
The formation and reform of
laws concerning the hacking of
Peter Timusk B.Math
Third year Law student
For LAWS4305 October 9th, 2003
Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Definition of Hacking
R.C.M.P.:The term computer "hacker" refers to an individual who,
via a modem or some other computer communications device,
circumvents computer security and breaks into a computer system.
"Hacking" could be roughly equated to a break and enter. A
"hacker"can steal data, sabotage information, or do nothing but
browse.[ R.C.M.P. Web site <> (cited fall 2000)]
Origin of the term hacker
Originated at MIT university as a compliment for
programmers who got the computers to work using
ad hoc techniques. Unlike computer criminals, no
crimes were comitted, instead these programers
worked strange hours. In a way a positive deviation
became a criminal label. Many early computer
owners not just teenagers tried to break into larger
systems using a modem.
Good vs. Bad
Hacker v. Cracker
To avoid criminalizing
computer hobbyists who were
using computers in the 1970's
and 1980's such as Steve Jobs,
or Bill Gates, the term Cracker
was introduced to mean
someone who broke into a
password guarded system or
software. i.e. Cracked the
This didn't really stop the
criminal connotations of
hacker from developing in the
[Sterling, B. "The Hacker Crackdown" 1992, (electronic version) updated
July 1998.
White Hat v. Black
The new division meaning
someone who does good
things by hacking, the white
hat hacker; or someone who
commits crimes by hacking,
the black hat hackers.[Crume, J., Inside
Internet Security, What Hackers Don't Want You To Know (Don Mills,
ON: Addison-Wesley, 2000)]
Ethical hackers would be
white hats.
Sections of Criminal Code
concerning hacking.
Unauthorized use of computer
342.1(1) Every one who, fraudulently and without colour of right,
(a) obtains, directly or indirectly, any computer service,
(b) by means of an electro-magnetic, acoustic, mechanical or other device, intercepts or
causes to be intercepted, directly or indirectly, any function of a computer system,
(c) uses or causes to be used, directly or indirectly, a computer system with intent to commit
an offence under paragraph (a) or (b) or an offence under section 430 in relation to data or a
computer system, or
(d) uses, possesses, traffics in or permits another person to have access to a computer
password that would enable a person to commit an offence under paragraph (a), (b) or ©
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten
years, or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
The problems with the law and/or enforcement of the laws.
Behind the times, new crimes come along
and the courts and the law are slow to react.
Severity is driven by economics of Hi-Tech,
i.e. Ten years in jail for vandalising the white
house web site.
Very hard to find and prove... someone who
hacked a computer; requires computer
forensics as a science.
A teenager can do significant damage to
electronic commerce. Power relationships?
The sentence for hacking on 'the books' and in reality.
Charges thrown out because of bad
evaluation of damages, the 911 case.
3 years probabation, and community service
for the first Internet Worm.
Usually community service, case of mafia
Sentencing will find an equilibrium for new
Victimisation Reporting Rates
“The FBI's National Computer Crimes Squad estimates that
between 85 and 97 percent of computer intrustions are not
detected. In a recent test sponsored by the Department of
Defense that statistics were startling. Attempts were made to
attack a total of 8932 systems participating in the test. 7860
of those systems detected the attacks and only 19% of the
managers reported the attacks.”[(Richard Power, Current and Future Danger: A
CSI Primer on Computer Crime and Information Warfare, Computer Security Institute, 1995) in D.
Icove, K. Seger, & W. VonStorch, Computer Crime, A Crimefighters Handbook, ( Sebastopol, CA:
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1995]
How Dangerous are Hackers?
Crashing bank or stock market computers
Releasing private credit card information
Organising on the Internet for protests
Terrorist plans hidden in digital photographs
Hydro plants shutdown by hackers
Personal information exposed
Corporate espionage
EMP bombs to “knock out” computer installations
Viruses to stop email service
Denial of service attacks
Source [Schwartau, W.,Information warfare : chaos on the electronic superhighway (New York,
NY: Thunder's Mouth Press, 1994)[This book gives the larger picture. While some of the crimes
this book describes have not occurred, so is speculative, it does offer warnings and techniques
for prevention.]]
You are the victim
Virus destroys your
essay the day before
you print it up and
hand it in.
How would you
place blame?
How would you
report this crime?
Would you get
Another student, a
hacker, gets your
essay file, destroys
your copy and hands
it in as theirs.
How could you
prove it was yours?
Would this happen?
The voluntary sector
enforcement partnerships: The
Cyber Angels
Voluntary organisation concerned with
making the Internet safe for children
concentrates on policing child pornography
but also does work concerning computer
security and anti-hacker work.
Is a partner with law enforcement does not
work on its own.
The commercial sector
enforcement partnerships: IBM
Suggestions for security to end users and
Gives advice on computer security
Has computer security services for sale
Sells and makes computer security devices
Gives away computer security books and
promotes computer security to do business in
computer security provision.
The future and suggestions for
The new crimes find new laws. Are the first laws the
best? Should we not study this further before
making the laws? Are we being to harsh for the
amount of deviation involved? Couldn't a computer
skilled offender help with a community groups
computer problems? As such, community service
orders should and is likely to be the sentence given.