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Henry, M. (1990).

Words: Integrated decoding and spelling instruction based on word origin and word structure.

Austin: PRO-ED.


 Over ____ million people speak English (__________ the population of the world)  When we learn English, we are actually learning ____ languages- each with its own phonology and structure.


Germanic Influence

   English is classified as a ____________ language  However, less than ___% of the words are Germanic The _______, _________, and _________ came from northern _________________ bringing their language with them Later, the ______________ (known as the Danes) invaded the land and spoke a northern branch of Germanic

Germanic Words

 Relatively few in number  Common, everyday words in the language  Includes all words on the _______ list  All words on any lists of the “_____________________” are Germanic

Features of Germanic Words

      Short because over time, the endings dropped off Most of our _____________ words are Germanic  Examples: the, but, cold, sit ___________________ words in the language Least ____________________ Most difficult to ____________  Examples: they, could, was, write, old, most, thought ___________, ___________, and _____________________ of vowels are characteristics of the Germanic strain of language

Latin Words

Over ___________

the words in the English language are based on Latin  A handful of Latin words entered during the language during the __________ era  Most of the Latin words came by way of _____________ (a _______ language)  Ex. glamour


 Some of the _________ had settled in Northern France (i.e., Normandy which means “north men”) and adopted the French language  In ______, they invaded England  For the next 300 years, no king of England (keep in mind: every English king was also king of France at that time) spoke English but instead spoke ___________ (the language of the _________ and ________________)


 Later, __________ in England borrowed words directly from Latin itself  _________________ (with its center in Rome) adopted Latin for its services)  As Christianity spread over western Europe, the people attending services learned Latin words  Latin was also the required language at _________ and _____________  Ex. calculus

Characteristics of Latin Words

 Consist of a _________, __________, and _______  Examples: pre dic tion, in somni a  Seldom use vowel pairs  Use ____________ or vowel ____________ for long sound  Examples: invade, denote  Never uses sh for /sh/; instead, the sound is spelled ti, ci, si, or xi  Examples: invention, social, permission, complexion

Greek Words

  _________% of the English vocabulary is based on Greek 1.


Greek words came into the language from 2 sources: _______ (as every educated Roman knew Greek) Borrowed by ____________

Characteristics of Greek Words

      Recognized by their spelling and structure Use ___ for /f/ (Example: physics) Use ____ for /k/ (Example: chemistry) Use ___ for /i/ (Example: gym, type) Often consists of 2 elements joined by a connecting ___ (Example: hydrogen, photograph) Scientists use Greek when they want a new word for a __________ or _____________  Examples: neutron, electron, cardiogram  Greek has become the language of _________

GREEK Specialized words used mostly in science, though some (i.e., television) are common ROMANCE Technical, sophisticated words used primarily in more formal settings such as literature & textbooks ANGLO-SAXON Common, everyday, down-to-earth words used frequently in ordinary situations and found in school primers

More Influences

 Crusaders and the trade with medieval __________ brought words such as tea, sofa, and sherbet  From ______: calico, bungalow, jungle  From _________: dingo, outback, kangaroo  From __________: safari

Move to the New World

    Foreign words flooded into the language The Dutch were among the first _________ which is why we have so many Dutch words (Example: cookie, landscape, coleslaw) French explorers who settled in ____________ added chowder, pumpkin, prairie, levee, and others to the list ____________________ contributed banana, cola, goober, yam, gorilla, tote, and okra

Influence of the Native Americans

 Place names of rivers, mountains, landmarks, and names of over half the states  Can you think of some of these?

 Other native words include: caribou, toboggan, papoose, raccoon, tobacco

Other Changes Cause New Words to Enter

        Potato famine (1845) brought ____________ immigrants 1848 revolution caused Germans to settle in ______________ and the __________________ After the American Civil War came the Spanish, Italians, and Scandinavians Czechs, Slovaks, and Poles followed Chinese were hired to build the ____________ (and they remained) Japanese settled on the _____________________ Refugees from all over Europe fled from World War II Also, there followed a huge influx from Puerto Rico, China, Hong Kong, Korea, & Thailand

Anglo-Saxon Layer of Language

     Beginning readers start out reading words from the Anglo-Saxon base of language _________________ used short words typical in early readers __________ are also of Anglo-Saxon origin In addition, prefixes and suffixes are added but many of the Anglo-Saxon prefixes are __________ (forget, without, became, overlook, unhappy, understand, inside, befriend) Anglo-Saxon suffixes: ed, er, ing, ly, s (es), able, hood, ful, less, ness, ship, ish)

Anglo-Saxon Letter-Sound Correspondences


b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z


bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr sc, sk, sl, sp, st, sw … Final: ft, lk, lt, mp, nd…

VOWELS -r & -l Controlled Diagraphs

ch, sh th wh chat ship this when thin (-ck, -tch, -dge, -ng)

Diagraphs Single Letter (Short/Long)

cap - cape pet - Pete pinning - pining rob - robe cutter – cuter (y) er, ir, ur ar, or arr, err all al 1 sound: ee; oy, oi; oa; ai, ay; aw, au 2 sounds: ea, ow, ou, ie, ei, ew

Latin Layer of Language

    Students encounter these words in ____ rd grade Knowledge of consonants & vowels transfers directly to these words None of the complex Anglo-Saxon digraphs are included _______________ sound is the most notable feature (unaccented vowel sound found in unaccented syllables) ~ Letter-sound correspondences are otherwise the same as Anglo-Saxon  machine, soda, ahead, about, magazine

Latin Layer

  Root words: usually stressed & contain the major meaning of the word  spect, rupt, vis, aud, vent, flect, script, gress, dict, tract, lit, duct, struct, pend, ped Prefixes: pre, re, bi, pro, mid, sub, dis, inter, intro, intra, il, extra, per, ultra, trans  Many prefixes have the schwa sound  aggressive, appearance, connect, collect, attach Vowel diagraphs in the suffixes are ALL pronounced as schwas (nation, precious, omission) & initial consonants in the suffixes, followed by i, are pronounced as /sh/

Common Latin Prefixes

de- (from, away) re- (back, again) bi- (two) tri- (three) pre- (before) pro- (before, forward) co- (together, with) dis- (separation, undo) im- (in, not) sub- (under) ex- (out) trans- (across) mis- (wrong, bad) con- (together, with) in- (in, not) non- (not)

Latin Suffixes

-ist (noun, person)




-or (noun)

-ar (adjective)













Latin Roots

          rupt (to break, to burst) port (to carry) form (to shape) tract (to pull) scrib, script (to write) spec, spect (to see, watch) stru, struct (to build) dic, dict (to say, tell) flect, flex (to bend) mit, miss (to send)        cred (to believe) duc, duce, duct (to lead) pel, puls (to drive, push) pend (to hang) fac, fact (to make, do) vert, vers (to turn) jac, jec, ject (to throw, lie)

Greek Layer of Language

 Same letter-sound correspondences as those in Anglo-Saxon words, but adds 3 important patterns: ph for /f/, ch for /k/, and the use of y as a long vowel / ī/ or short vowel /ĭ/ (i.e., medial vowel)  Usually specialized words in _________, though some are ________ (___________)  Often contain silent _ (pneumonia, pseudonym)  _______ as in mnemonics

Greek Combining Forms

 Not called prefixes and suffixes but ___________________ since there are usually 2 parts of equal stress and importance

Greek Combining Forms

      


auto = self phono = sound photo = light hydro = water tele = distance micro = small therm = heat     


graph, gram = written/drawn meter = measure ology = study scope = watch, see sphere, crat, cracy, polis  biblio, hyper, chron, chrom, arch, phys, pysch, peri, bi, semi, hemi, mono, meta, mega, metro, philo, soph, theo, techni

Syllable Division Rules

 Anglo-Saxon = VC/CV; V/CV, VC/V VC/CCV (consonant l-e) are common  Latin = Same as Anglo-Saxon but the prefixes and suffixes often consist of syllables based on these patterns (i ble, in tro)  Greek = Same as Anglo-Saxon (many v/cv such as hyper, vc/v such as hemi, also, v/cc such as hydro)

Why Students Need This Information

  Students use their knowledge to decode unfamiliar words.


Teach students this process See if you can identify the language origin.




Look for the morpheme units: Anglo-Saxon or Latin prefixes, roots, suffixes. Greek combining forms, or single words making up Anglo-Saxon compound words.

If you can’t find a morpheme, or if you find morphemes but still can’t read the word, break the word into syllables using the common syllable division options.

If syllable division doesn’t work, or works for only part of the work, use letter-sound correspondences.