How to Use Tables The practice of JTable in swing

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Transcript How to Use Tables The practice of JTable in swing

How to Use Tables
The practice of JTable in swing
The JTable component
In many applications a Table is a natural
representation to use:
• Displays a grid of data consisting of rows and
columns similar to a spreadsheet.
• The JTableclass is NOT a spreadsheet, but it supports
many features that make it superior to a simple
spreadsheet component.
The JTable component that provides the power
to present large amounts of data in a simple
2D display
• it supports custom data modeling and display
A Simple Table Example
A Simple table Example
Clicking the left mouse button on an individual cell will
highlight the entire row and select the individual cell
• Initially the select rectangle is surrounding the 89.2 value.
• If you reduce the height of the window, the vertical scroll bar
appears by default.
• Resizing the frame in the horizontal direction automatically
adds the horizontal scroll bar.
The application also inherits is the ability to reorganize and
resize the columns:
• Placing the mouse over a column name and dragging it (with
the left mouse button pressed) allows the entire column to be
moved to a new position.
• When the mouse button is released, the selected column is
dropped into its new location and the entire table is repainted
to accommodate the adjustment.
• Placing the mouse on the vertical separator between two
column headers causes the pointer to change to a resize
indicator. Holding down the left mouse button while dragging
resizes the columns.
// Constructor of main frame
public SimpleTableExample()
// Set the frame characteristics
setTitle( "Simple Table Application" );
setSize( 300, 200 );
setBackground( Color.gray );
// Create a panel to hold all other components
topPanel = new JPanel();
topPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
getContentPane().add( topPanel );
// Create columns names
String columnNames[] = { "Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3" };
// Create some data
String dataValues[][] =
{ "12", "234", "67" },
{ "-123", "43", "853" },
{ "93", "89.2", "109" },
{ "279", "9033", "3092" }
// Create a new table instance
table = new JTable( dataValues, columnNames );
// Add the table to a scrolling pane
scrollPane = new JScrollPane( table );
topPanel.add( scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
A More Complex Example
More complex example
Uses loader methods to load an array of eight
columns by one hundred rows.
Additionally, the table is configured to show only
the vertical grid lines and to allow simultaneous
row and column selection.
Notice that with this example, when an individual
cell is selected, a cross-hair selection pattern is
formed, centered around the selected cell.
Also the foreground and background colours for
the selection region have been altered for effect
(since JTable supports colour changes for the
selection area).
public AdvancedTableExample()
// Set the frame characteristics
setTitle( "Advanced Table Application" );
setSize( 300, 200 );
setBackground( Color.gray );
// Create a panel to hold all other components
topPanel = new JPanel();
topPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
getContentPane().add( topPanel );
// Create columns
// Create a new table instance
table = new JTable( dataValues, columnNames );
// Configure some of JTable's paramters
table.setShowHorizontalLines( false );
table.setRowSelectionAllowed( true );
table.setColumnSelectionAllowed( true );
// Change the selection colour
table.setSelectionForeground( Color.white );
table.setSelectionBackground( );
// Add the table to a scrolling pane
scrollPane = table.createScrollPaneForTable( table );
topPanel.add( scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER );
Adding a Custom Data Model
The JTable supports the replacement of its data model in
order to improve performance or to help reduce the size of
the code required for a given application.
The custom data model feature used in JTable is actually
simpler than the one used for (for example) the JTree class:
• JTable only has to manage a simple 2D matrix of data
Re-engineer the code from the previous example. This
• build a new application that uses a custom data model but
• produces exactly the same results the previous example.
• Though the output looks the same as the one shown
previously, it offers much better performance, particularly as
the size of the data set grows.
Contains the code for the main frame class, which is a
modified version of the previous example:
• the CreateData() method has been removed -- it is no longer
required because the custom data model generates the data
• the CreateColumns() method has been changed -- the code no
longer uses an instance of the DefaultDataModel class
(instantiated automatically by JTable in the previous example).
• the application is now required to create its own columns -the CreateColumns() method reverts to first principles by
creating an instance of a TableColumn object and populating it
with the appropriate text before adding it to the table.
• the example now generates its own column data therefore it
notifies the table not to attempt to determine this information
from the data. It does this by calling JTable's
setAutoCreateColumnsFromModel() method.
Thee custom data model, which extends the
AbstractTableModel class and provides four methods called
by the JTable code when data is accessed.
• Since the data model is now synthesized, the getValueAt()
method simply determines the row and column being accessed
and generates a string representing the cell data.
• The getColumnCount() method returns a value of zero, which
may not be what you expected. Remember, though, that this
method returns the number of columns managed by the table
code. In the CreateColumns() method in the main
CustomDataTableExample class, we informed the table that it
should not attempt to generate any of its own columns. As a
result, the value of getColumnCount() is zero.
Explore the full listings via the course web site
Custom Table Rendering
As in other components can alter the display by
developing custom rendering classes.
Modify the initial example to implement a custom
rendered JTable:
• implements the custom rendering on top of the modified
code from the first example
• Instead of displaying numerical (X, Y) data, the code
displays a card deck in tabular form
• Each column represents a suit in the deck, with each cell
drawn as a graphical suit and a card number.
• contains the code for the main frame of the application. The only
significant notable in this file is the call the JTable's
setCellRenderer() method, which informs the table object that all
of its drawing will be handled by an external rendering class.
• contains the code for the custom table cell renderer,
implementing a method named
getTableCellRendererComponent() to handle the drawing of
individual cells. This method determines if the item it is drawing
is selected or has the focus, and uses this information to control
the foreground colour. Because of the restrictions with regards to
painting the background colour, this class also provides a paint()
method, which uses the selection and focus flags as well.
• includes a custom data model, which is similar to previous
examples. The only difference is in the number of rows in the
Listening for Table Actions
Many situations demand that the application
immediately detect changes initiated by the
These events can be sorted into two basic
• cell selections made by the user, and
• user-invoked changes to the table itself.
Detecting Table Selections
The type of action usually involves a mouse click
to select a single cell or a drag operation to select
a range of values from the table.
JTable implements selection listeners in exactly
the same way as the JList -- ListSelectionListener .
To enable selection events, the code adds a
ListSelectionListener to the table's selection
valueChanged() method is required in order to
implement ListSelectionListener.
public void valueChanged( ListSelectionEvent event )
// See if this is a valid table selection
if( event.getSource() == table.getSelectionModel()
&& event.getFirstIndex() >= 0 )
// Get the data model for this table
TableModel model = (TableModel)table.getModel();
// Determine the selected item
String string = (String)model.getValueAt(
table.getSelectedColumn() );
// Display the selected item
System.out.println( "Value selected = " + string );
this method first determines if the event originates from our
JTable instance's selection model, and then it ensures that the
event references a valid selection. To access the selected cell, the
code references the table's data model and simply extracts the
data based on the selected row and column.
Detecting Column Property Changes
Second significant series of events produced by table
activity relate to manipulations of the column presentation:
Any time the user moves a column from one place to
another, or adds a new column, the table generates an
event -- a column model change event.
To intercept these events, a listener must be associated
with the table's column model. This is done using the
following code:
• // Handle the listener
DefaultTableColumnModel columnModel =
columnModel.addColumnModelListener( this );
TableColumnModelListener Interface Methods called
whenever the column model changes
public void columnAdded( TableColumnModelEvent event )
public void columnRemoved( TableColumnModelEvent event )
public void columnMoved( TableColumnModelEvent event )
public void columnMarginChanged( ChangeEvent event )
public void columnSelectionChanged( ListSelectionEvent event )
constants used as flags to control the resize state of columns in
the table. These constants are used as parameters to the
setAutoResizeMode() method.
public static final int AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN
public static final int AUTO_RESIZE_OFF
public static final int AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS
Key Variables
The following variables hold instances of the various models
associated with a JTable object:
• protected TableModel dataModel
protected TableColumnModel columnModel
protected ListSelectionModel selectionModel
The protected JTableHeader tableHeader variable holds the
instance of the table headers for this JTable object. The
header holds particulars, such as, the column object.
The following variables contain information to manage the
attributes of a table row:
• protected int rowHeight
protected int rowMargin
The colour of the grid lines drawn in the table is stored in
the protected Color gridColor variable.
More key variables
The following boolean flags contain information about the
states of particular modes within the JTable object:
• protected boolean showHorizontalLines
protected boolean showVerticalLines
protected boolean autoCreateColumnsFromModel
protected boolean rowSelectionAllowed
The value of the protected int autoResizeMode variable
determines if the table object automatically resizes the
width the columns to occupy the entire width of the table.
It is also used to decide how the resizing is done.
The protected Dimension preferredViewportSize variable is
used by the scrolling pane instance associated with the
table object. It determines the initial visible area for the
When the table is performing a cell editing operation, the
protected transient Component editorComp variable holds
an instance of the component used to handle the editing
JTable variables
The protected transient TableCellEditor cellEditor variable
holds an instance of the cell editor used by this table
When editing table cells, the following variables contain the
row and column address of the cell being edited.
• protected transient int editingRow
protected transient int editingColumn
The following variables are used to keep track of the default
cell editors and renderers known to this table object:
• protected Hashtable defaultRenderersByColumnClass
protected Hashtable defaultEditorsByColumnClass
These variables contain the colours of the foreground and
background used to draw selected text. These values are
overridden by any custom cell render code:
• protected Color selectionForeground
protected Color selectionBackground
Presented an Overview of JTree
Should read these notes alongside the example
code available on the web site
• Down run compile and run the code
Supplement by looking at the Sun tutorials on
Jtree (be award of the1.6 dependency)
• Consider how the different components can best be put
together by looking at the graphical design and interface