Document 7312215

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Transcript Document 7312215

Certification of ICAO compliant
GBAS Cat-I in Australia
Keith McPherson
Manager GNSS
[email protected]
ICAO Document “A32-19: Charter on the Rights and
Obligations of States Relating to GNSS Services”
2. Every State and aircraft of all States shall have access, on a nondiscriminatory basis under uniform conditions, to the use of GNSS
services, including regional augmentation systems for aeronautical use
within the area of coverage of such systems.
4. Every State providing GNSS services, including signals, or under
whose jurisdiction such services are provided, shall ensure the continuity,
availability, integrity, accuracy and reliability of such services, including
effective arrangements to minimize the operational impact of system
malfunctions or failure, and to achieve expeditious service recovery.
Technology Overview
NPA 400-600ft
GRAS 250ft
GBAS 200ft
GRAS Transmitters
Sydney Airport
- Increased safety, accuracy & integrity
- More efficient approaches
- Reduced infrastructure & real estate
- Increased Guided missed approaches
Regional Airport
-Increased Integrity
-Supports ADS-B - accurate surveillance
-Assists UPR & UPT
-Mixed Mode operation with RNP
Guided Departures
- Situational Awareness
- Accurate departure tracks
- Environmental saving
GBAS System
GBAS is Airport Based
GRAS Regional System
GBAS Features
• Replaces ILS
• Covers all runway ends
• Curved approaches
• Terrain Issues
• Environmental
• Reduced real estate
• More stability
• Less signal Interference
• Less maintenance
GBAS Cat-1 Sydney
Equipment on the Hook at Sydney
GPS Reference Receiver Antennas
VHF Data Link Antenna
GLS Facility Shelter
• The “Hook” at Sydney airport extending into Botany Bay
GBAS Cat-1 Equipment
GLS – Primary Flight Display
GMWH /220o
RW22C 4.4
GLS – Radio Tuning Panel
GLS – FMS Selection
Multiple Approach Capability of GBAS
Current Status
ICAO GBAS Cat-I SARPs already issued
• Approved ICAO compliant system in Australia (Part 171 change) in
2008 at Sydney International Airport
• Strong support from international airlines Qantas, Lufthansa, Fedex,
Continental Air Micronesia
• Sydney Beta GBAS Cat-I – installation completed October 2005
• Sydney Beta GBAS Cat-I – first broadcast 29 October 2005
• DFS Germany has a beta GBAS Cat-I (Frankfurt, soon Bremen)
• AENA Spain has a beta GBAS Cat-I (Malaga)
• Memphis Tennessee has beta GBAS Cat-1
• Global reach of GBAS Cat-I is increasing
Goal - gate to gate precision navigational service for aircraft
B-737NG GLS Certification Status
Certification Flight Test
– Verification, validation complete
– Demonstrated at SeaTac & Moses Lake using Beta LAAS
– Operations (including automatic landings) demonstrated at
adjacent airports: Ephrata, Boeing Field & Paine Field
– Test airplane flown against FAA prototype ground station at Rio de
Janeiro (Galeao) with approaches to adjacent airport (Santos
9 B-737NG with GBAS Cat-1 avionics
24 B-737s may be retrofitted with GBAS Cat-1 avionics
Boeing and Airbus plan to introduce GLS on all forward fit
aircraft and retrofit where cost effective
A-380 GLS Certification Status
QANTAS will take delivery of 12 x A-380s with GBAS Cat-I avionics
Other Airbus aircraft to be procured will be fitted with GBAS Cat-I avionics
B-737NG, B-787, B-777 (New), B-747-8 will all gave GBAS Cat-1 as
standard avionics fitment
Australian Augmentation Experience
• LAAS SCAT-1 Melbourne Airport (Honeywell SLS-2000)
• LAAS SCAT-1 Canberra Airport (Raytheon DIAS-3100)
• LAAS SCAT-1 Avalon Airport (Honeywell SLS-2000)
• LAAS SCAT-1 Norfolk Island (Honeywell SLS-2000)
• GBAS CAT-1 Sydney Airport (Honeywell SLS-3000)
ICAO Compliant GBAS Cat-I in Australia
Airservices Australia negotiated with Honeywell International to bring
an ICAO compliant GBAS Cat-I to completion
Approximately 22 months to complete RTCA DO-178B/278 compliant
software – commenced 10 April 2006
Approximately 6 months of certification
Civil Aviation Safety Authority involved from Day 1
Aim is to have CASA approve Part 171 change to allow operation of
completed system by 3rd quarter 2008 or earlier
Germany, Spain and USA offered to assist and those offers were
GNSS Technical Memorandum of Cooperation signed with FAA 9
February 2006
2nd Last Message
New aircraft are being fitted with GBAS Cat-I avionics
B-737s will be retrofitted with GBAS Cat-I avionics
Qantas has taken the lead internationally
GBAS Cat-I is HERE and it is HERE to STAY
73% of the world’s airports are GBAS Cat-I (IATA study)
GBAS Cat-I offers more than ILS
Legacy aircraft will be around for a long time and SOME
ILS will remain but not as many
Final Message:
No single augmentation system
provides a global answer –
There is a synergy between, and a need
for, all four ICAO augmentation systems
Thank you