“It was the night before midterm”

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“It was the night before
Midterm rule (March 16nd, 2005)
- Student ID is required. Open books, note exam
- Don’t:
- Leave the exam room after the exam is distributed
- Use cell phone or computers (PC)
- Talk with each other during the exam
- Limit of questions you can ask teacher during
exam time. If you ask more than two questions,
you will have some points off taken from your
Final preparation
Reading: slides, relevant materials from books
from Week 1 to now
Overview: all homeworks, programming
assignments, practice exercises from Week 1
to present
Multiple choices
1.1 The binary representation for decimal 90 is
a. 01110100
c. 01111010
b. 01110000
d. 01011010
1.2. Which one of the following statements is invalid?
(a) MOV AX,0241H
(b) MOV CL,0241H
(c) MOV DX,0241H
(d) MOV BX,0241H
1.3. The instruction that initializes a register with an
offset address is
(a) PUSH (b) LEA (c) MOV (d) LOAD
Multiple choices
1.4. Which type of MOV operation is invalid?
(a) Memory to memory (b) Immediate to memory
(c) Memory to register (d) Register to register
1.5. The area that the system establishes in memory
immediately preceding a program loaded for
execution is the
(a) code segment
(c) program segment prefix
(b) data segment
(d) stack
Filling in blank
2.1. The standard file handle numbers are (a)
_00__ for keyboard input; (b) _01__ for
screen display; (c) _04__ for printer.
2.2. INT 21H function _40H__ for file handles
requests display. Load file handle 01 in the
BX___ register, the number of characters to
display in the _CX__ register, and the
address of the area to display in the _DX__
Filling in blank
2.3. The program loader store _the address of program
segment __prefix__in each segment register on
loading an *.EXE program for execution
2.4. (a) The assembly step involves translating from
_source_____ code into machine _object_____ code.
(b) The _link___ step involves converting an
.OBJ module into an .EXE (executable) machine
code module.
2.5. The DS register contains the starting address of the
_data____ segment; CS contains the starting
address of the _code____ segment; SS contains the
starting address of the _stack_____.
1. Use INT 21H function 40H to display the
message “What is the date (mm/dd/yy)?”.
Following the message with a Carriage
Return, and Line Feed
2. Copy the 40 elements of FIELD1 to FIELD2