Keith Filzen - The Security Network

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Who We Are

 Founded in 1951 in San Diego, Calif.

 Public since 1959 – NYSE: CUB  Employs more than 7,400 people worldwide  $1.0+ billion annual revenue (FY 2009)  $2.2 billion total backlog (FY End 2009)  Business Segments:   Defense Transportation

Cubic Corporation

Global Presence

Systems and services provided to more than 50 nations/territories

Cyber Competencies

Full Spectrum Information Assurance

•Compliance, Risk Management, SATE (Security Awareness, Training, and Education), Cryptography & Key Management, Network Security, Vulnerability Assessment, Organization Security Programs (Governance, Policy, Strategy), Continuity Of Operations, Data Lifecycle Management/Data Loss Prevention

Life Cycle System Security Engineering

•System Security Architecture, Design, Engineering, Development, Integration, Disposition, with emphasis on Cross Domain Technologies

Advanced Analytics & Forensics

•Network & Disk Forensics, Network, Host, Application Analytics, Security Metrics, Data & Intelligence Analysis, Open Source Intelligence, Malware Research

Controlled Interfaces

• XD products are hardware/software-based cyber product necessary for Accredited Cross-Domain LOW2HIGH™ and HIGH2LOW™ solutions. Next generation will have 40GB throughput speeds.

Platform Integrity

•Secure software development, Software assurance (kernal, compiler, hypervisor), Software Quality, Accredited Testing & Evaluation Labs, Hardware Encapsulation & Acceleration, Microcode/Microprocessor assurance, Virtualization

Cross-Domain Solutions

• Common Cross-Domain Framework (CCDF) that can span all security domains while providing network transparency to the user(s) and applications at various security and caveat levels. Solution takes current best-of-breed, commercially available technologies and applies them to solving traditional cross domain collaboration challenges by implementing technology that is intermediary and provides the foundation for merging legacy applications. Leverages world class products like XD2500 and XD1000

Logical and Physical Access Control

•Access Control Systems to include installation, and management. Hybrid logical and physical access control integration. Identity management solutions.

Cubic Proprietary


Data Integrity

 Which is worse (you don’t know what you don’t know)   External Threats Internal Threats  Where do you spend you security budget  Hard outer shell  Gooey Inside


      What type, how critical is it (CIA Triangle)  IP, Short term, Long Term, … How much money and resources do you want to apply Do you have a key management strategy Need-to-Know Role based access – Do your administrators have the ability to grant but not access data Structured and Unstructured  Databases, Files, Audi, Video

Data in the Enterprise

  Do you have a key management strategy What Real Estate do you own, lease, outsource Cloud Backups Ever thought about Key management What about Meta Data HSM Global Name Spaces Are we really just talking Need-to-Know Can I recover it Things can get ridiculous

Integrity - Transit

    What real estate do you own  Point to point Ipsec  Harder, easily detected, $$$  SSL Universal access Can I recover it Who do I trust, and is it different based upon where I am and what events are happening

What We do – Trust Boundary

  Common Cross Domain Framework  Provides the front end access in / out  Location and Identity based access  Internal vs. External  Inbound vs. Outbound  Differing security connections based up who, what, when, where   Obscurity Virtualization separation from the client XD Cross Domain Products  One-Way Transfer Guards     Fips Connections Virus, Malware, and content filtering One-Way proxy for data, application and streaming content Publishing / Subscribing concept, allowing flow vcontrol on need-to-know information

Keith Filzen, CTO [email protected]
