Transcript gd7student

• Your gender (male/female)
• Common word for sexual intercourse
Physically attractive.
• Sensually pleasing.
• Personal preferences vary with regard to what is
• Our images are affected by society through media,
advertising, movies, etc.
• The way one feels about him/herself as a male or
female and the way he/she communicates these
feelings to the outside world.
• How one expresses one’s own sexual feelings
and self-image.
• The emotional, physical, psychological, and
societal aspects of being male or female.
What is Puberty?
• It is the time when our bodies change toward
an adult body.
– Start to develop new feelings and interests
– Start to make sperm cells in boys
– Start to release egg cells in girls
What is Puberty?
Sperm and egg cells are necessary to make a new human
sperm + egg = baby
What will I look like when I grow up?
That depends mostly on your HEREDITY, the GENES you got when an egg
cell and a sperm cell from your birth parents came together to make the cells
that developed into you
What will I look like when I grow up?
• Genes mostly determine how tall you will grow, the colour of your hair,
the size and shape of your breasts and your overall body shape.
• Other things that affect our body are the foods we eat, how active we
are and how much sleep we get.
When do changes happen?
– anywhere between 8 and 17
– most people begin between the ages of 10 and 14
– when you start makes no difference to how you
– no age is better any other one
– girls usually begin puberty before boys
• For some, most of the changes happen in a few years
• For some, changes happen slowly over lots of years
What causes these changes?
• Hormones – chemical messengers that travel in the
blood stream from the place where they are made
(called glands) to the place where they do their work
• Each hormone has a specific job
• The pituitary gland, deep inside your brain, gets things
started. It sends out hormones to our sex organs to get
them to start making sex hormones
What causes these changes?
• It is the sex hormones that make the changes that
cause children’s bodies grow into adult bodies.
• Both boys and girls make the same sex hormones.
The main ones are testosterone and estrogen
• Boys make lots of testosterone, not so much estrogen
• Girls make lots of estrogen, not so much testosterone
How can the changes experienced in puberty affect
relationships with family and others?
Hormones Cause Changes in the Male
FSH travels through the bloodstream and targets the testicles. FSH
stimulates the testicles which causes the testicles to produce sperm. With
sperm production, the male hormone testosterone is produced which causes
the changes in the male.
FSH (hormone from brain)
produce sperm
testosterone produced
males changes occur
Hormones Cause Changes in the Female
FSH travels through the bloodstream and targets the ovaries. FSH stimulates the
egg cells to mature which causes the egg cells to produce estrogen. Estrogen
causes the changes in the female.
FSH (hormone from brain)
release egg cell
estrogen produced
female changes occur
What changes happen to boys?
• Grow taller and heavier
• Bones grow bigger and heavier
• Nose and jaw get bigger and
face gets longer
• Get more muscles
• Hair and skin can become oily
and you may get pimples
• Body sweats more
• Hair grows on the face, under
the armpits, around the genitals
(pubic hair).
What changes happen to boys?
• May get more hair on arms,
legs and chest.
• Voice gets deeper
• Penis and testicles grow
• Scrotum changes
• May have mood swings, sexual
thoughts and feelings
• Breasts may show some growth
Puberty in Males
broad shoulders
facial hair
voice deepens
chest hair
underarm hair
sperm produced
pubic hair
ejaculation of
Male Reproductive System
seminal vesicle
prostate gland
vas deferens
cowper’s glands
rectum (anus)
testicle (testes)
The Circumcised and Uncircumcised Penis
What are the sex organs?
• the tube through which urine and semen leaves the
boy’s body
• tube-like muscular organ that hangs outside the body
• becomes enlarged and erect when sexually aroused
• come in all sizes and shapes, determined by our genes
testicles or testes
• usually two, one hangs lower
• produces testosterone
• where sperm are made
• bag of skin that holds testicles
• keeps them at right temperature to make sperm, slightly
cooler than body’s temperature
• gets bigger and baggier and turns a darker colour
seminal vesicles
• pair of glands which add a sugary
nourishing fluid to the sperm
• holds urine
vas deferens
• tube carrying sperm from each testicle to the
prostate, cowper’s glands, seminal vesicles
and the urethra
prostate gland
• produces a milky, chemical fluid which
forms part of the semen
• sac of tubes on the surface of each testicle which
stores and transports sperm to the vas deferens
cowper’s gland
• pair of glands that produce a clear, sticky fluid
that appears at the tip of the penis during sexual
Male Reproductive System
An erection is caused
by blood entering the
penis. Semen, when
released near or in the
vagina, enters into the
female reproductive
vas deferens
seminal vesicle
prostate gland
Fluid from the
prostate gland,
cowpers gland, and
the seminal vesicle
are added to the sperm
to form semen.
Sperm are produced
in the testes.
The scrotum contracts
when it’s cold and
sags when it’s hot to
keep sperm
production at the
correct temperature.
What can cause an erection?
• Boys get their first erections before they
are born!
• Boys get erections for all kinds of reasons.
They might happen if they:
– Are thinking about something sexy
– When they wake up in the morning and
have to urinate
– When they are relaxed
– When they are anxious or frightened
– For no reason at all
How does the semen come out?
• If semen is going to come
out, the penis is likely to
be erect
• A penis gets erect when
blood rushes into it
• Muscles push the semen
into the urethra and out
the penis
• This is called an
When does ejaculation happen?
• If a boy wakes up and finds a wet, sticky spot on
his bedclothes semen came out when he was
sleeping. This is called a “wet dream” or
nocturnal emission.
• If a boy touches or rubs his penis, it can become
erect and if stimulated enough, semen comes out.
This is called masturbation.
• Some boys have wet dreams, some don’t
• Some boys masturbate, some don’t - it is quite
common but it’s a matter of personal choice
What happens on the inside?
• Hormones from the pituitary make the testicles
grow and they start making more testosterone and
producing sperm
• After puberty, males make 200,000 - 400,000
sperm cells a day for the rest of your life
• Sperm build up in tubes around the testicles
• During ejaculation, they travel along some tubes
and mix with fluids from glands and leave the body
Does penis size matter?
• Testicles grow first so the penis may look as if it
is shrinking, it isn’t.
• It can take a while for a penis to grow.
• Penises come in all sizes and shapes and
colours. They vary how they curve and stick out
when erect.
• Penises, when erect, are more alike in size than
when they are soft.
• Size doesn’t matter as they all work regardless
of size.
The Male Reproductive System
First, _________
sperm are produced in the small seminiferous tubules of the
These oval-shaped glands are protected by a sac called
the ____________.
After the sperm cells are produced, they are stored in a
large coiled tube on the outer surface of each testicle called the
From this tube the sperm go into a larger tube called the
which eventually carries them to the external male
reproductive organ, the _________.
Along the way, sperm are nourished by a
sugary fluid from the ________
a chemical fluid from the
seminal ___________,
prostate which is the most common site of cancer in men, and fluid from
the _________
glands which are two small glands, located near the
cowper’s _________,
bladder. These fluids plus the sperm cells combine to form semen which is
ejaculated from the penis during _________.
Before a man can ejaculate, the
spongy tissue surrounding the penis becomes engorged with blood causing
erection The tube
the penis to become stiff and hard. This is known as an _________.
that carries the semen from the body is the ________.
urethra This tube also carries
urine from the bladder. Males can also have uncontrolled ejaculations
emissions or wet dreams.
nocturnal __________,
during sleep, which are called ___________
What changes happen to girls?
• Get taller and heavier
• Bones grow bigger and
• Hips get wider and more
• Face changes shape
• Voice gets a little deeper
What changes happen to girls?
• Hair grows under the armpits,
around the genitals (pubic
• Hair on arms and legs grows
• Breasts and nipples get larger
• Body sweats more
• Internal and external sex
organs grow
• May have mood swings,
sexual thoughts and feelings
Puberty in Females
underarm hair
breasts develop
waistline slims
hips broaden
pubic hair
menstruation (period)
What causes these changes?
• Hormones – chemical messengers
that travel in the blood stream from the
place where they are made (called
glands) to the place where they do
their work.
• Each hormone has a specific job.
• The pituitary gland, deep inside your
brain, gets things started. It sends out
hormones to our sex organs to get
them to start making sex hormones.
What causes these changes?
• It is the sex hormones that make
the changes that cause
children’s bodies grow into adult
• Both boys and girls make the
same sex hormones. The main
ones are testosterone and
• Boys make lots of testosterone,
not so much estrogen.
• Girls make lots of estrogen, not
so much testosterone.
Female Reproductive System
fallopian tubes
uterine lining
What are the female sex organs?
• These parts are also called the reproductive organs and
genitals. The parts on the inside are:
• Sometimes called the womb.
• Muscular organ about the size of
a pear.
• Where developing baby, called a
fetus, grows and is fed.
• Where the period comes from.
• Warm, soft, moist passageway
joining outside and uterus.
The parts on the inside are:
Fallopian tubes
• Narrow tubes between the uterus
and the ovary.
• Glands that make egg cells and
female sex hormones.
• The lower part of the uterus.
• Makes mucus to keep sperm alive.
• Has opening where sperm enter
uterus and where the baby comes
out of the uterus.
The parts on the outside are:
The parts on the outside are:
• The area of soft skin between a female’s legs.
• Small organ made of nerves and tissue.
• At the top where the lips join.
• Only the tip is on the outside, the rest is
hidden inside.
• Sensitive to touch. Can feel tingly and
• Soft folds of skin that cover the inner parts
• Grow darker and bigger at puberty.
The parts on the outside are:
• Not a sex organ.
• Tiny opening that urine comes out from
the bladder.
Vaginal opening
• Entrance to the vagina.
• Thin piece of skin that may cover part of
the opening to the vagina.
• Often small or missing.
• Between the two cheeks of the buttocks.
• It is where bowel movements come out.
The Female Reproductive System
egg _______
cells are produced in two almond-shaped organs known as the
First, _____
During the process of ______________,
a mature egg (________)
tubes For a few days the
released and enters one of two _______________
egg cell travels towards the pear-shaped _________.
The lining of this organ
thickens in preparation for a fertilized egg. If the egg is not fertilized by the male
cell it will leave the body with the lining of the uterus and a small
menstruation The lower portion of the uterus
amount of blood. This is called _____________.
is called the _________
and is a common site of cancer in women. The female
organ of intercourse is the _______.
A circular fold of skin is usually present at
hymen Outside of this organ are folds
the entrance to this organ and is called the _______.
of skin covered with pubic hair known as the _______.
Between these skin folds is
clitoris The development of the
a small, round, sensitive area of skin called the _______.
estrogen and ____________,
reproductive system is triggered by the hormones ________
which cause many physical changes in a girl. This period of change is called
• Girls are born with hundreds of
thousands of tiny eggs, called ova – one
is called an ovum.
• These egg cells are only half formed.
• At puberty, hormones tell the ovaries it
is time to start releasing ova.
• Usually one egg at a time matures
(develops) and is released from an
• At the same time, the uterus starts to
grow a thick lining on the inside wall.
• The lining has lots of tiny blood vessels.
• The lining is there to protect and feed an
egg that has combined with a sperm to
form a fertilized egg.
• If an egg does not meet a sperm, the
lining is not needed.
• It breaks up.
• Mixed with some blood, the
disintegrated egg comes out the uterus
into the vagina and then out the vaginal
• This is called menstruation but lots of
females just call it their period.
• If a woman is not pregnant, then her
ovary will release another egg, the
lining builds up and, if the egg is not
fertilized, she has another period.
• This is called the menstrual cycle.
The Menstrual Cycle
Days 1-5:
Menstruation occurs and the
lining of the uterus, with a
small amount of blood, leaves
the body. At this time another
egg is maturing in the ovary.
Days 6-15:
Days 16-28:
If the egg is fertilized by the
male sperm cell, it embeds
itself in the wall of the uterus.
If the egg is not fertilized, the
blood vessels in the wall of
the uterus shrink and break
down. Then menstruation
begins again.
The lining of the uterus repairs
itself and once again prepares
for a fertilized egg. Around
days 13 to 15, an egg is
released from an ovary. This is
When a doctor asks what
day of your cycle you are
at, you count the first day
of your last menstrual
cycle as Day 1.
When will Menstruation Begin?
• No one can tell exactly when it will start.
• Many girls get some white or yellow stuff on their underwear.
• It is mucus and tells the girl that her period is coming sometime
within the next year.
How long will the bleeding last?
• Each female is different. It can vary from 3 – 8 days.
• During a period a girl will only lose a few tablespoons to about half a cup
of blood in that time – not a lot.
How often will I get a period?
• At first there may not be any pattern to
when you will get your next period.
• Some women never have a regular
• Most women eventually have a regular
cycle – they know approximately when
their next period will happen.
• The length of a cycle is from the first
day of bleeding one month to the first
day of bleeding the next time it
• Each person is different so some
women may have a period every 23
days, some every 28 days and some
every 35 days.
Lots of girls keep a calendar
to help them keep track of when they
have their period
and how long it lasts.
Pads and Tampons
Females use pads or tampons to catch the blood that comes from the vagina.
Sanitary pads are made of material that absorbs the blood and have a sticky
strip on one side to hold the pad to the underwear and come in a variety of
sizes and shapes.
A tampon is a small plug of material that fits inside the female’s vagina to
absorb the blood.
Some girls like to use tampons, especially if they are doing physical activities
and it also allows the female to go swimming.
Some girls only use pads.
Breasts Development
• Your genes determine the size and shape
of breasts.
• The size does not affect how much milk a
mother can make to feed a baby.
• The first thing you may notice is a bump
behind the nipple.
• Then there will be swelling underneath
• The nipple area gets darker.
• Breasts grow slowly and one side may be
• They may feel sore at times while they are
The Process of Fertilization
4. The baby
will be
attached to
the lining of
the uterus by
the umbilical
cord. The
baby gets the
food, oxygen,
and nutrients
needed to
survive and
grow, through
the umbilical
cord. If
occurred, that
indicates no
pregnancy, as
the egg would
have no place
to implant
Sperm meet
the egg in the
fallopian tube,
many sperm
try to
penetrate the
3. The egg
continues to
divide (grow)
and embeds
itself in the
lining of the
1. Sperm
enters the egg
which means
has occurred
occurs in the
fallopian tube.
2. Egg splits
which means
the baby is
beginning to
Signs of Pregnancy
A female may suspect she is pregnant from one or more of the following signs:
• Missed period
• Nausea
• Change in appetite
• Swelling/soreness of breasts
• Frequent urination
• Fatigue
• Increased vaginal discharge
Pregnancy Tests
• Examination by a physician
• Urine test
• Blood test
• These tests check for the level of a hormone called HCG (Human Chorionic
Gonadotropin) which is produced by the embryo and placenta and will only be present
in a pregnant female.
Cycle of Life
Puberty is the term used to describe the changes that your body begins to experience
between the ages of 8 and 17. People will experience these changes at an earlier or a
later age. These changes include physical growth, the development of pubic hair and in
females, getting a period.
progesterone in females and
Puberty is controlled by hormones, __________
and _____________
testosterone in males. Hormones are chemical messengers inside the body that cause
changes externally and internally.
eggs are produced in the ________.
Ovulation is the word used to describe
The ______
fallopian ______.
when a mature egg (ovum) is released and enters one of the two __________
For a few days the egg cell travels toward the pear-shaped _______.
uterus The lining of the
uterus (endometrium) thickens in preparation for a fertilized egg.
sperm cell it will leave the body together with
If the egg has not been fertilized by a _______
the lining of the uterus and a small amount of blood. This process is called
The length of time from the beginning of one menstrual cycle to the
beginning of the next cycle is on average, twenty-eight days. Often, when a female gets
her period, she experiences feelings of discomfort, such as cramping. These feelings
will vary from person to person and may be alleviated by mild exercise.
Cycle of Life (…continued)
During intercourse, when the penis is inserted into the vagina, sperm are ejaculated into
the vagina. Sperm travel through the cervix into the uterus and up to the fallopian tubes.
Many sperm cells may meet the egg, however, only one sperm cell will penetrate the
egg’s surface. This process is called _____________.
The _________(sperm
and egg
joined together) makes its way through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. The
endometrium (lining of the uterus) in a
embryo then embeds itself itself deep into the _____________
process called _____________.
If the embryo successfully implants, then the menstruation does not occur and the
misses her period. This is the first sign that she is ________.
pregnant Pregnancy is
female ________
measured from the _______
day of the last menstrual cycle. When a baby is at term
(fully grown) forty weeks have passed since that day.
Human Growth Knowledge Challenge
Please answer TRUE or FALSE
F Boys produce sperm about once a month.
1. _____
T Boys experience erections at unpredictable times.
2. _____
T A wet dream is a signal that the body is now producing sperm.
3. _____
F The fluid released during an ejaculation is made up of sperm and urine.
4. _____
F The penis is composed of bone, spongy tissue, and many blood vessels.
5. _____
T Generally a man’s left testicle hangs down slightly lower than his right,
6. _____
although both are the same size.
F Masturbation can cause physical and mental harm.
7. _____
T There is no “right” time to begin dating. You should discuss this
8. _____
with your family.
T There is no relationship between the size of the penis and
9. _____
reproductive ability.
10. _____ It is sometimes hard for parents and their children to discuss issues
concerning sex.
Human Growth Knowledge Challenge continued
Please answer TRUE or FALSE
11. _____
Once a month a girl releases an egg that travels through the fallopian tube
towards the uterus. This is called ovulation.
T During menstruation, the uterus sheds a thick, blood filled lining.
12. _____
13. _____
Exercise is bad for a girl during her period.
14. _____
Fertilization is when the egg and sperm unite (join).
15. _____
It is possible to say “no” to having a date with someone but still be friends.
16. _____
If a girl is not menstruating by the time she is 14, something is wrong with
17. _____
It is common for a girl to have one breast slightly bigger than the other.
T There are no perfect female measurements.
18. _____
19. _____
During puberty, a girl may notice some white discharge from her
F If a person has a question about sex, the best place to get an answer is
20. _____
from a friend.
Human Growth Vocabulary Challenge
Place the correct letter in the blank to the left. Letters may only be used once.
U 1. testosterone
W 2. fetus
A. brings urine and semen out of body through the penis
S 3. semen
Y 4. fertilization
C. when the penis becomes engorged with blood and hard
C 5. erection
E. glands that produce the egg cells and hormones
B 6. prostate gland
F. first two months of development in the uterus
E 7. ovaries
G. organ that nourishes the fetus
O 8. egg cells
H. stores sperm cells
Q 9. cervix
I. female organ of intercourse; birth canal
B. adds a chemical fluid to the semen
D. where fertilization takes place
L 10. seminal vesicles J. female erectile tissue between the labia
T 11. testes
X 12. vas deferens
K. houses the fetus during pregnancy
R 13. ejaculation
M. folds of skin outside of the vagina
L. adds a sugary fluid to semen
Human Growth Vocabulary Challenge continued
14. puberty
N. a hormone produced in the ovaries
15. scrotum
O. cells produced in the ovaries
16. vagina
P. cells produced in the testes
17. Fallopian tubes
Q. entrance to the uterus
18. embryo
R. when the semen leaves the penis
19. estrogen
S. fluid ejaculated from the penis
20. uterus
T. organ that produces sperm
21. labia
U. male hormone
22. epididymis
V. begins at about age 12 or 13
23. urethra
W. last 7 months of prenatal development
24. clitoris
X. tube that carries sperm from testes
25. sperm cells
Y. sperm cell joins egg cell.
26. placenta
Z. sac that regulates the temperature of the testes
• The personal choice to avoid engaging in sexual
• Means not having vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
• Means not having skin to skin sexual activity (even
without penetration).
• It is 100% safe in preventing pregnancy and stis
As educators, we are encouraging abstinence
for many of the following reasons:
Avoid STI’s
No risk of pregnancy
Early sexual activity is linked to cervical cancers
Sexual activity can change friendships and relationships
Can have a positive impact on your future (education, career,
ability to have children, quality of life and a healthy lifestyle,
• Positive self-esteem
What are some of the emotional considerations to think about when
discussing with your partner, abstinence vs. sexual activity?
Sexual Harassment
• Any unwanted and/or uninvited remark, gesture,
sound, or action, of a sexual nature, that makes you
feel unsafe or uncomfortable.
• Includes:
Physical contact (touching, slapping, grabbing)
Rude jokes or suggestive remarks
Nicknames (e.g., chick, stud)
Sounds (e.g., cat calls, whistles)
Remarks about sexual orientation
Remarks about race, culture, or ability
Writing name or walls or desk (e.g., ‘Call ___ for…’)
Posting sexual comments on the internet
Sex and the Law
How old does a child have to be to make their own decisions about sexual
•In Canada, the age of consent was recently raised from 14 to 16.
•Someone under the age of 18 cannot legally consent to have sex with a
person in a position of authority such as a teacher, health care provider, coach,
lawyer or family member.
•12 and 13 year-olds can consent to have sex with other youth who are not
more than 2 years older than themselves.
•14 or 15 year olds will be able to consent to sex with partners who are no more
than 5 years older than themselves.
If a child sees a doctor will the parent(s) know?
There is no official age that a child may see a doctor without their parents in the
province of Ontario. It is up to the doctor if they choose to prescribe
medication. A child can see a doctor without their parents if they are capable of
understanding the treatment and they are doing it voluntarily. A person must be
able to fully understand the information relevant to the decision (proposed
treatment, the alternatives, the risks and benefits, the consequences of the
alternatives and no treatment) they are making and must be able to appreciate
the foreseeable consequences.
Sex and the Law
Will they ask for ID if a teenager wants to buy condoms in a drugstore?
Unlike cigarettes and alcohol, the teenager or student won’t have to prove they
are a certain age to buy condoms. Sexual health products such as condoms,
spermicides, lubricants, or contraceptive sponges do not require a prescription
and can be purchased by anyone regardless of age.
What are the rights and responsibilities of a father who is under the age
of 18?
When a man fathers a child at any age he is financially responsible for that
child until the child turns 19.
Can an individual get tested for HIV/AIDS without giving his or her name?
If an individual wants to get tested for HIV/AIDS, and doesn’t want to give his
or her name, they can choose anonymous testing. He or she will be given a
unique code to identify the results, and may be asked information about age,
gender or ethnicity, but this is for general statistical purposes and is not
connected with the individual.