The lion is the symbol of courage.

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Transcript The lion is the symbol of courage.

symbol 象征;标志
The lion is the symbol of courage.
On maps, a cross is the symbol for a church.
symbolic symbolism
White marks painted on the trees show the route.
mark one's name on one's clothes
sign traffic signs
Look out for a sign to the motorway.留意通往告诉公路的标志。
There wasn't a sign of life there.那儿没有生命的迹象。
some signs of improvement in her work
theme:subject, topic主题;核心;话题
The theme of our discussion was "Europe in the 1990's".
theme park专题公园
dress up
theme song主题歌
be dressed in
The bride was dressed in white.
The facts are very clear. It's no use trying to dress them up.
Don't bother to dress up. Come as you are.
Girls love dressing up.女孩喜欢化妆打扮。
What's your opinion of the new President?
He was asked to give his honest opinion.
be of the opinion that主张……认为……
I am of the opinion that he is right.
In my opinion and in the opinion of most people,
it is a very sound investment.
People celebrate Mardi Gras by
dressing up in costumes
 dress up 穿上正装,打扮
 You don’t need to ~ for this dinner. I don’t
want to go to their wedding because I hate
dressing up.
 dress up in … 穿…服装打扮
 I just love the fun of dressing up in ancient
 dress up as … 打扮成
 The little girl dressed herself up as an angle.
 be dressed in … 穿
 She is always dressed in white.
 Make the best of sth.
 -- to accept an unsatisfactory situation and
do whatever you can to make it less bad (不
 We have to ~ the situation.
 One must learn to ~ a bad job.
 The girl did not like to wash dishes, but she
made the best of it.
 Make the worst of
 Dave was now changing over from making
the worst of the affair to making the best of
 (在困难情况下)不肯做出努力, 不肯好好干
Language Points:
1、major 重大的;主要的;
a major road干路
a major operation大手术
We have encountered major problems.
She majors in maths and physics.
2 follow
follow the crowd
follow one’s advice
follow one’s example
follow the latest fashion
Monday follows Sunday.
The duckling followed its mother everywhere.
I couldn’t follow his argument at all.
The main events are as follows: first, the
president’s speech, secondly the secretary’s
reply and thirdly, the chairman’s summing-up.
It rained on the day we arrived, but the
following day was sunny.
 3. Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival
celebrating the culture and history of
African Americans.
 1) seven-day (compound adj.)
the tenth five-year plan
a three-leg table
 Many students signed up for ________________
race in the sports meeting to be held next week.
 2) celebrating
= which celebrates …
 Similar structure:
 the week following Christmas Day
4、celebrate Christmas
celebrate a wedding anniversary
celebrate sb’s birthday
celebrate a victory, success
birthday celebration
a day of celebration
5 greet:欢迎;迎接;致意;问候
He greeted me in the street with a
friendly wave of the hand.
‘Hello!’ and ‘Dear sir’ are greetings.
a greeting card贺卡
the season’s greeting
6 Gone are the days _____ the Chinese
people were looked down upon.
John shut everyone out of the kitchen
____ he could prepare his grand
surprise for dinner.
A. which B. when C. so that D. as if
 10. The African first-fruit festivals had
many things in common:
 If two or more things have something in
common, they have the same characteristic
or feature.
 If two or more people have something in
common, they share the same interests or
 To my surprise, I found I had a lot in
common with this stranger.
 Their methods have a lot in common
(with each other).
 5. People would get together to celebrate
their harvest; people used to give thanks
for their harvest and for life,…
 would & used to
 would – 情态动词、 “过去常常”, 与used
to 意义相近,所不同的是would后一般跟动
态性动词,而used to还可跟状态性动词。
 He would come to my home for help
when he had any trouble. (= He used to
come …)
 But: He used to be a worker.
He would be a worker.
7 for
What’s English for “公投”?
8 have in common
They found they had lot in common and
got on well.
I have nothing in with you.
8 他过去不曾开车上班。
He didn’t use to drive to work.
She usedn’t to play computer games,
used he?
There used to be an old temple on the hill.
When he was there, he ________ go to that
coffee shop at the corner after work every
A.would B. should C. had better D. might
would: 过去的习惯(经常发生的动作)
used to: 规则行为
9 honour
I feel greatly honoured by your trust.
Will you honour me with a visit?
in honour of sth 出于对什么事物的敬意
a ceremory in honour of those killed in battle
It’s a great honour to be invited.
You do us a great honour by attending.
Will you do me the honour of dinning with me?
10 principle
a text which teaches the basic principles of
geometry 原则;原理
the principle of equality of opportunity of
all 人人机会均等的原则
live according to one’s principles
 11. The festivals were a way to
celebrate history and culture, as well
as the new year.
 Note -- No articles are used before history and
culture 一般说, 表示概念性或科学性的抽
象名词前不用冠词. 但如果带有限制性的后
 American history
 The history of America
 12. as
well as
 He grows flowers as well as
 She is a talented musician as well as
being a photographer.
 Are they coming as well?
 13 unity
 Live together in unity
 Political unity 政治上的一致
 National unity is essential in wartime.
After three years in prison he was again
united with his wife and family.
We should unite to fight poverty and disease.
A very united family很和睦的家庭
14 community社区;团体;集体;社会
work for the good of the community
community service社会服务工作
a community spirit集体精神
community centre社区活动中心
15 country:地理区域
We passed through four countries on our
way to Greece.
The State provides free education and
health care.
There are 13 states in Malaysia.州
The United Nations
The Jewish nation is scattered around the
16 determine决定;确定
His future has not been determined, but he may
study medicine.
He will determine how it is to be done.
We determined on an early start.我们决定早些出发。
He determined to learn Greek.
The exam could determine your career.
I’m determined to succeed.
a determined fighter, look, attitude
a leader with courage and determination果敢的领导
17 support
This bridge is strong enough to support
heavy lorries.
The director were trying to get rid of her,
but her staff all supported her.
Which sport team do you support?
I was supported by my parents when I
was studying.
18 purpose
What is the purpose of the meeting?
What is your purpose in going to Canada.
Did he break it accidentally? No, on purpose.
She seems to do these things on purpose.
19 create创建;创造;创作
God created the world.
A novelist creates characters and a plot.
create more jobs
the creation of a good impression
20 faith (in sth)信任;信仰;信心
put one’s faith in God
Have you an faith in what he says?
I haven’t any faith in this medicine.
I have lost faith in that fellow.
break faith with sb不忠诚
keep faith with sb忠诚
A faithful friend忠实的朋友
She was always faithful to her husband.
 21. We must do as much as we can to
make our community better and more
 as … as one can(=as…as possible) 尽某人
 He will drive as carefully as he can to
avoid any accidents.
 He ran as fast as he could in the race and
finally got the 2nd place.
 Will you please be back as soon as
possible so that you will have more time
to exchange views with the experts?
22 spirit
He answered with spirit.
in low/poor / high spirits
raise one’s spirits
Have a glass of brandy to keep your
spirits up.
23 commercial
We must promote commerce with
neighbouring countries.
commercial law, activity
 24. Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning
as well as joy, people celebrate it by
lighting a candle each day and
discussing one of …
 light – lit; lighted
 lighted is used especially as an
attributive adj.
 e.g. a lighted candle/lamp/match
 He lit the candle.
 The candles were lit.
 As soon as the ____ candle was brought
in, it soon ____ up the little room.
A. lighted; lit
B. lighting; lighted
 C. lit; lighted
D. lit; lit
 Each day & every day
 Each day 强调在一定天数中的每一天, 重个
 Every day 指天数不确定的情况下的每一天,
 Such things do not happen every day.
 It rains each day this month.
 25. Each time we celebrate a festival it
changes a little and in that way we keep our
culture alive.
 Each time / Every time + clause 每次…
 Don’t look up the word in the dictionary
every time you come to a word or phrase
you don’t know.
 Each time he came back to his hometown,
he found it changed a little.
 the moment + clause 一…就 (= as soon as)
 I promise you can have the magazine the
moment I finish reading it.
26 joy
dance, jump, shout with joy
He is a great joy to listen to.
one of the simple joys of life
27 give away
He gave most of his money away to charity.
The major gave away the prizes at the
school sports meet.
28 make peace和解
be at peace with sb. / sth与……和好、和睦
She’s never at peace with herself.
keep the peace维持治安
a peace-keeping force
29 the kiss of life
kiss sb goodbye
Language points
1. It is likely that people have celebrated …
Likely – adj. 很可能的
1) be likely to
John is likely to go to the beach tomorrow.
It is therefore possible to say not only what
the weather is like at present, but also what
is likely to happen in the next day or two.
 2) It is likely that …
 It is likely that he is in trouble now.
 It’s quite likely that a decision will be made
before the end of the year.
 Likely /possible /probable
 都作 “可能的”解
 从意义上讲, likely所表达的可能性比
possible强,但比probable弱, 表示某种行
 The sky is clear, so it’s not ______ to
rain this afternoon.
 A. doubtful
√B. likely
 C. certain
D. rarely
 2. Almost every culture has some kind
of harvest festival.
 Some – used to mean a person or
thing, when you do not know or say
exactly which (某个,某种)
 She was hunting for some book that
she had lost.
 There must be some mistake.
 Some day he will get his scholarship.
 For some reason, they didn’t come.
 3. All across Africa,… get together for
festivals around harvest time.
 4. …, people celebrate a new harvest with
days of dancing and offering fruit to their
ancestors and gods.
 5. The boats used are beautifully painted
and decorated with flowers of all colours.
 6. …,there is a similar festival in May.
 John and I have similar taste in sport.
 My computer is similar to Tom’s.
 A is similar to B.
 7. People arrange races, games and
dances to give thanks to the rice gods.
 give thanks to sb. for sth.
 Please give my thanks to your father
for his kind help.
 8. People visit the graves of their
ancestors to show their respect.
 Show respect/ love for …
 Show interest in …
 9. When the visit to the graves is over,
 10. …, on the fifteenth day of the
eighth month of the lunar calendar
 11. From Thanksgiving in the West
to the Mid-Autumn Festival in the
East, the yearly festivals represent
our love for family, friends and life.
 Symbol, signal & sign
 Symbol – sign,mark,object etc looked upon
as representing sth.符号;象征
 Blue is a symbol of peace.
 The Cross is the symbol of Christianity.
 Signal – 信号,暗号,警告
 Traffic signals (交通信号)
 A red light is usually a signal of danger.
 Sign – 记号,符号 Mathematical signs; 表 “告
 Dark clouds are usually a sign of rain.
Why are these festivals spreading
around the world?
 Festival  Christmas
 Where  Europe, the US, also
 Why
 Who
sometimes in China
 People like the story about
Santa Claus; businesses like
to make money by selling
Christmas things
 Christians, mainly, but also
people who simply enjoy the
 1. Earth Day is a celebration of life and
our planet. It is a reminder that we need
to care about the world we live in and
that we should learn to respect life and
 地球日是为了纪念生命和我们星球,
这个世界, 要学会尊重生命和大自
2 care about忧虑;关心
Don’t you care about the country’s future?
I don’t think she cares (about) what happens to
her children.
All she cares about is her social life.
care for喜欢
Would you care for a drink?
care for sb. 爱
care for a sick照顾病人
I don’t care much for Peking Opera.
3 respect sb for sth
I respect you for your honesty.
respect one’s wishes, opinions, feelings
respect oneself自重;自尊
Children should show respect for their
 4 A Day On, Not A Day Off!
 To have “a day off” means to stay at
home from work for a day, usually to
relax. A “day on” means that although
an American doesn’t work that day,
they should do something serious to
honour the man for whom the holiday
is given.
 It is not a time for us to rest, but a time
to think about and do something
important and great.
 5. The festival honours both the
living and the dead.
 the + adj. – used to talk about a class
of people or things
 The old/young/rich/poor/wounded
 Jim is like his father both in
appearance and in character.
 The young should respect the old and
the old should care about the young.
6. People give sugar skeletons to
each other as gifts.
 7. It is not a sad day, but rather a
time to celebrate the cycle of life.
 not …but rather … used to say that
someone does not do something but
does something else instead (不…而…)
 这不是一个哀伤的日子,而是一个纪念生命
 The committee does not deal with
opening up the village, but rather
discusses the problem of pollution.
I worked as a secretary, or rather, a typist.
He had to walk—— or rather run —— to the
 8. Our friends will play tricks on us and
try to fool us.
 Play tricks on sb./ play a trick on sb.
 Don’t play tricks on me -- I want to
know the truth.
 That was an unfair trick to play on her.
 6. If a person is taken in, …
 take in – 收留;理解,领会,明白;欺骗;包括,
 He’s a clever talker – and good at
taking people in.
 Don’t be taken in by products claiming
to help you lose weight in a week.
 Mrs. Brown is considering taking in
students next year.
 We could hardly take in what was be
being said.
 The study of physics takes in many
different subject.
 I take in a daily paper and a monthly
 订阅