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Transcript 新人教版(第二版)模块9第2单元Workbook

1 Before listening to the tape, look at the
map below. Then write down which new
places Zheng He might have visited on
his seven voyages.
Zheng He’s Voyage
By 刘超英
By 刘超英
nautical chart
By 刘超英
(Li Huaying = LH, Celia Main = CM)
LH: The most famous Chinese navigator was
Zheng He. He lived from 1371 to 1433 and
made seven voyages around the South China
Sea, across to India and even as far as the
eastern coast of Africa. It was the 600th
anniversary of these voyages in 2005.
CM: Are there other famous Chinese navigators
or is he the only one?
LH: He is the only one we've got evidence for.
CM: So there may have been others?
LH: We don't know. That's because a later
Emperor may have destroyed a lot of
evidence of other voyages.
CM: I see. Where did Zheng He go?
LH: The documents tell us that he was born in
Yunnan. He built a pillar to record his
achievements. It states that he made seven
voyages and visited more than thirty
He said that the Emperor ordered him to
show the strength of Chinese power and
meet "foreigners from beyond the seas". So
he went to unknown places and set up trade.
CM: Tell me about his voyages.
LH: Well, on his first voyage he visited
Calicut in India. The people there were very
impressed and a little frightened when they
saw so many large ships. So the ruler wisely
decided to make friends with these strangers.
He gave Zheng He many scarves made of
gold and decorated with jewels. Then he
entertained him and his men with music and
CM: Did he go to other places?
LH: Yes, on other voyages he visited Champa,
and Sumatra near China, Hormuz, and Aden
in the Persian Gulf and Mogadishu in Africa.
Zheng He opened diplomatic relations with
them and gave them presents.
CM: What did the Chinese offer as gifts?
LH: Zheng He found that foreign kings
particularly admired Chinese porcelain and
silk. So that's why his ships were filled with
those things.
CM: I see. Is that why they say his ships were
so large?
LH: Yes, t suppose so. When he returned from
India he brought a giraffe for the Emperor as a
present. So his ships must have been large.
CM: Some writers say that the ships could carry
as many as 20,000 people altogether.
LH: And other writers say Zheng He was
eight feet tall! We shouldn't believe
everything writers tell us. Obviously they
wanted to show how important Zheng He
was. Undoubtedly the ships were large--- but
perhaps not that large!
CM: I see. That makes sense. Well, thank you
for telling me about Zheng He. He sounds a
fascinating man.
2 Listen to the tape for the first time and tick
those ports and islands mentioned in the text.
Then check to see how many you got right
out of the six in the pre-listening activity.
1 ____________
2 ______________
3 ____________
4 ______________
5 ____________
6 ______________
3 Read the statements and listen to the tape
for the second time. Then complete the chart.
1 He is the only
15th century
Chinese navigator
we know.
No reports of other
navigators for this
period have survived.
2 He came from
Yunnan Province.
It was written in
3 His ships were
very large.
The writers mention
it in the books.
4 He was very
He made seven
voyages and visited
more than thirty
5 Foreign kings
Zheng He remarks how
liked Chinese
much the foreign kings
porcelain and silk. liked porcelain and silk.
6 He returned with 1 He brought a giraffe
for the Emperor from
strange presents for
the Emperor.
2 He brought scarves of
fine gold decorated
with pearls and
precious stones.
4 Listen to the tape for the third time and
finish these sentences so that they show
cause and effect.
1 The Emperor wanted to demonstrate
Chinese power abroad so he sent Zheng
He with a large fleet of ships to visit new
places in neighbouring countries.
2 When he died Zheng He wanted people to
know how successful he had been so he put
up a pillar describing all his achievements.
3 The writers wanted people to believe that
Zheng He's ships were large so that they
would believe that he really had achieved
great things and gone to many foreign
4 The writers wanted people to believe
Zheng He was very important so they
described him as being eight feet tall.
May the strangest argument
The following information given may
help you make your arguments well.
Possible arguments
for the voyages
Possible arguments
against the voyages
Armies to the north of
The government China are a constant and
can remove pirates very real threat. They
from the seas.
had wars with the
Then they can tax Chinese army in the past
the traders more.
and may do so again if
China is not prepared.
The voyages are
very impressive and
make people in
distant lands
recognize the
greatness of China.
To defend China against
the armies from the north
is very costly and needs
many soldiers. There' will
be no money for a fleet.
If we do not
continue the
voyages we will
lose diplomatic and
trading connections.
Sample debate
(Em = Emperor)
Em: Those against the voyages may make
their arguments now.
S 1: Your Excellency, we would like to
suggest that you do not continue with these
voyages. They are expensive and take many
soldiers, who could be protecting Chinese
borders, away on trading expeditions. This
means our people are left exposed to attacks
by armies from the north.
S2: We are a great country and do not need to
trade with other foreign countries to succeed
economically. Selling goods within our
borders is quite enough to secure our future.
So, Your Excellency, there seems to be no
reason to continue these voyages.
Em: Thank you. Now let me hear the
arguments of those who want these voyages
to continue.
S3: Thank you, Your Excellency. These voyages
are very impressive and many people are now
able to recognize the greatness of China. They
help build diplomatic relations with other
countries. What is more, we can co-operate
with other countries to clear the South China
Sea of pirates and other troublesome people.
S4: In addition these links can help us with our
foreign trade. We can sell many things to these
countries. Their rulers often ask for more silk
and porcelain goods and are very eager for our
friendship and co-operation. With our foreign
trade connections we can increase our
position in this area and spread our influence
even wider.
Em: Thank you for your advice. I have thought
for a long time on this matter and I agree that
trade with other countries is good. We can use
this opportunity to spread the greatness of
China and to increase our influence in this
region. It would also help our people if we
cleared the South China Sea of pirates. They
cause difficulties to our fishermen and traders
and hurt many innocent lives. As for
our northern border, I will secure that
by using other troops and make sure we
will be secure in the future. Thank you
for your help. The voyages will
USING words AND expressions
1 Look at each sentence. Complete it with a
word opposite in meaning to the one
underlined in the sentence.
The return voyage was calm, but during the
outward voyage we had one storm after
1 When the dawn appeared and outlined the
African mountains, they were very beautiful,
dusk the mountains appeared dark and
but at ____
very frightening.
2 On the arrival of the Queen of England
everyone bowed, but on her __________
departure .
everyone waved her goodbye instead.
3 Relaxation exercises are a good way to
calm one's mind, but too much exercise
brings too much ________
tension .
4 When climbing the mountain we had to
slow down before we reached the top, but
on the way down we accelerated
_________ all the
5 To buy a new car every year would
represent a life of luxury, but not to have
hardship when there are so
one is no ________
many buses and taxis.
2 Use the words or phrases below in their
proper forms to complete the passage.
survival portable starvation
incident jaws of death compulsory
crew parcel thirst dilemma
psychologically foresee
Last year I had a bad experience in the
jungle of South America. We had set out
portable compass, which was
with a ________
compulsory for locating the source of the
survival on
local river. Our depended _______
our navigating skills, but what nobody
could have ______
foreseen was that we would
break our compass. Without it, I, as leader,
dilemma . Should we
was on the horns of a _______
wait for rescue or continue our expedition and
perhaps get lost? My decision was made when
we counted our food supplies. _________
Starvation was
not going to be a problem, but _______
thirst was
something that we were going to have to deal
psychologically . So we waited where
with ______________
we were. Luckily the police sent a small
parcel of
airplane to find us and drop us a _______
supplies and a new compass. When we
eventually arrived back from our journey,
crew congratulated us on our
the air _______
escape from the ____________
jaws of death . Only their
help combined with our self-control and
incident from
determination prevented this _______
becoming a disaster!
3 Translate the following sentences into
English, using the words and phrase in
1 渐渐地,我习惯了学校的常规。既然我
划了。(gradually; routine)
I have gradually accepted / got used to
the routine at school now that I am in
the advanced class and can make my
own study plan.
2 让那个女孩来拍广告有一个不利条件,
The drawback of using that girl for the
advertising was her square jaw which made
her look unfriendly.
3 数学是一门需要精密准确工作的学科。
Mathematics is a subject which demands
precise and accurate work.
4 在公园里,我看见一个小男孩手持风筝
忽下。(overhead;at the mercy of )
In the park I saw a small boy holding the
string of a kite overhead, which was rising
and falling at the mercy of the wind.
5 那个探险家想成为第一个到达南极的人
That explorer wanted to secure his place in
history by being the first man to reach the
South Pole.
6 王先生每月往银行里存款,好攒钱买
Mr Wang made a deposit into the bank
every month to save for a flat so that he
could fulfil his responsibility to his family.
• Read this passage and then fill in the missing
predicates using the verbs in brackets.
In 1909 a disagreement _____
arose (arise) over
who had been the first person to reach the
North Pole. This geographical point to the
can be found (can, find)
north of the earth ___________
among the ice and snow that _____
floats (float) on
the northern sea. Three men _____
made (make)
the same claim: Frederick Cook, Matthew
Hensen and Robert Peary.
The first to suggest that he ___________
had reached
(reach) the North Pole was Frederick Cook.
His claim was
___ soon found
_____ (find) to be false
when the photographs he _______
had used (use) as
evidence ______
proved (prove) to be fakes. The
second ____
was (be) Matthew Hensen, a black
American explorer of the Arctic. He was the
servant of the third candidate, Robert Peary
had been travelling (travel) with him
and ________________
across the Arctic for twenty years. He _____
(state) that he and Robert Peary had
___ both
______ (reach) the North Pole together.
The American Congress, however, _______
(declare) that Peary was the true winner of this
race to be the first American to reach the
seemed (seem) that although
North Pole. It ______
Hensen and Peary travelled together, Peary
refused (refuse) to allow Hensen to join in his
success. Evidence that Hensen ____
was (be) there
(such as his 110 photographs) all mysteriously
_________ (disappear). It seems we ____
(may) never know exactly which American(s)
reached the North Pole first. But the Inuit ___
(be) certain that they ___________
will be living (live) there
is solved (solve).
long after the problem ________
1 Listen to the tape and put these sentences in
the correct order.
(A) 1 Sindbad spent his money foolishly.
(C) 2 One day he landed on an island.
( I ) 3 He sold his goods and returned home.
(B) 4 He decided to become a merchant.
(D) 5 The island was really a whale.
(G) 6 He was captured.
( F) 7 He drifted to another island.
(H) 8 The king gave him a job.
( E) 9 He was thrown into the sea when the
whale sank.
Once there lived a rich merchant called
Sindbad. One evening as they were eating
dinner, his friends asked him how he had
become so rich. Sindbad smiled. "listen," he
said, "and I'll tell you my adventures. This is
the first one?
"My father was rich but I spent his money
unwisely and was soon left with nothing. At
last I decided to trade in foreign lands. So I
bought some goods and set out. We sailed
many days from island to island. I sold goods
and bought others. Then, at last we came to a
beautiful island and decided to visit it.
The passengers began to make a fire to
cook dinner. We ate and drank happily. Then
I went to explore the island. I had not gone
far when I heard the captain calling us back
to the ship. "Come quickly. This isn't an
island but a giant whale! It has been floating
so long on the sea that sand has settled on its
back and trees have grown there. The fire
woke it up and soon it will sink under the
waves and you'll drown?
Everyone rushed to the ship leaving
everything behind. Some reached it safely but
not all. Suddenly the island shook beneath
our feet and sank under the water. I was
thrown into the sea, but I managed to grab a
piece of wood. Meanwhile the captain set sail,
leaving me alone. I thought I would die!
I drifted on the sea until I came to another
island. I was safe! But my troubles weren't
over, for I was suddenly seized by five men.
They dragged me into bushes and held me
there. Then I noticed that nearby was a horse
tied to a tree. We waited until it grew dark.
Then out of the sea came some enormous
seahorses. They approached the real horse
cautiously while the men rushed out to catch
them. Most escaped but they captured one.
They took me back to the king. Later I found
that they kept the seahorses to produce
strong young horses to sell.
I worked for the king who was good to me.
My job was to tell him of any foreign ship
that came to his island. One day some
foreign merchants came to sell goods.
I asked the captain where he was going. 'Tm
going to Baghdad; he said, "I've some goods
that belonged to a merchant called Sindbad.
I'm taking them back." I couldn't believe my
ears. Immediately I explained who I was,
and proved to them that I WAS Sindbad.
Then I sold my goods and returned to
Baghdad a rich man. This was the first of
my adventures. Come back tomorrow to
hear the second one."
2 Listen to the tape again and answer these
1 Do you think this story could be true? Why?
The story could not be true because:
A whale would not remain still long
enough for trees to grow on its back;
Sea horses do not have the build or size of
real horses;
Sea horses cannot be used to produce
stronger horses than real horses.
2 Which part do you find is the most
The ideas of the students may vary. The
most important thing is to make sure they
have a reason for their ideas.
3 Identify two aspects of animal
behavior that are not true. Why?
These aspects of animal behavior are
not true. Whales resting so long on the
surface of the ocean. Whales have to
keep returning to the surface of the sea
to breathe but then they must return
under the water to keep their skin wet. It
would be impossible for a whale to
remain on the water so long that soil
accumulated and trees grew there.
Sea horses being able to live and move
on land and in the sea. Sea horses are
small creatures made of shell or bone and
about the size of a hand. They have no
legs but move along by pushing their tail
up and down and curling it up between
pushes. Their heads resemble the knights
of chessmen sets.
Sea horses cannot breed with land
horses to produce stronger land horses.
4 What is the coincidence in the story?
Explain it.
The coincidence was that Sindbad met
some people from his home. He wanted to
go home, and they were looking for him.
1 Now that you have read some of Sindbad's
story it is your task to complete it in an
exciting way. First, in pairs, sort out the
structure of the story.
Structure of the Information
1 Beginning
Type of
2 Develop- Place 1 on an unknown island
Sindbad is left behind
happens by the ship, sees a bird
and ties himself to its
leg to escape.
Place 2
on a high hill
Sindbad unties himself
happens and sees the hill is
covered in diamonds.
2 Now in pairs you are going to devise an
ending for the story. Remember that you
want the escape to be as exciting as possible
but without using magic. Be prepared to tell
your ending together to the rest of the class.
3 Ending
Sindbad falls down
a hole and lands on
the beach.
how it ends Ship passing by
rescues him.
Rich (diamonds);
Back to Baghdad
• Now you are ready to make your own Sindbad
story. It will be his third adventure.
Questions given to the students
Where does the story start?
Why does Sindbad leave Baghdad this time?
What happens on the voyage?
Where does the adventure take place?
How does he find riches?
What problem does he have?
How does he escape?
• Sample dialogue
S1: Where do you think Sindbad should go
this time? He seems to have travelled to
tropical islands and other strange places.
Perhaps he should go to Antartica this time.
S2: A good idea. He can set off from Baghdad
and get carried by a strong wind to colder
parts. His ship can be hit by an iceberg and
he is the only survivor on an iceberg.
S1: That sounds wonderful. Which animals
live in Antarctica?
S2: Penguins seem to be the only animals
that live there. Perhaps they can mistake
him for food and drag him across the
ice to their nests.
S1: There he discovers that the penguins
use gold to line their nests and if he can
get some and get away he will become
rich again.
S2: Good thinking. Perhaps another iceberg
can hit the place where the penguins live.
It rocks the nests and releases the gold. In
addition it exposes an old and abandoned
boat covered by ice and snow and
forgotten by its owners. Sindbad can use
that to sail back to Baghdad.
S1: Great! Let's get writing.
Now begin to write your own Sindbad
story. Use the stories you have read and heard
to improve your writing. Follow the process
set out below (given in the text book p.65).
• Sample Writing
One warm sunny day Sindbad was sitting
in its Baghdad home when a messenger came
banging on his door. He carried a letter from
the government begging Sindbad to join an
expedition bound for the islands where he
had earlier found so many diamonds. He
quickly agreed.
The day he set sail was fine and the wind
strong. It carded the ship rapidly out of the
harbor and into the open sea. Once there it
changed into a howling gale which tore at
the ship's sails and dragged it southwards.
The sailors were very frightened and went
below for safety but Sindbad remained on
deck looking at the waves. It was lucky he
did, for no sooner had the sailors gone
below than the ship hit an enormous iceberg
and immediately sank. All were drowned
except Sindbad who was able to crawl onto
the iceberg before his ship sank. He lay
there in fear for some hours. Later he
became so hungry that he was forced to
move around on the iceberg searching for
food. But, alas, only penguins live in
Antarctica so Sindbad remained hungry.
Just as he had curled himself up into a
ball to try and go to sleep and forget his
problems, he felt himself being pulled
across the ice. A large penguin was towing
him like a boat behind it and towards a large
nest. Inside the nest he placed the terrified
Sindbad, next to three small baby penguins.
The mother penguin then began to feed the
babies and kept trying to peck Sindbad and
remove some flesh from his body. This
action was extremely painful and to avoid it
Sindbad tried to hide in the bottom of the
nest. As he did so, he noticed that the bottom
of the nest shone with a yellow glow and as
he explored further he soon found that the
glow came from gold. It seemed that the
penguins lined their nests with gold!
Sindbad struggled to collect some gold for
himself but his efforts were in vain. Then
suddenly an iceberg hit the place where the
nest lay so firmly that the nest broke apart,
the gold was revealed and the penguins were
thrown into the sea. Sindbad grabbed the gold
and looked around for a means of escape.
Suddenly he saw the unmistakable outline
of a ship covered by ice and snow but still
seaworthy. Sindbad quickly uncovered it
and seizing the oars began to row to the
north. Before too long he was picked up
by another ship and returned to Baghdad,
covered in glory and rich once again.