Buddha exception to inequalities: he opposes
Classical World Declines…
 Integration and expansion faltered between 200 and
500 CE.
What’s going on outside of the big three?
 Kush and Axum- active areas 1000 to 300 BCE
 Ethiopians take over 300 BCE
 Ethiopia has strong contacts with eastern
Mediterranean even after the fall
 Ethiopia has oldest continuous monarchy- actually
flourished until 20th century
 For most of Africa below Sahara major
development up to 500 BCE is spread of
agriculture and development of well organized
villages- must like we still see in Africa today
What’s going on outside of the big three?
 Year 200 CE
 Established extensive agriculture
 Regional political organization based on tribal
chiefs evolved
 Each tribal group has its own god, thought of as an
 Ironworking: skipped bronze age and went directly
to iron
 Shintoism: religion of worshipping political rulers
and spirits of nature: i.e. god of rice
What’s going on outside of the big three?
Olmec Culture
800-400 BCE
Indian group called the Olmecs
Lacked writing but produced massive pyramid shaped
religious monuments
 Scientific research produced calendars
 Disappeared without a clear trace in 400 BCE however,
their successors developed Teotihuacan which was the first
great city in the Americas.( Became center of trade and
 From the base of this culture we see the development of the
MAYA from 400 CE onward.
Decline in China
 Combination of internal weaknesses and invasion
 100 CE China- Han dynasty in decline: Huns (central Asian nomadic
group) invaded, politically central gov’t control has diminished,
bureaucrats becoming more corrupt, many lose land, social unrest
increases, Confucian intellectuals less creative and Daoists gains appeal
Daoist leaders: Yellow Turbans promised golden age to be brought
about by divine magic
Another problem: epidemics
Cultural unity threatened as Buddhism spreads throughout China
HOWEVER, China does revive itself near the end of the 6th century
Sui then Tang dynasties- Tang revives Confucianism and bureacratic
Many Hun invaders ultimately assimilate and become a part of Chinese
Decline in India
 500 CE- Hun invaders destroy Gupta empire in
central India
 Many invaders integrate into warrior caste,
forming a new ruling group of regional princes
 Indian culture continues to evolve- Buddhism
declines further and Hinduism gains ground
 600 CE- New invaders- Arab Armies fighting
under the banner of “Allah.” Islam
 Greatly weakens India…Hinduism and the caste
system still survive
Decline of Rome
 Roman Empire exhibits great many symptoms of
decay after about 180 CE.
 Population declining- poverty and depression
 Political confusion leads to weak rulers
 Plagues also sweep the empire
 Constantine who rules from 312 to 337, attempts to
reunite Rome under Christianity- Eastern Rome
and Constantinople remain relatively strong,
western Rome does not
 Germanic invaders ultimately put an end to the
once strong and thriving empire around 476 CE.
Results of the Declines
 The New religious Map- period of decline saw a rapid
expansion of Buddhism and Christianity
 The major religions: Hinduism in India, Buddhism in
east and Southeast Asia, Daoism in China, Christianity
in Europe and parts of the Mediterranean, and
ultimately Islam
The World Around 500 BCE
 Societies in China, India, and the Mediterranean
were trying to revive or rework their old
institutions and values
 New religious map is forming and spreading
 Increased skill in agriculture and new contacts
prepare other parts of the world for new
developments, and THUS, the three centers of
civilization of the CLASSICAL PERIOD would not
dominate to the extent they once did
 In your groups, you are going to pass some review
materials around. Each group has five of each article, I
will switch materials.
 The reason this will really help? This is a more modern
perspective and writing based on ancient events. It
may help clarify the material.
 You will use the graphic organizer to help you organize
the information.
Important Dates
 “prehistory”- 2.5 million – 1000 BCE
 Development of agriculture 9000-5000 BCE
 Neolithic Village- Catal Huyuk 7000 BCE Southern
 Mesopotamia develops 3500 BCE- Sumer, Babylon,
 Egyptian civilization- 3000 BCE
 Indus River Valley- MohenjoDaro 2500 BCE
Important Dates
 The Classical Period : 1000 BCE-500 CE