Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)

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Transcript Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)

Research Performance Progress
Report (RPPR)
Office of Sponsored Projects
Dartmouth College 2013
Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)
• Research Business Models Subcommittee effort, began 2004
• OMB RPPR Final Format
April 2010 directive to agencies to implement
Standardizes information required by agencies
Reduces administrative burden and costs
Eases comparison of outcomes across agencies
• Mandatory Use of the RPPR for SNAP and Fellowship Awards
• Progress reports submitted for SNAP and Fellowship Awards with
budget start dates on or after July 1, 2013, must be submitted using
the eRA RPPR Commons Module.
• Progress Report Additional Materials (PRAM)
• Allows the grantee to electronically enter, review, and submit
information in response to specific requests(s) from NIH for
additional materials following the submission of an RPPRAHRQ, FDA
and CDC partners will adopt
• RPPR for non SNAP awards TBD
What’s New?: No More eSNAP
Lots of Screens (8 components)
New formats (e.g. check boxes, etc)
PDF uploads
“Smarter” forms
“Active” sections are relevant to your grant
Grayed out sections are not applicable
After you complete one RPRR, future pre-population of data
More Detailed Reporting on
Foreign component information
Subaward Total Cost dollars reporting
Organizational affiliation of personnel
Personnel Reporting
Effort rounded to nearest whole person month
Prior approval request for reduction of >25% for
PD/PI or other individual designated on NoA
Other features of the RPPR
Specific location to report on competitive revisions/administrative
supplements associated with the award.
Public Access compliance status will be displayed
Other support will only be required if there has been a change
Notice of Award link
Streamlined reporting of information
• A. Cover Page
• B. Accomplishments
• C. Products
• D. Participants
• E. Impact
• F. Changes
• G. Special (NIH) Reporting Requirements
• H. Budget – SF424 forms