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Quick Review Why the Iberians?

  Both Spain and Portugal had strong military traditions  Their countries were heavily urban  Many of the people who came wanted to succeed and become noble. So they were driven  Families were patriarchal, but women had an active role  Already had a tradition as slave holding societies


“God, Gold, and Glory.”

Why were the Spanish successful?

Horses, firearms, steel weapons, leadership, disease, internal divisions and rivalries among the Indian tribes

Three Periods in the development of Early Latin America


1492-1570-conquest 2.

1570-1700-consolidation and maturity 3.

18 th century-reform and reorganization

The Moral Question

  Take a minute and discuss:  Can you justify Conquest  Spread the holy word  Control the Indian labor  Free from unjust lords and bring salvation  They were not fully human


 Agrarian Society  Large Scale Farming  Mining   Silver and Gold Encomiendas and Haciendas  Castas

The Spanish Bureaucracy

 1. The King ruled through the Council

of the Indies: Located in Spain

 Viceroy: High ranking noble who directly represents the king in Latin America  2 viceroyalties in the West Indies  Mexico City  Lima

The Spanish Bureaucracy

judicial divisions

 2. Viceroyalties subdivided into 10  Controlled by audiencias: judicial courts  Staffed by official royal magistrates

The Spanish Bureaucracy

 3. Royally appointed magistrates carried

out laws on the local level

The Clergy were along branch of the state

 Conversion  Catholic church held great influence on the colonists

Brazil is Different

  Portuguese  The Portuguese and Spanish claims had been decided by the Treaty of Tordesillas  Little in the region originally interested the Portuguese until the French showed interest in woods from the region  Where the towns were established, and the Indians were peaceful, they began to establish sugar plantations with Indian, and then African slaves


  What was happening in Europe at this time with intellectual thought?

 Spain more or less monopoly of the West Indies  Unable to hold onto their mercantile interests  Other countries wanted to trade  Colonies were very self sufficient  Loosing territories  England, France and Holland

Crisis, The beginning of the

  Charles II dies (Spain)  NO HEIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Was of the Spanish Succession  Treaty of Utrecht  Puts a French Family (Bourbon) on the thrown  Allows England to trade  Spanish Monopoly is broken  Bourbon Reforms

 Factories:

The Beginning

  Established trading forts allowing trade from the interior   Much is established with the consent of the African people.

El Mina  Missionary efforts  Europeans saw the Africans as pagan savages (just like the saw everyone else)  Few permanent settlements  This was for goods and slaves not for living

Patterns of Conquest

  What the Portuguese did in Africa is seen throughout the history of the slave trade:  Fortified trading stations  Combo of force and diplomacy  Alliances with local rulers  Predominance of commercial relations


  The Portuguese were the main suppliers  The Dutch got involved later on capturing El Mina  The English wanted control for the plantations  African states on the coast benefitted from the slave trade  More inland states with firearms became suppliers

On the West Coast

  Two important states that developed out of the slave trade  Asante:  Dealt with the Dutch  dominated the gold coast until the 1820s  Dahomey:  With the use of guns, created its own autocratic society based on trading slaves

On the East Coast

  Continued to trade luxury items with the Muslim world  Some slaves got to Europe/America  Islamization will connect the northern savanna with the western external slave routes  This new phase with be more violent  Linked Islam and the slave trade  Movement to purify the Sufi  Major impact of the pastoral people (Fulani)

South Africa

 1652: The Dutch East India Company  Colony Cape of Good Hope   Provision post Dutch = Boers  1795: English take Cape Colony   1815 formal British Control Limited Boers landholding  1834: Britain outlaws slavery  Great Trek: Boers leave top be free of government control in the North  Moving into someone else's land