Transcript FILE

On the Social Responsibility of
A modern day Walden
The Panel
Bruce Potter – Moderator
Simple Nomad
J0hnny Long
Rick Dakan
Why these guys?
A diverse cross section of the hacker/security subculture
Already familiar with a variety of charities
The Structure
15 minutes per topic
Expect the speakers to disagree
If not, throw something
Please participate
Topic 1: What is a hacker?
Haven’t we defined this already?
Hacker vs. cracker
Hacker as “technological explorer”
Hacker as “evil attacker”
Hacker as “person that gets loaded on every few months in
various cities”
Have things changed enough to require us to try and
redefine hacker (or go back to an older definition)?
What is the relationship between hackers, the “security
community”, and academic security researchers?
Topic 2: What positive activity has the
hacker community had to date?
Remember Hactivism?
What are other organized attempts have their been to
organize the hacker community to accomplish things?
Do the “bad” things hackers have done outweigh the
“good”? Or vice versa?
Has the hacker community made a positive gain in the
computer security field?
Topic 3: Are there “greater goods” that
are security related?
Oversight over corp / gov’t
Improvement in technology
Resource for public awareness
The union of technology and civil liberties
Topic 4: What can the people in this room
do to help achieve the greater good?
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