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Sect. 10-8: Fluids in Motion (Hydrodynamics)
• Two types of fluid flow:
1. Laminar or Streamline: (We’ll assume!)
2. Turbulent: (We’ll not discuss!)
Streamline Motion
• Mass flow rate (mass of fluid passing a point
per second):
ρ1A1v1 = ρ2A2v2
Equation of Continuity
PHYSICS: Conservation of Mass!!
• Assume incompressible fluid (ρ1 = ρ2 = ρ)
A1v1 = A2v2
Av = constant
– Where cross sectional area A is large, velocity v
is small, where A is small, v is large.
• Volume flow rate: (V/t) = A(/t) = Av
• PHYSICS: Conservation of Mass!!
A1v1 = A2v2 Or Av = constant
• Small pipe cross section  larger v
• Large pipe cross section  smaller v
Example 10-11: Estimate Blood Flow
rcap = 4  10-4 cm, raorta = 1.2 cm
v1 = 40 cm/s, v2 = 5  10-4 cm/s
Number of capillaries N = ?
A2 = N(rcap)2, A1 = (raorta)2
A1v1 = A2v2
 N = (v1/v2)[(raorta)2/(rcap)2]
N  7  109
Example 10-12: Heating Duct
Speed in duct:
v1 = 3 m/s
Room volume:
V2 = 300 m3
Fills room every
t =15 min = 900 s
A1 = ?
A1v1 = Volume flow rate = (V/t) = V2/t
A1 = 0.11 m2
Section 10-9: Bernoulli’s Equation
• Bernoulli’s Principle (qualitative):
“Where the fluid velocity is high, the
pressure is low, and where the velocity is
low, the pressure is high.”
– Higher pressure slows fluid down. Lower pressure
speeds it up!
• Bernoulli’s Equation (quantitative).
– We will now derive it.
– NOT a new law. Simply conservation of KE + PE
(or the Work-Energy Principle) rewritten in fluid
Work & energy in fluid
moving from Fig. a
to Fig. b :
a) Fluid to left of point 1
exerts pressure P1 on
fluid mass M = ρV,
V = A11. Moves it 1.
Work done:
W1 = F11= P1 A11.
Work & energy in fluid
moving from Fig. a
to Fig. b :
b) Fluid to right of point 2
exerts pressure P2 on
fluid mass M = ρV,
V = A22. Moves it 2.
Work done:
W2 = -F22 = -P2A22.
Work & energy in fluid
moving from Fig. a
to Fig. b :
a)  b) Mass M moves
from height y1 to height
y2. Work done against
W3 = -Mg(y1 - y2)
Sect. 10-9: Bernoulli’s Eqtn
• Total work done from a)  b):
Wnet = W1 + W2 + W3
 Wnet = P1A11 - P2A22 - Mg(y1-y2)
• Recall the Work-Energy Principle:
Wnet = KE = (½)M(v2)2 – (½)M(v1)2
• Combining (1) & (2):
(½)M(v2)2 – (½)M(v1)2
= P1A11 - P2A22 - Mg(y1-y2) (3)
• Note that M = ρV = ρA11 = ρA22 & divide (3)
by V = A11 = A22
 (½)ρ(v2)2 - (½)ρ(v1)2 = P1 - P2 - ρg(y1-y2) (4)
• Rewrite (4) as:
P1 + (½)ρ(v1)2 + ρgy1 = P2 + (½)ρ(v2)2 + ρgy2
Bernoulli’s Equation
• Another form:
P + (½)ρ(v1)2 + ρgy1 = constant
• Not a new law, just work & energy of system in
fluid language. (Note: P  ρ g(y2 -y1) since fluid is
NOT at rest!)
Work Done by Pressure = KE + PE
Sect. 10-10: Applications of Bernoulli’s Eqtn
P1 + (½)ρ(v1)2 + ρgy1 = P2 + (½)ρ(v2)2 + ρgy2
Bernoulli’s Equation
P + (½)ρ(v1)2 + ρgy1 = constant
NOTE! The fluid is NOT at rest, so ΔP  ρgh !
• Example 10-13
Application #1: Water Storage Tank
P1 + (½)ρ(v1)2 + ρgy1 = P2 + (½)ρ(v2)2 + ρgy2 (1)
Fluid flowing out of spigot
at bottom. Point 1  spigot
Point 2  top of fluid
v2  0
(v2 << v1)
P2  P1
(1) becomes:
(½)ρ(v1)2 + ρgy1 = ρgy2
Or, speed coming out of
spigot: v1 = [2g(y2 - y1)]½
“Torricelli’s Theorem”
Application #2: Flow on the level
P1 + (½)ρ(v1)2 + ρgy1 = P2 + (½)ρ(v2)2 + ρgy2 (1)
• Flow on the level  y1 = y2  (1) becomes:
P1 + (½)ρ(v1)2 = P2 + (½)ρ(v2)2
(2) Explains many fluid phenomena & is a
quantitative statement of Bernoulli’s
“Where the fluid velocity is high, the
pressure is low, and where the velocity is
low, the pressure is high.”
Application #2 a) Perfume Atomizer
P1 + (½)ρ(v1)2 = P2 + (½)ρ(v2)2 (2)
“Where v is high, P is low, where v is
low, P is high.”
• High speed air (v)  Low pressure (P)
 Perfume is
“sucked” up!
Application #2 b) Ball on a jet of air
P1 + (½)ρ(v1)2 = P2 + (½)ρ(v2)2
“Where v is high, P is low, where v is
low, P is high.”
• High pressure (P) outside air jet  Low speed
(v  0). Low pressure (P) inside air jet
 High speed (v)
Application #2 c) Lift on airplane wing
P1 + (½)ρ(v1)2 = P2 + (½)ρ(v2)2
“Where v is high, P is low, where v is
low, P is high.”
A1  Area of wing top, A2  Area of wing bottom
Plane will fly if ∑F = FBOT - FTOP - Mg > 0 !
Application #2 d) Sailboat sailing against
the wind!
P1 + (½)ρ(v1)2 = P2 + (½)ρ(v2)2 (2)
“Where v is high, P is low, where v is
low, P is high.”
Application #2 e) “Venturi” tubes
P1 + (½)ρ(v1)2 = P2 + (½)ρ(v2)2 (2)
“Where v is high, P is low, where v is
low, P is high.”
Auto carburetor
Application #2 e) “Venturi” tubes
P1 + (½)ρ(v1)2 = P2 + (½)ρ(v2)2 (2)
“Where v is high, P is low, where v is
low, P is high.”
Venturi meter: A1v1 = A2v2
With (2) this  P2 < P1
Application #2 f) Ventilation in “Prairie
Dog Town” & in chimneys etc.
P1 + (½)ρ(v1)2 = P2 + (½)ρ(v2)2 (2)
“Where v is high, P is low, where v is
low, P is high.”
 Air is forced to
Application #2 g) Blood flow in the body
P1 + (½)ρ(v1)2 = P2 + (½)ρ(v2)2
“Where v is high, P is low, where v is
low, P is high.”
 Blood flow is from
right to left instead
of up (to the brain)
Problem 46: Pumping water up
Street level: y1 = 0
v1 = 0.6 m/s, P1 = 3.8 atm
Diameter d1 = 5.0 cm
(r1 = 2.5 cm). A1 = π(r1)2
18 m up: y2 = 18 m, d2 = 2.6 cm
(r2 = 1.3 cm). A2 = π(r2)2
v2 = ? P2 = ?
Continuity: A1v1 = A2v2
 v2 = (A1v1)/(A2) = 2.22 m/s
P1+ (½)ρ(v1)2 + ρgy1 = P2+ (½)ρ(v2)2 + ρgy2
 P2 = 2.0 atm