Transcript Plant Cells

Plant Cells
All organisms are made up of cells
Cells are the fundamental unit of life
Small membrane-bound structures
Can create copies of themselves by growing
and dividing in two
Viruses not classified as living as they
require a host cell to replicate themselves
Developed in the 17th century
Allowed us to re-evaluate our definition of life
Several types of microscopes play critical
roles in cell biology – even today
Light microscope
Transmission electron microscope
Scanning electron microscope
Microscope  Cells
1665 - Robert Hooke created a set of
lenses that were used to visualize the
cell walls of cork
1838 – Matthias Schleiden
1839 – Theodor Schwann
Both presented work that all living organisms
are made of cells
Mid 1800’s – Rudolf Virchow proposed
that all cells arise from other cells
Cell Theory
Cell Theory (Schleiden, Schwann and Virchow)
All organisms are composed of 1 or more cells
Cells are the basic living unit of function and
All cells come from other cells
1860’s – Louis Pasteur confirmed that cells
come from existing cells
Cells usually run 5 to 20
micrometers in diameter –
10 times smaller than what
our eyes can resolve
The light microscope can
help us see things 1000 times
smaller than normally seen by
the human eye
The electron microscope can
help us see things 1000 times
smaller than with the light
Light Microscopes
Bright light source
 Set of lenses,
arranged to focus
the image
 Specimen must be
thin enough for
the light to pass
Cellular Detail
In the light microscope you can visualize the
outer boundary of the cell and the nucleus with little
detail in the cytoplasm.
Visualize Beyond Light
At the light microscope level we are still
unable to ‘see’ the small components of the
Surface structures can be seen using a
scanning electron microscope
Internal structures can be seen using a
transmission electron microscope
Visualize structures in the nanometer range
Not All Cells Are The Same
The amount and type of organelles differs
for various types of cells
Based on their function
Cells are defined by the presence or
absence of a nucleus
Prokaryotes have no nucleus, single celled
Eukaryotes have a nucleus, may be single or
Usually the most prominent organelle
Contains the genetic material of the cell –
Chromatin is a complex of DNA and protein
that is diffusely distributed in the nucleus
DNA can be seen as chromosomes only
during cell division
Chromatin to Chromosome
Contains the nucleolus
Nucleolar organizing area
Contains the RNA molecules and
proteins necessary for formation of
May be one or more depending on
cell type
Nuclear Membrane
Nucleus is enclosed in a double layered
Also called the nuclear envelope
Separates the nucleus from the rest of the
Nuclear pores allow for communication
between nucleoplasm and cytoplasm
Small openings in the envelope
Contents within the plasma membrane but
outside the nucleus
Organelles – the small membrane-bound
components of the cell that allow it to function
Cytosol – the aqueous part of the cytoplasm
outside of the other membrane bound organelles
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
Thought to originate from a symbiotic relationship
between a bacterium and the cell
Contain their own DNA
Can replicate without cell replication
Most conspicuous organelle
Power-house of the cell - energy production
Cells requiring large amounts of energy have numerous
Generates ATP from the oxidation of food molecules
Requires oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide, called
cellular respiration
With oxygen – aerobic
Without oxygen - anaerobic
Outer membrane
Intermembrane space
Inner membrane
Found in plants, algae – contain chlorophyll
More complex than mitochondria
Function in photosynthesis
Convert sun energy and carbon dioxide to sugars and
Internal Membranes
Cells contain other membrane-bound
Assist with movement of materials
Usually single membrane
Import and export
Move molecules about within the cell
The function of the cell determines the
amount of these organelles per cell
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
Irregular maze from a single membrane
continuous with the nuclear membrane and
surrounding a single lumen (opening)
Involved in making some components for the cell as
well as the materials for export
Two types
Rough ER (RER) – synthesize proteins
Contain ribosomes on surface
Smooth ER (SER) –synthesize and metabolize lipids
No ribosomes
Rough ER
Non-membrane-bound organelle responsible
for protein synthesis
Complex of protein and RNA
2 subunits – 1 large and 1 small
Complex allows for the formation of the peptide bond
2 types
Attached to endoplasmic reticulum
Exported proteins
Free in the cytoplasm
Internal proteins
Golgi Apparatus
Stack of flattened membrane-bound sacs
resembling a stack of dinner plates
Responsible for the modification of the
proteins from the ER
Directs proteins to the proper site
Modification of proteins
Adding sugars to the proteins
Golgi Apparatus
Digestive “organ” of the cell
Digests food, recycles materials and
eliminates wastes
Generates and removes hydrogen peroxide
from lipid metabolism
Transport vesicles
Moves materials around the cell between
other organelles
Plasma Membrane
Material continually
moves from outside
the cell to inside and
vise versa
Capture things outside
the cell
Usually fuse with
lysosome - digested
Move things to outside
the cell
Remove all the membrane-bound organelles from a cell
and you are left with the cytosol
Can be the largest component of the cell
Site of many chemical reactions that keep the cell alive
Elaborate network of filaments that function to give
strength, shape and movement to cells
3 filament types
Actin – thinnest fibers, generates contractile force (A)
Intermediate – intermediate, strengthens (C)
Microtubules – largest, hollow tubes, rearranges to help
separate chromosomes during cell division (B)
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Animal Cell
Plant Cell
Plant Cells have
a few unique
 Vacuoles
 Plastids (e.g.,
 Cell wall
Definition: membranous
sacs filled with water that
serve a variety of functions:
Storage of “food”, water, oil,
pigments, toxins, & waste.
Helps to maintain turgor
Young plant cells often
contain many small
vacuoles, but as the cells
mature, these unite to form
a large central vacuole.
Vacuoles and vesicles are storage organelles in cells. Vacuoles
are larger than vesicles. Either structure may store water, waste
products, food, and other cellular materials. In plant cells, the vacuole
may take up most of the cell's volume. The membrane surrounding the
plant cell vacuole is called the tonoplast.
Cell Sap
The fluid contained in a vacuole is called the
cell sap.
Water soluble pigments called anthocyanins may be
present. These pigments impart colors to flowers,
fruit, seeds, leaves, stems, and roots.
Calcium oxalate and other salts may be dissolved or
present as precipitates. Crystals may serve to
protect the plant from herbivores, storage of toxic
substances, or act as a reservoir for calcium. About
75% of flowering plants produce calcium oxalate
crystals in some or all of their organs.
Anthocyanin and Pigmentation
Definition: the contraction of
cells within plants due to the
loss of water through osmosis.
It is when the cell membrane
“shrinks away” from the cell
wall and the vacuole collapses.
Occurs when water is drawn
out of the cell (high water
concentration  low water
Causes plants to wilt.
Calcium Oxalate Crystals
Druse type crystal
Definition: large organelles that
are associated with pigments
and other storage products (e.g.,
A typical plant cell will usually
have 20-40 plastids.
Several Types:
Leucoplasts- Amyloplasts
(starch)/Elaioplasts (oil)
Definition: plastids that
capture light energy
from the sun to make
“food”; contain
chlorophyll (Elodea)
Definition: colorless
plastids that store
starch or oil
Found in things like
tubers (e.g., Irish
potatoes), roots,
leaves, grains, fruits,
and seeds.
Definition: plastids that make & store
carotenoid pigments
Found in red & yellow peppers, tomatoes,
flower petals …
Carotenoid pigments are not water
soluble, but it is fat soluble.
β-carotene is broken down in the mucosa
of the small intestine by beta-carotene
dioxygenase to retinol, a form of vitamin A.
Vitamin A, is a yellow fat-soluble,
antioxidant vitamin important in vision,
embryo development, and bone growth.
Vitamin A is required in the production of
rhodopsin, the visual pigment used in dim
VAD leads to night blindness, permanent
blindness, and other medical problems.
Cell Wall
Definition: a flexible outer
barrier made of cellulose
fibrils that surrounds plant
 Protection & Support
 Determines plant shape
& size
 Maintains turgor pressure
 Regulates movement in
and out
 Cell-cell communication
Cellulose is a polymer of β-D-Glucose, which in
contrast to starch, is oriented with -CH2OH
groups alternating above and below the plane of
the cellulose molecule thus producing long,
unbranched chains.
Pectin is a polysaccharide that acts as a
cementing material in the cell walls of all
plant tissues.
The white portion of the rind of lemons and
oranges contains approximately 30% pectin.
Pectin is an important ingredient of fruit
preserves, jellies, and jams.
Pectin is a complex polysaccharide
consisting mainly of esterified Dgalacturonic acid resides in an α-(1-4)
Middle lamella
The cell wall protects the cellular contents; gives rigidity to the plant structure;
provides a porous medium for the circulation and distribution of water, minerals,
and other small nutrient molecules; and contains specialized molecules that
regulate growth and protect the plant from disease. A structure of great tensile
strength, the cell wall is formed from fibrils of cellulose molecules, embedded in
a water-saturated matrix of polysaccharides and structural glycoproteins.
Definition: small tubes that
connect plant cells to each
other, establishing living
bridges between cells.
Allow certain molecules to pass
directly from one cell to another.
These channels, penetrate the
cell wall and are lined with
plasma membrane, uniting all
connected cells with essentially
one continuous cell membrane.
Cell wall & Plasmodesmata- In addition to cell membranes, plants have cell
walls. Cell walls provide protection and support for plants.
Unlike cell membranes materials cannot get through cell walls. This would be
a problem for plant cells if not for special openings called plasmodesmata.
These openings are used to communicate and transport materials between plant
cells because the cell membranes are able touch and therefore exchange
needed materials.
Cell Division
The mechanism that
allows the nuclei of
cells to split and provide
each daughter cell with
a complete set of
chromosomes during
cellular division.
Permits plants to grow
& develop.
Garlic Root Tip
In plants cell
division occurs in
tissues called
meristems, which
are often found in
root tips.
Apical meristem
Root cap
Phases of Cell Division
G1 phase
S phase
G2 phase
Cellular growth
Preparation for mitosis
Appearance of stringlike chromosomes due
to condensing of
Chromosomes line up
in the middle of the
cell (equator)
separate and move to
opposite ends of the
cell (poles).
Telophase & Cytokinesis
Two new nuclei are
formed and the
cytoplasm is beginning
to separate.