Document 7679570

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Transcript Document 7679570


• หลักในการผสมสี เพื่อใช ้สร ้างเว็บ เริ่มจาก แม่สีก่อน 1

green orange purple

blue green yellow green yellow orange bluish purple reddish purple red orange

การผสมแม่สี ก ับสีขาว + =


+ การผสมแม่สีก ับสีด า =


การผสมแม่สีก ับสีอื่นๆ + =


การไล่สี จากสีขาว แม่สี ไปหาสีด า


การต ัดสินใจเลือกโทนสีท าเว็บ



พวกหลายใจ ใช้ หลายสี


Web Color

#ffffff #00ff00 White is maximum color.

#ff0000 #0000ff Black is no color.

#9966ff #ffff00 #cc00cc #000000 13

Web Color

• Can also use decimal RGB numbers, maximum 255 (FF in hex).

RGB 255,255,255 #ffffff RGB 255,0,0 #ff0000 RGB 00,00,255 #0000ff RGB 102, 153,255 #9966ff RGB 0,255,0 #00ff00 RGB 255,255,0 #ffff00 RGB 204,0,204 #cc00cc RGB 0,0,0 #000000 14

Not dithered Dithered

Web Color

6 x 6 pixels Appears on screen > < Appears on screen 15

Web Color

RGB 255,255,255 #ffffff RGB 255,0,0 #ff0000 RGB 00,00,255 #0000ff RGB 102, 153,255 #9966ff RGB 0,255,0 #00ff00 RGB 255,255,0 #ffff00 RGB 204,0,204 #cc00cc RGB 0,0,0 #000000 16

Color Cubes Palette

Continuous Tone Palette


Web Color Mixing #ff0000 #ff3333 #ff6666 #ff9999 #ffcccc #ffffff


Web Color Mixing #ff0000 #cc0000 #990000 #660000 #330000 #000000


Web Color Mixing #ff0000 #cc3333 #cc6666 #cc9999 #996666 #993333


Web Color Mixing #ff0000 #ff6600 #ff9900 #ff0099 #cc0033 #cc3399


Web Color Mixing #ffffff #cccccc #999999 #666666 #333333 #000000


Web Color Mixing #ffcccc #cc9999 #996666 #663333 #cccccc #999999 #666666 #333333 #ccccff #9999cc #666699 #333366


Web Color Mixing


Web Color Mixing


Web Color Mixing


Choosing a Color Scheme


Choosing a Color Scheme See this?

(same value) See this?

(value contrast) See this ?

(on neutral ground)


This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme (now, tint the red…)

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

Menu1 Menu 2 Menu3

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

(now, tone the red…)

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme

This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme This is a test color scheme