Chapter 6: Deviance and Social Control: Sickos, Perverts, Freaks, and People like Us

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Transcript Chapter 6: Deviance and Social Control: Sickos, Perverts, Freaks, and People like Us

Chapter 6: Deviance and
Social Control:
Sickos, Perverts, Freaks, and
People like Us
Soc 100
Dr. Santos
Deviance- the violation of social norms
Stigma- the disapproval attached to
disobeying the expected norms
Crime- the forms of deviance in which
formal penalties are imposed by the society
We are all deviant at some time or another
and in some places
What is deviance?
Deviance is a violation of ever-changing
social norms
– Deviance is culturally dependent and
historically located, exists always in
juxtaposition with some “normality”
– Deviance is socially constructed even though
some of it might be characterized as an
immoral absolute
– Deviance is overlooked in some situations
Who/what is defined as
Both acts and individuals (and even entire
groups) can be defined as deviant: “Condemn
the sin, love the sinner,” “aliens”, “misfits”. etc.
Low status persons (e.g. ethnic minorities, poor
people) are more likely to be perceived as
deviant, their good behavior “explained away”
Higher status persons (e.g. priests, doctors) are
less likely to be defined as deviant, their bad
behavior “explained away”
Deviance serves vital functions for society
Sets examples of unacceptable behavior
Provides guidelines for (opposite) behavior that is
necessary to maintain social order
Bonds people together through their common
rejection of deviant behavior
Provides jobs for those who deal with deviants
Can signal problems in a society that need
addressed (stimulate positive change)
Opens societies to new and creative paths of
Misconceptions about
Some acts are inherently deviant
Those who deviate are socially
identified and recognized
Deviants purposely and knowingly
break the law
Deviance occurs because there is a
dishonest, selfish element to human
Micro-level explanations
of deviance
Social control theory - our bonds with
society encourage us to conform; with
fewer bonds, we are more likely to be
Rational choice theory - the decision to
be deviant depends upon a
cost/benefit analysis of sanctions
Differential association theory conformity or deviance is learned from
those we spend time with
Labeling theory - behavior is not
intrinsically deviant, but becomes
deviant because it is labeled as such
– Members of a society define (label) what
is deviant and impose sanctions for that
– Individuals who engage in primary
deviance are not labeled, but those who
engage in secondary deviance are
Labeling theory, con’t.
Being labeled can reinforce deviant behavior by:
Increasing alienation
Forcing increased interaction with deviant peers
Motivating juvenile delinquents to positively value and
identify with the deviant status
Deviance becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy
Those with less power in society are more likely
to be labeled as deviants
Meso and macro-level
explanations of deviance
Structural-functionalist theories
– Anomie - the breakdown of the norms
guiding behavior leads to social
– Strain theory - those with fewer resources
are less able to achieve societally shared
goals and may resort to deviant behaviors
to achieve their desired goals
Merton’s ways of adapting to strain
Conformity - embracing the society's definition of
success and adhering to the established and
approved means of achieving success
Innovation - use of illicit means to reach
approved goals
Ritualism - strict adherence to
culturally- prescribed rules, even though
individuals give up on the goals they hoped to
Retreatism - giving up on both the goals and the
Rebellion - rejecting the socially approved ideas
of "success" and the means of attaining that
success, but replaces those with alternative
definitions of success and alternative strategies
for attaining the new goals
Conflict theory - deviance is a result of
social inequality
– Elites want to maintain control, so they
define what is deviant to benefit
themselves and deflect attention from
their own behaviors
– The greater the power differentials and
inequalities, especially class, the greater
the conflict in a society
– Conflict is inevitable under the current
capitalist power arrangement
Feminist theory - abuses suffered by
women are rooted in the patriarchal,
capitalist system
– The causes include the gendered division
of labor, the separation of spheres, and
the socialization of children
– Cultural attitudes toward crime against
women differ based on the status of
women in that society
– Women are less often in a position to
commit crimes and often commit crimes
that are different from men’s
Crime and individuals:
macro-level analysis
Laws reflect the current opinion of
what is right or wrong
Consensus crimes - members of a
society are in general agreement
about the serious of the deviant act
Conflict crimes - one group passes a
law over which there is disagreement
or which disadvantages another group
Types of crime
Predatory or street crime
Victimless or public order crimes
Hate crimes
Organized crime
Occupational or white collar crime
State organized crimes
Global crimes
Types of white-collar
Crimes against the company
Crimes against employees (e.g., the
neglect of worker safety)
Crimes against customers
Crimes against the public
White-collar crimes are less publicized,
but ultimately more costly and more
deadly than violent predatory crimes
Ways of measuring crime
Uniform crime reports
Self-reported surveys
Victimization surveys
Triangulation is best!
World systems
The cause of deviance lies in the global
economy, inequalities between countries,
and competition between countries for
resources and wealth
Capitalism has caused inequality to rise
between core and periphery nations
Periphery nations may resort to
unconventional means to meet their goals
Dealing with crime
Structural-functionalist- the justice
system is important for maintaining
order in society
Conflict- the criminal justice system
presents crime as a threat from poor
people and minorities and
disproportionately arrests and
sentences them
Prisons and jails
Total institution- completely controls the
prisoners’ lives and regulates all of their
Degradation- mark the inmate as deviant
Mortification-break down the individual’s
original self as the inmate experiences
Incarceration rates have increased
“Get tough on crime”
“War on drugs”
Preventative policies
The functions of prisons
Revenge or retribution
Removing dangerous individuals from
Despite these, nearly 75% of male
prisoners will re-offend (high
The rise of the Prison-Industrial Complex in the USA > 1980
Alternatives to prison
Social capital - rebuild social networks,
shared norms, values, and understanding
that facilitate cooperation within or among
groups and access to important resources
Shock probation - releasing a first time
offender early in the hope that the shock
of prison life would deter them
Day treatment or half-way houses
Restitution - The offender renders money
or service to the victim or community
under supervised parole to compensate
the victim