RPPR Research Performance Progress Report

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Transcript RPPR Research Performance Progress Report

RPPR R ESEARCH P ERFORMANCE P ROGRESS R EPORT The new NIH progress report standard format

R ESEARCH P ERFORMANCE P ROGRESS R EPORT  Use of RPPR will be required for awards beginning with progress report due dates in May 2013 that cycle in July.

 Currently no change to non-SNAP award progress reports or final report formats.  The substance of RPPR is not significantly different from eSNAP.

R ESEARCH P ERFORMANCE P ROGRESS R EPORT  Information is pre-populated from NIH systems for the grantee, including PD/PI information, grant number, project title and period, performance sites, and personnel.

 Users will answer questions by using a checkbox, entering text or uploading a PDF, or selecting “Nothing to Report.”  Grayed out sections are not applicable and can be disregarded.

 System checks for errors prior to submission; user cannot submit with errors.

R ESEARCH P ERFORMANCE P ROGRESS R EPORT  PDF attachments:   Maximum size of 6 MB File names should be 50 characters or less using only standard characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _)  Body of PDF can contain special characters (i.e., Greek letters)  Text Boxes have character limits that should be followed (i.e., Major Goals is limited to 8,000 characters) and cannot contain special characters.

R ESEARCH P ERFORMANCE P ROGRESS R EPORT  Must provide details about any estimated unobligated balance >25% and a description of how remaining funds will be spent.

 Specific location to report aims & accomplishments of Administrative Supplements and Competitive Revisions.

 Publications in PI’s MyNCBI account will be displayed for easy association with the report.

R ESEARCH P ERFORMANCE P ROGRESS R EPORT  Additional details regarding foreign components are required (i.e., dollars spent in foreign countries).

 Effort on All Personnel Report will be rounded to the nearest whole person month. Effort on OS should still be to 2 decimal places.  Other Features:  Public Access compliance will be displayed    Other Support required only if it has changed Notice of Award Link Streamlined reporting of ClinicalTrials.gov information

R ESEARCH P ERFORMANCE P ROGRESS R EPORT  The RPPR will have separate screens for each of the following reporting components:  A. Cover Page   B. Accomplishments C. Products      D. Participants E. Impact F. Changes G. Special [agency specific] Reporting Requirements H. Budget [applicable only for non-SNAP awards]


(P ROGRESS R EPORT A DDITIONAL M ATERIALS ) o Requests from ICs for additional materials following the submission of the RPPR. Not required at this time, but available for use. o Link opened automatically when RPPR submitted with non-compliant publications in Status Screen. o Allows for text entry of 2,000 characters o Route and submit functionality are identical to functionality for RPPR • • Certification text when forwarding or submitting Must be submitted by SO or PD/PI with submit authority

I MPORTANT L INKS & A TTACHMENTS  RPPR Homepage  http://grants.nih.gov/grants/rppr/index.htm

 RPPR Frequently Asked Questions  http://grants.nih.gov/grants/rppr/faqs.htm#3537  Direct Comparison between RPPR and eSnap  http://grants.nih.gov/grants/rppr/rppr_vs_esnap.htm

 Helpful hints:  http://www.washington.edu/research/.SITEPARTS/.documen


 Full RPPR Template (screenshots)  Double-click the picture to the right 