The Makuleke story Presented by Mashangu Livingstone

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Transcript The Makuleke story Presented by Mashangu Livingstone

The Makuleke story
Presented by
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
Lived well in the Makuleke Region
22000 hectares at northern most part of Kruger
National Park (KNP) between Limpopo and
Levhuvu Rivers
Rich abundance of Natural resources
Removed by force in 1969
“Dumped” in area outside the KNP about 70 km’s
from the Makuleke Region
Developed our 3 new villages
In 1996 we got our land back
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
The Makuleke
Makuleke Villages
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
Our Win-Win Agreement
After negotiating with SANParks we agreed
to keep our land within Kruger NP as a
contractual park
 We established a Joint Management Board 50/50 with SANParks
 Share day-to-day management
 Community have commercial rights to the
– Sustainable harvesting including hunting
– Tourism development with Private operators
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
The Joint Management Board
The JMB is a interim arrangement to build skills –
One day we will manage our land ourselves.
 Work according to a Management and
Development Plan
– Same standard as rest of Kruger
– Zoned areas for tourism use
The JMB has not been without conflict and
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
The Makuleke
Joint Management
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
Organised for benefit sharing
Communal Property Association – CPA
– +/- 15 000 community members
– CPA is title holder of the Makuleke Region
CPA Executive – 8 elected members
– Represents CPA in all business and land issues
Implementation office
– Our full time workers and link to outsiders
Development Forum
– A forum of community leadership to advise Exco on village
level development and benefit sharing
Development Trust
– Administers the money we make and spend on projects and
running costs
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
Explaining the private sector contract
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
Generating the benefits
Conservation choice excluded mining and
 See tourism as main source of revenue in
long term.
 Used hunting to generate initial money.
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
Our tourism partnerships
Process was an open tender to private sector
 Concession agreements give us
– A Build-Operate-Transfer arrangement
– 10% of turnover as lease fee
 projected at US$350 000 per year
– Wage income for employees
 Expect 120 = US$600 000 per year
– Money to cover poaching and land management
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
The Pafuri Lodge – Our 2nd lodge
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
Benefit sharing challenge
Benefit sharing can cause conflict
– Hopefully our structures and commitment to good
governance will overcome this.
Investment in community development must
be done with support of local government
– We need to link into the Local Government’s
Integrated Development Plan, not do it alone.
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
Training our team of anti-poaching rangers
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
Looking forward
We believe that conservation is changing in
South Africa to be more community friendly
and attempting to adress poverty.
 We are learning from our Private Sector
partners and depend on them to do good
business on our land.
 The Makuleke Region will never give us all
we need, but what we have done so far
makes us proud.
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
Thanks to all our supporters,
– including GZT and the German Government,
– The Ford Foundation,
– as well as countless individuals.
“Our success is your success”
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke
The Makuleke Story by Mashangu
Livingstone Maluleke