Document 7216424

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  Involves the foods you eat and how your body uses those foods.

The quality of the foods you eat will play a large role in how your body functions, looks and lasts.

How does one achieve a desirable body size and weight without dieting?

   Proper eating habits Physical Activity Acceptance of self

     Decision to restrict calories (resolution to diet) Weight starts to drop at beginning of diet Honeymoon period – happy for a bit Plateau period – weight no longer dropping as your body’s metabolism reacts to calorie restriction – fight or flight!

Over time due to fatigue, loss of energy, loss of motivation, feeling of failure,diet ends and weight often is higher than that of when diet began because metabolism has been affected

Weight Resolution to Diet Honeymoon Plateau Failure Time TIME

   Is the number of calories it takes to : Basically keep you alive You spend making new red blood cells, taking in air, maintaining body temperature and carrying on other basic metabolic processes.

In general, it is the largest component of what we call “calorie burning” and what scientists call “energy expenditure”

Here’s a simple formula for estimating your BMR Body Mass ___lbs x 10 Eg) 140lbs x 10 = 1400   Remember, this is the theoretical number of calories you’d need to maintain your current weight , assuming that you never got out of bed in the morning.

Like every estimate, it’s going to be imperfect: the more muscle you have , the higher your metabolic rate .

   Two thirds of the calories we “spend” a day go for basic metabolic functions The second biggest calorie sapper is physical activity . Physical activity is also the most variable component, and estimating it can be tricky.

The third item on the calorie budget is the amount of calories it takes to process food . This refers to the number of calories needed to digest, absorb, transport and metabolize the nutrients from the food we eat. Generally this is estimated at about 10% of our daily caloric intake.

 Physical Activity Depending on the length and intensity of your activity, you can boost your BMR for several hours afterward .

 Diet Severe dieting can reduce your BMR as your body attempts to conserve calories healthy lifestyle.

. This is a survival tactic and not a good idea for a

 Increased muscle mass Muscle burns more calories, even at rest, than fat.

The greater your ratio of lean to fat, the more calories you will burn.

  Caloric Needs About 30% of your calories fuel any physical activity you do .

To figure out how many calories you need for your level of activity, multiply the calories needed for BMR by the percentage that matches your activity level:

    20%, sedentary (mainly sitting all day) 30%, light activity (such as walking to and from the bus stop, cooking dinner, etc) 40%, moderate activity (very little sitting, heavy housework) 50%, very active (active and prolonged physical sports)

    EG) 140LBS X 10 = 1400BMR 1400 X 20% = 280 (additional calories your body needs each day) Total number of calories you need to eat in a day to fuel your body = 1680calories

A person’s weight and body shape are determined by many factors, including physical activity, eating patterns, societal influences, and heredity.

There is no ideal weight for someone of the same height/age due to different body shapes, frames and makeup.

    Each body has a particular weight it tends to maintain Genetics plays a key role in weight and shape.

Set point can fluctuate 5 to 10 pounds cannot be permanently lowered through restrictive dieting.

and If an individual’s weight is below or above their set point range, their body will experience physiological and emotional changes in an attempt to reestablish itself.

   There is no ideal weight for those of the same height and age because people have different body shapes and frames.

There is a range of weights that is healthy for each height.

Healthy eating and regular physical activity will help lead to a healthy weight .

    95% of individuals who diet to lose weight regain the weight lost within one year.

You can’t change your body type any more than your shoe size.

Engage in activities for the joy of feeling your body move, for the time it allows you spend with friends and family, for stress relief.

Scales are for fish. Do not live your life focused on a number. Love your body for what it can do, appreciate its strengths.

     33-23-33 Average measurements of a contemporary fashion model 36-18-33 projected measurements of a barbie doll in inches if she were a full sized human being.

5’4” -142lbs Average height and weight of an American woman 5’9” -110lbs average height and weight of a model 33% of women who wear a size 16 or higher

…the mental picture I have of my body + my thoughts and feelings about that picture

   Recognize that your body is your own, no matter what shape, size it comes in.

Identify which aspects of your appearance you can realistically change and which you can’t.

If there are things about yourself that you want to change and can (such as how fit you are), do this by making goals for yourself. Keep track of your progress until you reach your goal. Meeting a challenge for yourself is a great way to boost self-esteem!


You are beautiful You are one of a kind Real beauty comes from within

Self esteem

down sometimes.

: describes the value and respect you have for yourself. If you have a healthy self-esteem, you feel good about yourself as a person and are proud of what you can do. However, it is normal to feel

  Puberty The body goes through many changes accepted, mean compare themselves to others .

. These changes combined with a natural desire to feel it can be tempting for people to The changes that come with puberty can affect how both girls and guys feel about themselves. Some girls may feel uncomfortable or embarrassed about their maturing bodies. Others may wish that they were developing faster. Girl’s may feel pressure to be thin but guys may feel like they don’t look big or muscular enough.

 Media Images of skinny girls and bulked-up guys  Family Life Sometimes can influence self-esteem . Some parents spend more time criticizing their children and the way they look than praising them.  Peers People may also experience classmates and peers.

negative comments and hurtful teasing about the way they look from

  Give yourself 3 compliments every day Focus on the good things you do and the positive aspects of your life, you can change how you feel about yourself!

 Come up with 5 affirmations you have about yourself…these can be physical or non physical eg) I love my smile, I love my laugh  Come up with 5 things you would like to change if you could. Eg) I wish I had blue eyes  Which did you find easier to do and why?

  Media Literacy Power point There will be questions following the power point!

 Eating disorders are serious medical problems.

Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Binge-Eating Disorder    Eating disorders frequently develop during adolescence or early adulthood, but can occur during childhood or later in adulthood.

Females are more likely to develop an eating disorder While there is no single cause, several things may contribute to the development of these disorders:

 Culture – North America has a social and cultural ideal of extreme thinness. Women partially define themselves by how physically attractive they are.

 Personal characteristics – feelings of helplessness, worthlessness, and poor self-image often accompany eating disorders.

 Other emotional disorders – other mental health problems like depression or anxiety, occur along with eating disorders.

 Stressful events or life changes – things like starting a new job or being teased to traumatic events like rape can lead to the onset of eating disorders.

 Biology – studies are being done to look at genes, hormones, and chemicals in the brain that may have an effect on the development of, and recovery from eating disorders.

 Families – the attitude of parents about appearance and diet affects their kids’ attitudes. Also, if your mother or sister has bulimia, you are more likely to have it.

      The persons binge consumes large amounts of food frequently and repeatedly Feels out of control and unable to stop eating during binges.

May eat rapidly and secretly, or may snack and nibble all day long.

Feels guilty and ashamed of binge eating.

Has a history of diet failures Tends to be depressed and obese

 People who have binge eating disorder do not regularly vomit, over exercise or abuse laxatives like bulimics do. They may be genetically predisposed to weigh more than the cultural ideal so they diet, make themselves hungry and then binge in response to that hunger.

     Person refuses to maintain normal body weight for age and height.

Weighs 85% or less than what is developmentally expected for age and height.

Young girls do not begin to menstruate at the appropriate age. Puberty is delayed for both sexes.

In women, menstrual periods stop. In men, levels of sex hormones fall. Person denies the dangers of low weight

   Is terrified of gaining weight even though s/he is alarmingly underweight.

Reports feeling fat even when emaciated.

Often includes depression, irritability, withdrawal, peculiar behaviours such as compulsive rituals, strange eating habits, division of foods into “good/safe” and “bad/dangerous” categories.

    Person diets, becomes hungry, and then binge eats in response to powerful cravings and feelings of deprivation.

Feels out of control while eating.

Fears gaining weight and frantically tries to “undo” the binge. Vomits, misuses laxatives, exercises or fasts to get rid of the calories.

Swears to be good to never binge eat again, but then continues to restrict food intake which starts yet another repeat of deprivation-hunger-binge-purge cycle

   May shoplift, be promiscuous, abuse drugs or engage in risk taking behaviour. Act with little thoughts of consequences.

Weight may be normal or near normal unless anorexia is also present.

Like anorexia, bulima can kill. They are often depressed, lonely, ashamed. Friends often describe the glamourous, adventurous, fun but underneath are hurting and feel unworthy.

Swollen Salivary Glands Rotting Teeth

There is no such thing as “good foods” or “bad foods”.

You can enjoy all foods as part of a healthy diet. It’s more a question of how much and how often you eat them.

You know you’re eating well if you can answer “yes” to each of the following statements. These are based on Canada’s Guidelines to Healthy Eating:

    1.

You enjoy a variety of foods.

Eating a variety of foods from each food group provides you with the nutrients you need to be healthy. The four food groups are : Grain products Vegetables and fruit Milk products Meat and alternatives

   2. You emphasize cereals, breads, other grain products, veggies,and fruit in your meals and snacks.

Eat breads, cereals and pasta that are enriched or whole grain.

Look for products.

whole grain products made with wheat bran, oat bran, whole wheats, oats, rye, or flax. These give you more fibre than white grain Choose dark red, orange or green veggies or fruits.

That way, you’ll take in antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamin C, along with many other substances that keep you healthy.

    3. You choose lower fat dairy products , leaner meats and foods prepared with little or no fat.

These choices can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. They may also play a role in preventing heart disease and some types of cancer.

Choose lower fat dairy products, leaner meats and legumes more often.

Make sure prepared foods have little or no added fat.

Control the amount of fat you add when you cook, and at the table.

 4. You achieve and maintain a healthy body weight by enjoying regular physical activity and healthy eating.

Along with healthy eating, regular physical activity also helps you maintain the weight that’s’ healthy for you. Following the food guide serving sizes can also help you with this.

  5. You limit your salt, alcohol and caffeine.

You find caffeine in coffee, tea, cocoa and cola drinks. Limit how much you get to 400mg per day. This is equal to about 2 cups of coffee.

Canadians consume more salt than our bodies need. Try not to add too much salt during cooking or at the table. Cut down on highly salted snack foods

 Classification Chart – Check off which food groups the food items belong to.

 Sample Food Records – 2 Compare the chart on the left…check off the boxes to see if this female is following the food guide…on the chart to the right add recommendations to her diet so she is meeting the daily needs. You can recheck the boxes to see that the requirements have been met.

   a) b) c) d) e) f) In order to live a healthy life we must try to incorporate a good mixture of rest, exercise and diet.

Eating a healthy diet means including the following parts: Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Water Vitamins Minerals You must not only include these things but in the right amounts.

      A major energy source for the body (40-50% of our total energy intake) They include starches, sugars, fruits, veggies, table sugar, pastas, breads and cereals Best sources are root veggies, cereal and fruit.

Refined sugar has little or no nutritional value, lacks fiber, vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Contain empty calories Processed foods have nutrients removed and extra sugar added.

     Insulate the body Protect the internal organs against injury Are another major energy source in the body (30% of energy-daily intake) Fats are the excessive energy in an animal Sources include meat, eggs, butter, cheese, ice cream

 a) There are 2 main types of fat Saturated fats Are solid at room temperature (animal fats) Associated with high rates of heart disease Come from animal bi-products, eggs, cheese and butter.

b) Unsaturated fats Fats that are liquid at room temp Decrease risk of heart disease Come from animal plants such as veggie, corn, peanut oil and some margarines.

Polyunsaturated come from seeds and nuts.

  Cholesterol is a substance found in fats that can lead to increased chances of artery blockage it sticks to the walls of the artery gradually building up until it is blocked.

Having too much fat will make you overweight and put an extra strain on the heart muscles, bones and circulatory system.

       Are essential for the building, repair and maintenance of body tissue.

It forms a major part of muscle, skin, organs, hair, etc.

Also needed to form hormones, enzymes and antibodies.

Require about 10-20% of your daily intake Are long chains of amino acids.

There are a total of 22 amino acids, our body produces all but 9 We get a variety of them from meat, fish, eggs, flour, rice, cereal, peas, beans, nuts

    We must get a variety of amino acids, not just one type just to stay healthy.

Vegetarians really have to be careful what they eat.

During times of growth, pregnancy, nursing or sickness a person will require increased amounts of protein.

Excessive amounts will be excreted from the body.

      Are substances that can be produced by the body or obtained from food .

They allow the body to function normally Too much of a vitamin in the body can also be dangerous. A well balanced diet will provide all the essential vitamins to the body.

Water soluble – found in watery parts of the cell Fat soluble – found in fat parts of the cell

   Don’t peel skin off fruit and veggies Don’t overcook veggies Vitamin A and D are stored in the body, while others are excreted if not used.

    1.




Are inorganic elements needed in small amounts by the body to assist its functioning .

Best source of minerals in the body are fruits, veggies, meats, milk, eggs, cereals and water.

Calcium and iron are the major two minerals .

Major Functions of mineral: Control water balance Regulate acid – base balance Form bones and cartilage Form red blood cells

   Is an essential compound for life It is possible to live without food for a few weeks but without water for only a few days.

What does it do: 1.


Helps dilute and dispose of body wastes and toxins in our system Is an essential component of blood 3.


Used to cool the body (sweat) Used in some of the body’s chemical functioning

 1.



How do we lose water Urine Sweat Excretion 4.


Vomiting Breathing Water can be replaced by drinking fluids or eating foods high in water The best beverages include water, natural fruit or veggie juice, milk

 Case study

  1.





The nutrition facts table includes calories and 13 nutrients.

The following are examples of some foods that are exempt from the nutrition labeling requirements: Fresh fruit and veggies Raw meat and poultry (except ground), raw fish and seafood Foods prepared or processed at the store Foods that contain very few nutrients (coffee,tea, herbs and spices) Alcoholic beverages

       The first thing you should do when you read the nutrition facts is to: Look at the specific amount of food listed Compare it to how much you actually eat.

The % Daily value is: A bench mark for evaluating the nutrient content of foods quickly and easily.

Based on recommendations for a healthy unit Used to determine whether there is a lot or a little of a nutrient in a specific amount of food.

          Fat Cholesterol Sodium Carbohydrates Fats Sugars Protein Vitamin a and c Calcium iron

      Source of fibre – at least 2g Low fat – no more than 3g Cholesterol free – less than 2mg Sodium free – less than 5mg Reduced calories – at least 25% less calories than food it is being compared to Light – allowed in foods that are reduced in fat or calories or a description of a sensory characteristic

    Free = none or hardly any Low= A small amount Reduced = at least 25% less of a nutrient than a similar product Light = only allowed on labels that are reduced in fat or calories

   Source = contains a useful amount of nutrient High or good source = contains a high amount of the nutrient Very high or excellent = contains a very high amount Ingredients are always listed in descending order by weight