Transcript DENSITY

What IS density?
•Science Definition:
Mass per unit volume
•Every day Definition:
How heavy something
is for its size.
Let’s Review: MASS and
– how much matter is in an
object, or how “heavy”
something is.
– how much space something
takes up.
How do you measure
mass and volume?
• Mass:
–use a scale
• Volume: 3 Ways to measure
–use a graduated
10 cm
–measure the length, width, and
height of something
–see how much water it
10 cm
How do we calculate
• Density = Mass/Volume
• Units of mass = ?
• Units of Volume = ?
–liter (we will use mL or cm3 in
class REMEMBER 1mL = 1cm3)
• Units of Density = ?
What determines density?
• Tube example--which is
more dense?
–The one with more marbles
• WHY?
–There is more mass in the
tube that has more marbles
• If you pack more mass into
the same volume, it’s more
What determines density?
• Foam example--which is
more dense?
–The one that is more squished.
• WHY? A
–Because it’s packed into a
smaller volume.
• If you pack the same
B mass
into a smaller volume, it’s
more dense.
What determines density?
• Styrofoam and paper clip
example--which is more dense?
–The paper clip.
• WHY?
–Because the paper clip (metal) is
heavier for its size.
• Just because something has
more mass doesn’t mean it’s
more dense.
Population Density
Making Connections
• Is your overall density
(the density of your
body) the same as or
different from the
density of water? If it
is not the same, is it
more or less? How do
you know?
Making Connections
• Think of a toy that is
designed to have a
density that is greater
than water. Why is it
designed that way?
Making Connections
• Think of a toy that is
designed to have a
density that is less
than water. Why is it
designed that way?
Making Connections
• How do submarines
use relative density in
order to work?
• What would happen if
a fish always had a
density less than water
or greater than water?
Calculating Density
• Make a triangle like this in your notes:
•d = m/v
•m = d x v
•v = m/d
Calculating Density
• Bob has 50 grams of water in a cup.
When he pours it into a graduated
cylinder, he finds that the volume of that
water is 50 mL. What is the density of
• What is known?
–Mass = 50 grams
–Volume = 50 mL
• What do we do with these numbers?
–D = m/v
–D = 50 g/50 mL
–D = 1g/mL (OR 1g/cm3)
What happens to density if we…
• What if we have BIG mass and small
• Ex: BIG MASS = 500 g
• Small volume = 10 cm3
• Density = ?
– 500g / 10cm3
– 50 g/cm3
• Would it sink or float?
– Sink
• How do you know?
– The density of water is 1g/cm3, so it’s
more dense than water = sink
What happens to density if we…
• What if we have small mass and BIG
• Ex: small mass = 5 g
• BIG volume = 100 cm3
• Density = ?
– 5g / 100cm3
– 0.05 g/cm3
• Would it sink or float?
– Float
• How do you know?
– The density of water is 1g/cm3, so it’s
less dense than water = float
How do these work?
• Galileo thermometer
• Tube of gravel, sand, clay and silt.
• Lava Lamp
Pop Can Challenge
• What do you think will happen when I place a can of
diet cola in water?
• What do you think will happen when I place a can of
regular cola in water?
• How about lemon lime soda?
• How does the density of something that sinks compare
to the density of the fluid surrounding it?
• How does the density of something that floats compare
to the density of the fluid surrounding it?
• What causes an object to remain sunk?
• What causes and object to remain afloat?
• What would happen if we added corn syrup to the
water? WHY?
Your task today…
• You need to figure out the density of
these six different cubes.
• You and your group members (2-3
people) are in charge of measuring the
density of each cube.
• What you will need to write down and
turn in (one per person)
1. Procedure--step by step how to calculate
density (be detailed so others could follow!)
2. A data table of the data you collect
3. A list of the density (with proper units) of
each cube A - F.