Lecture 2 Robert Zimmer Room 6, 25 St James

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Transcript Lecture 2 Robert Zimmer Room 6, 25 St James

Lecture 2
Robert Zimmer
Room 6, 25 St James
This course is about building models
and making decisions
► It
is about organising information
► It is about being able to ask what-if
► It is about applying powerful mathematical
models (I might try to teach you some
maths when you aren’t looking but that is
Example of a decision:
should I have another beer?
► Organising
How much money I have
How much money a beer costs
How drunk am I?
Do I have to drive?
How fat am I?
How much do I like the people in the pub?
How much do I like the people at home?
Another Question
► What
is the most money I am prepared to
pay for this drink? That is at what price
does the pleasure of the drink become less
than its price?
Some more questions
► What
is the geometric shape of all the
points at which the pleasure of the beer
exactly matches the pain of the payment?
► How will my pleasure, my weight, and my
mental state compare if instead of a beer I
have chips?
► or do my Java coursework?
► Spreadsheet
modeling is the process of
entering the inputs and decision variables into
a spreadsheet and then relating them
appropriately, by means of formulas, to
obtain the outputs.
► Once a model is created there are several
directions in which to proceed.
 Sensitivity analysis to see how one or more
outputs change as selected inputs or decision
variables change.
 Finding the value of a decision variable that
maximizes or minimizes a particular output.
 Create graphs to show graphically how certain
parameters of the model are related.
► Good
spreadsheet modeling practices are
► Spreadsheet models should be designed with
readability in mind.
► Several features that improve readability
clear logical layout to the overall model
► Separation of different parts of a model
► Clear headings for different sections of the model
► Liberal use of range names
► Liberal use of formatting features
► Liberal use of cell comments
► Liberal use of text boxes for assumptions, lists or
Example 2.1 – Building a
► Randy
Kitchell is a NCAA t-shirt vendor. The
fixed cost of any order is $750, the variable
cost is $6 per shirt.
► Randy’s selling price is $10 per shirt, until a
week after the tournament when it will drop
to $4 apiece. The expected demand at full
price is 1500 shirts.
► He wants to build a spreadsheet model that
will let him experiment with the uncertain
demand and his order quantity.
► In
this model the profit is calculated with
the formula
Profit = Revenue – Cost
and the Cost = 750 + 6*B4
Case 1:
Demand outstrips order (B3 > B4)
In that case everything gets sold for 10
Revenue is then simply 10*B4
(since B4 is the number ordered)
Case 2:You have ordered too many.
That is order (B3) is less than peak demand
Then you can only sell B3 at 10 dollars and
the rest (B4-B3) at 4 dollars
Revenue = 10*B3+4*(B4-B3)
Revenue Formula
Revenue =
Profit Formula
Profit =
IF(B3>B4,10*B4,10*B3+4*(B4-B3)) –
(750 + 6* B4)
Adding Flexibility
► We
add flexibility by allowing more things to
Ex. 2.1(cont’d) - Building a Model
► The
formula can be rewritten to be more
► It can be made more readable by using range
names. The formula would then read
=-Fixed_order_costVariable_cost*Order + IF(Demand >
Order, Selling_price*Order,
10*Demand+Salvage_value* (OrderDemand)
Ex. 2.1(cont’d) - Building a Model
► We
might like to have profit broken down into
various costs and revenues, rather one single
profit cell. The profit formula would be
= -(B12+B13)+(B15+B16).
► Range names could be used for these intermediate
output cells, but it is probably more work than it is
► Labels and/or color coding can help a lot with
Ex. 2.1(cont’d) - Building a Model
► Data
tables could be used to see how sensitive
profit is to the inputs, the demand, and the order
quantity, and charts to show any numerical results
Example 2.2 – Cost Projections
► The
company knows that wood prices and
labor costs are likely to increase in the future,
and it would like to project its costs of
manufacturing the bookshelves into the
► The data can be found in Table 2.1.
► Build a spreadsheet model that allows the
company to experiment with the growth rates
in wood and labor costs so that a manager
can see, both numerically and graphically,
how the costs of the bookshelves will vary in
the next few years.
Ex. 2.2(cont’d) - Planning the Model
► The
reasoning behind the model is
► First project the unit costs for wood and labor
into the future. Then for any year, multiply
the unit costs by the required numbers of
board-feet and labor hours per bookshelf.
► Finally, add the wood ad labor costs to obtain
the total cost of a bookshelf.
Ex. 2.2(cont’d) – The Model
Ex. 2.2(cont’d) – Developing the
► Develop
the model with the following steps.
 Inputs: Enter the inputs into the upper left corner
of a worksheet. These can be referred to later
with Excel formulas.
 Design output table: You need to think ahead
of time how you want to structure your outputs.
The important point is that you should have some
logical design in mind before diving in.
 Projected unit costs of wood: It is important
to have a strategy in mind before you enter the
formulas. You should design your spreadsheet so
that you can enter a single formula and then copy
it whenever possible.
Ex. 2.2(cont’d) – Developing the
For example: enter the formula =B9 in cell B19 and copy it to
cell C19. Then enter the general formula =B19*(1+B$10) in
cell B20 and copy it to the range B20:C25.
4. Projected unit labor costs: To calculate projected
hourly labor costs, enter the formula =B13 in cell D19.
Then enter the formula =D19*(1+B$14) in cell D20
and copy it down to column D.
5. Projected bookshelf costs: With careful use of
absolute and relative addresses, enter a single formula
for these costs – for all years and for both types of
wood. To do this, enter the formula
=B$5*B19+B$6*$D19 in cell E19 and copy it to the
range E19:F25.
Developing the Model -continued
6. Chart: Highlight the range E19:F25 and click on
Excel’s Chart Wizard button. This leads you
through a sequence of steps. You should
experiment with the possibilities.
The model can be used to answer any whatif questions Woodworks might want to ask.
► The model has been built in such a way that
a manager can enter any desired values in
the input cells, and all of the outputs ,
including the chart, will update automatically.
► Burying input numbers inside Excel formulas
is bad practice.
2.4 Breakeven Analysis
► Many
business problems require us to find
the appropriate level of some activity.
► This might be the level that maximizes
profit, or it might be the level that allows a
company to break even – no profit, no loss.
Example 2.3 - Breakeven Analysis
► The
Great Threads Company is planning to
print a brochure of its products and
undertake a direct mail campaign.
► The cost of printing the brochure is $20,000
plus $0.10 a catalog. The cost of mailing each
catalog is $0.15. In addition, the company
will include direct reply envelopes in it’s
mailings. It incurs $0.20 in extra cost for each
direct mail envelope that is used by a
► The average size of a customer order is $40,
and the company’s variable cost per order
averages around 80% of the order’s value.
Ex. 2.3(cont’d) - Breakeven
► The
company plans to mail 100,000 catalogs. It
wants to develop a spreadsheet model to answer
the following questions:
 How does a change in the response rate affect profit?
 For what response rate does a company break even?
 If the company estimates a response rate of 3%, should
it proceed with the mailing?
 How does the presence of uncertainty affect the
usefulness of the model?
Ex. 2.3(cont’d) - Planning the Model
single “bottom line” output variable, in this
case profit, is of most concern.
► The logic for converting inputs and the
decision variable into outputs is quite
straightforward. Then it must be investigated
how the response rate affects the profit with
a sensitivity analysis.
Ex. 2.3(cont’d) - Developing the
To create this model, proceed through the
following steps.
1. Heading and range names: Be cautious not to
go overboard with range names.
2. Enter input values: Some of the values have
been combined in the statement of the problem.
To document this process, enter comments in a
few cells. Inserting comments in cells is a great
way to document your spreadsheet models
without making it too cluttered.
3. Model the responses: Enter any reasonable
value, such as 8%, in the Respone_rate cell.
=Number_mailed*Response_rate in cell E5
Ex. 2.3(cont’d) - Developing the
4. Model the revenues, costs and profits:
Enter the formula
=Number_of_responses*Average_order in the in cell E8.
Enter the formula =Fixed_cost_of_printing,
and =Number_of_responses*Variable_cost_per_order
in cells E9, E10, and E11.
Enter the formula =SUM(E9:E11) in the cell E12, and enter
the formula =Total_revenue-Total_cost in the cell E13.
Ex. 2.3(cont’d) - Data Table
a one-way data table is formed to show
how profit varies with the response rate.
► Data tables are called “what-if” tables. They
illustrate what happens to selected outputs if
selected inputs change.
► From the data table it can be seen that profit
changes from negative to positive when the
response rate is somewhere between 5% and
► This could be found by trial and error, but it is
easier to find with Excel’s Goal Seek tool.
Ex. 2.3(cont’d) - Goal Seek
seek is useful for solving a single
equation in a single unknown.
► The unknown is called the changing cell
because it is allowed to be changed to make
the equation true.
► Select the Tools/Goal Seek menu item and
fill in the resulting dialog box.
► If the response rate is 5.77%, Great
Threads breaks even.
► Goal
Ex. 2.3(cont’d) - Limitations of the
► Question
3 asks whether the company should
proceed with the mailing if the response rate is
only 3%.
► The apparent answer is “no” because profit is
negative. This reasoning is taking the short-term
► To consider the long term impact of our decisions
the model must incorporate the long term
explicitly into the model. To do this a more
complex model must be built.
Ex. 2.3(cont’d) - Limitations of
the Model
► Question
4 asks about the impact of
uncertainty in the model.
► It makes more sense to talk about the
probability that profit will have a certain
value or the probability that the
company will break even.
2.6 Decisions Involving the Time
Value of Money
► Cash
flows are received at different points in time,
and a company must determine a course of action
that maximizes the “value” of cash flows.
► The later a dollar is received, the less valuable the
dollar is. This is useful in making decisions.
$1.00 X 1/(1+r) now = $1.00 a year from now
► The value 1/(1+r) in the above equation is called
the discount factor.
► The
quantity on the left is called the present
value of $1.00 received a year from now.
► If money can be invested at annual rate r
compounded each year, then $1 received t
years from now has the same value as
1/(1+r)t dollars received today – that is, the
$1 is discounted by the discount factor raised
to the t power.
► By multiplying a cash flow received t years
from now by 1/(1+r)t (its present value), then
the total value of all cash flows over all years
is called the net present value (NPV) of
our cash flows.
rate r (usually called the discount
rate) used by major corporations generally
comes from some version of the capital
asset pricing model.
► The discount factor is 1 divided by 1 plus
the discount rate.
► The NPV is the sum of all discounted cash
► The