EMT 2.0 Provider Training

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Transcript EMT 2.0 Provider Training

July 16, 2012
If you are a staff member who at some
point in your career may need to:
 Enter
An event or med error report form this
training is for you.
Goal of Today’s Training
Establish the EMT reporting
criteria & process
Consistently communicate &
implement the process with DD
facilities, DD contracted
providers and TCM entities
Purpose of Today’s Training
To teach you when to complete an Event
Management Tracking Form.
To teach you how to complete the new
Event Management Tracking Forms.
To teach you how to review an Event
Management Tracking Form.
9 CSR 10-5.206
Report of Events
This rule prescribes the
procedures for documenting,
reporting, analyzing and
addressing certain events that
affect individuals in services
that are licensed, certified or
funded by DMH.
History of Reporting
Prior to 10-1-2006 the Department had
independent systems of data collection for
state facilities.
10-1-2006 a centralized system was
introduced for use by the Department of
Mental Health (CIMOR-EMT)
7-16-12 is the projected date for using the
new DD EMT Reportable Categories &
Why Do We Report?
Information is collected around the
individuals we serve and used in a variety
of ways.
Risk Prevention & Management
Center for Medical Services
Mental Health Commission
Licensure & Certification
Regional Offices & State Operated
Definition of a Reportable Event
Those specific incidents that were
or have actual or potential adverse
or medication errors that reach the
Reportable Categories
Instead of using 30+
reportable “incident types”
we are classifying reportable
events into 8 categories.
Reportable Category #1
Report all events where there is a
report, allegation or suspicion of:
Misuse of funds/property
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Verbal Abuse
Reportable Category #2
Report All
Emergency Room Visits
Unscheduled hospitalizations
Deaths of individuals served by DD
Med Errors that reach an individual
Incidents of Falls
Uses of Emergency Procedures
Reportable Category #3
Report all events where there is
Law Enforcement involvement
when the individual is either
the victim, alleged perpetrator,
or law enforcement is called as
a support in the event.
Reportable Category #4
Report all events that result in
disruption of DMH service due
to fire, theft or natural disaster;
resulting in extensive property
damage or loss.
Reportable Category #5
Report all events where there
is sexual conduct involving a
individual and it is alleged,
suspected or reported that
one of the parties is not a
consenting participant.
Reportable Category #6
Report all events where there is any
threat or action, verbal or nonverbal, which conveys a significant
risk of immediate harm or injury
and results in reasonable concern
that such harm will actually be
Reportable Category #7
Report all events where the
individual ingests a non-food
Reportable Category #8
Report all events that result in a
need for an individual to receive
life saving intervention or
emergency medical/psychiatric
Timelines for Reporting
Immediate Notification to DMH-DD
Abuse/Neglect or Misuse of
Consumer Funds/Property
Critical Events
Death of DMH-DD individual
DD-Employee Misconduct
Timelines for Reporting
All other events require written
notification within next
business day of event or
discovery of event.
Event Report
Med Error Report
How to Review the EMT
Ensure completeness
Identify reports, allegation or
suspicion of A/N
Identify critical events
Worksheet Scenarios
Work in groups to do the following…
Read the brief description and decide as a group
which event:
Requires an EMT form to be completed?
Identify the Reportable Category establishing the
criteria for completing the EMT form.
If a form is required which form/s are to be
Should the EMT report be flagged for A/N or
Event Scenarios
Complete Med Error Form
Complete an Event Form &
Submitting EMT Report Forms
Some Regional Offices ask that
you submit to TCM.
Some Regional Offices ask that
you submit directly to the
Regional Office.