Bypass: A tool for building distributed systems

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Bypass: A tool for building distributed systems

Douglas Thain and Miron Livny Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin-Madison {thain|miron}

Building distributed systems is



Bypass makes building split execution systems easy.

Bypass is to split execution systems as yacc is to compilers

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Problem: Unfriendly Machines

Many systems can distribute your jobs to available machines scattered around the world. (rsh, Condor, Globus, etc...) But... the machines you have access to may not be properly equipped to run your job.

Problem: Unfriendly Machines

An unfriendly machine…  allows you to login under some identity.

 allows you to execute your program.

 might not have your files or a shared file system!

 might not have space for your output!

 might be a different architecture or OS!

• (If you want to use a lot of machines, you can’t be picky!)

home machine


core dumped foreign machine

Solution: Split Execution

› General strategy:  An agent process traps some of the application's standard library calls.

 Some of the calls can be executed at the foreign machine.

 Some of the calls are sent via RPC back to the home machine.

 A shadow process executes the RPCs and sends the results back to the agent.

at the home machine

Solution: Split Execution

Shadow Remote system calls Agent Trapped system calls Local system calls Local system calls Application Kernel Home Machine Kernel Foreign Machine

Split Execution is an Open Research Topic

We want to explore many possibilities:  Foreign machine could be partially friendly – has some needed resources, but not all.

 Data may be buffered and cached at both the agent and the shadow.

 What procedure calls to trap depends on the application and the services needed.

 Some procedure calls could be routed to third parties such as file servers.

 …

Problem: Split Execution is Hard

One example of many: Trapping stat()  Different data types: • struct stat, struct stat64 • Depending on system, integer elements are 2->8 bytes  Multiple entry points: • stat, _stat, __libc_stat  Surprises: • #define stat(a,b) _fxstat(VERSION,a,b)

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Solution: Bypass

Bypass takes a specification execution system and produces a matched shadow and agent.

of a split Bypass hides all of the ugly details of trapping, type conversion, and RPCs.

Bypass lets you:  split any dynamically-linked application.

 transparently use heterogeneous systems.

 trap calls with minimal overhead.

 control execution paths with plain C++.

home machine

Just like home!

foreign machine

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Bypass Language

Declare what procedures to trap in C++ Annotate pointer types with data flow.

 Direction: in, out, or in out  Binary data: give expression yielding the number of bytes to send/receive.

Give two function bodies:  agent_action  shadow_action

ssize_t write ( int fd, in "length" const void *data, size_t length ) agent_action {{ if( fd==1 ) { return bypass_shadow_write(fd,data,length); } else { return write(fd,data,length); } }} shadow_action {{ printf("remote data: %s", data ); }} ;

Agent Action

› › › Any arbitrary C++ code.

When the program invokes write(), the agent_action is executed at the home machine.

Within the agent_action:  write() - Invoke the original write() at the foreign machine.

 bypass_shadow_write() - Invoke the shadow_action via RPC.

Shadow Action

› › › Any arbitrary C++ code.

If the agent decides to invoke the RPC to the shadow, the shadow_action is executed at the home machine.

Within the shadow_action:  write() - Invoke write() at the home machine.

Using Bypass

› › › Run "bypass" to read the specification and produce C++ source code: • % bypass -agent -shadow simple.bypass

The shadow is compiled into a plain executable.

The agent is compiled into a shared library.

Using Bypass

› › › The dynamic linker is used to force the agent into an executable at run-time: • setenv LD_PRELOAD

Procedure calls are “trapped” merely by putting the agent first in the link list.

This method can be used on any dynamically linked program: tcsh, netscape, emacs…

Example Application: Complete Remote I/O

Trap all the standard I/O calls, and send them to the home machine unmodified: open(in string char *path, int flags, int mode); close(int fd); int read(int fd, out “length” void *data, int length ); int write(int fd, in “length” void *data, int length ); int lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence );

Complete Remote I/O

Shadow open, close read, write, lseek Agent Trapped system calls open, close, read, write, lseek all other calls Application Kernel Home Machine Kernel Foreign Machine

Example Application: Remote Console

Trap only read and write, and send operations on standard files back to a single shadow process.

int read( int fd, in “length” void *data, int length ) agent_action {{ if( fd<3 ) { bypass_remote_read( fd, data,length ); } else { return read(fd,data,length); } }};


Remote Console

all other calls Agent Application Trapped system calls Standard I/O reads and writes read, write Agent Trapped system calls Kernel Foreign Machine Trapped system calls Agent all other calls Kernel Home Machine all other calls Application Kernel Foreign Machine Application Kernel Foreign Machine

Example Application: Attach New Filesystem

Trap standard I/O calls and replace them with calls to a user-level filesystem library, such as Globus GASS.

int open( in string const char *path, int flags, int mode ) agent_action {{ return globus_gass_open( path, flags, mode ); }}; int close( int fd ) agent_action {{ return globus_gass_close( fd ); }};

Attach New Filesystem

Globus Library open close Agent Trapped system calls THE GRID more system calls all other calls Application Kernel Foreign Machine

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Bypass can be used by Real Users!

Bypass works on unmodified executables.

 (Real Users are not willing/able to rewrite/recompile their programs.) Bypass requires no special privileges.

 (Real Users do not have the root password) Thus, Bypass allows a Real User to make good use of a remote to his/her needs.

cluster without begging the administrator to configure it

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Overhead of trapping a system call is very small: 1-4 us  The "trapping mechanism" simply interposes a few extra function calls.

 Small compared to the expense of a real system call (about 10-70us) Remote procedure calls are, as expected, much slower: about 1 ms under the best conditions.

Related Work

› “Classic” RPC and XDR:  Define standard integer sizes, endianness, etc.

 Start by defining external protocol, then produce programming interface which is not always convenient: • struct read_results * read_1( int fd, int length );

Related Work

› Bypass:  We are stuck with existing interfaces, so annotate them to produce a protocol: • int read( int fd, out “length” void *data, int length );  Do “best effort” conversion to/from external data format: • off_t is 4 bytes on some platforms, 8 bytes on others.

• A conversion might fail!

 Define canonical values for source-level symbols: • O_CREAT has different values on Linux and Solaris!

Related Work

› Hunt and Brubacher, “Detours”  Trap library calls on NT using binary rewriting – can be applied to any executable.

 Make original procedure available through special “trampoline” call.

 Bypass leaves the original entry point intact, so subroutines need not be re-written to use the trampoline.

Related Work

› Alexandrov, et al., “UFO”  Use a kernel-level facility to trap all of a process’ system calls and translate some of them into WWW operations.

 The kernel mechanism is secure and can be applied to any process.

 But… it has a high (7x) trapping overhead and cannot be applied to procedures that are not true system calls.

Related Work

› Bypass:  Trapping overhead is very small and can be performed on procedures that are not necessarily system calls.

 But… can only be applied to dynamically linked executables, and is not suitable as a security mechanism.

Related/Future Work

› A complete remote execution system needs both methods:  The program owner provides a lightweight mechanism for creating a correct split execution environment.

 The machine owner provides a heavyweight mechanism to defend itself from a (possibly) malicious program.

Complete System

Sandbox Shadow open, close read, write, lseek Agent open, close, read, write, lseek all other calls Application Kernel Home Machine Kernel Foreign Machine

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Future Work

Multiple agents applied to one application  How to select and invoke the correct agent action?

Signal handling  Flow of control is backwards.

Other implementations  Binary rewriting.

 Build specialized linker that understands multiple definitions of symbols.

Further Questions?

› › › › Douglas Thain  [email protected]

Miron Livny  [email protected]

Bypass Web Page  Questions now?