Document 7284767

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Transcript Document 7284767

A Church with a Vision
A prophetic call for the healing of
The Vision Statement
the hearts
Fathers and Children
to heal
the nations.
Signature scripture
"Remember the law of my servant Moses,
the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for
all Israel. "See, I will send you the prophet
Elijah before that great and dreadful day of
the LORD comes. He will turn the hearts of
the fathers to their children, and the hearts of
the children to their fathers; or else I will come
and strike the land with a curse."
Malachi 4:4-6
Mission Statement
Oasis is a Christ-centred, bilingual,
multinational, Taiwan-based church,
with a ministry of reconciliation,
bringing healing to Taiwan and to
the nations in the name of Jesus
Mission Statement
Oasis ministers to people of all
generations who will benefit from a
bilingual environment. There is an
emphasis on the receiving, training
and sending out of young people.
Mission Statement
Oasis ministers in the love of Christ
by teaching the Word of God,
training for Christian service, and
equipping people to go out to
preach the gospel and make
Mission Statement
Oasis seeks to bring people into a
relationship with the person of
Jesus Christ by encouraging a
lifestyle of worship and prayer in
Spirit and in Truth.
Church Leadership
The leadership team reflects the diversity and
structure of Oasis, who support Pastor Andy
and Fiona and help set the spiritual direction
of the church.
Church staff – both voluntary and paid – who
look after the daily church activities.
Leaders and staff are expected to comply
with Biblical requirements for leadership and
to share the Oasis vision.
Leadership Team
Pastor Andy and Fiona Houghton
Marc Schachtler
Jon Wright
Abraham Niu
Tim Gillette
Karen Pearson
Rock Lo
Church staff - paid
Matthew Snelgrove – Youth & The Hole
Ya Ching Hsu – Church Secretary
Sarah Niu – Finance
Mei Wright – Couselling
Eiko Tanabe – Cleaning
Church staff – unpaid
Megan Houghton – Youth and The Hole
Mei Hue – Chinese Ladies
Glenna Haupt – English Bible Club
Heather Hunt – Creative Arts and Media
Stephanie Speers – Kanaan Ministries
Diana Wilkins – Prayer Co-ordinator
April Tsang
Lorraine Thompson
Erik Froonhof
Dave Thompson
Peggy Lin
Sowing and reaping
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be
mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”
Galatians 6:7
Sowing and reaping
The more you sow the more you reap.
Sow your seed into good ground.
The more you sow and get involved with the
local church (Oasis) the more you will reap
and the more benefits you will receive.
Salvation is a gift of grace (Romans 5:15) but
faith without works is dead! (James 1:22-27)
Opportunities at Oasis
Worship team – musicians and singers.
Prayer team
Small group leaders and assistants
English Bible Club – teaching assistants
Training in prayer for inner healing and
deliverance ministry
Working with children’s church
Opportunities at Oasis
Sunday service
- Coffee
- Welcomers
- Prayer ministry team
- Technical support
- Pack down and set up
Opportunities at Oasis
Mission trips
- Wan Hua
- Nan Tou
- Naga City, Philippines (February 05)
- Tibet (summer 2005)
- Mongolia (July 2005)
"Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. "But you
ask, 'How do we rob you?' "In tithes and offerings.
You are under a curse — the whole nation of
you — because you are robbing me. Bring the
whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be
food in my house. Test me in this," says the
LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open
the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much
blessing that you will not have room enough for
it.” Malachi 3:8-10
The Lordship of Christ
Lord Jesus, I acknowledge my need of you and
accept you as my Saviour, my redeemer, my
Lord and my deliverer.
I invite you now to be the Lord of the whole of
my life. Lord of my mind and all my attitudes.
Lord of my mental health. Lord of my body
and my physical health.
Lord of my spirit and all my worship.
Lord of my family and of my relationships
The Lordship of Christ
Lord of my sexuality and its expression.
Lord of all my work all my service for you.
Lord of all my material goods and needs.
Lord of all my emotions and reactions.
Lord of my will and all my decisions.
Lord of the manner and time of my death.
Thank you that your blood was shed that I might
be set free. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Prayer of recommitment
主耶穌基督 我承認我需要你
我接受你做我的救主 我的救贖者
我的主 我的釋放者
Prayer of recommitment
奉耶穌的名禱告 阿們