Document 7182163

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Transcript Document 7182163

Iranian Security Dream
Abbas Maleki
The 14h International Conference on
Central Asia and the Caucasus
" Shanghai Cooperation Organization:
Prospects and Opportunities"
Tehran, October 30-31, 2006
SCO and its successes
War against Terrorism
Ethnic Violence
Border Conflicts
Challenges to unipolar system
SCO and its failures
Disability on playing world class role
 Lack of consensus on political development
 Strengthening of authoritarian regimes
 Expansion of radicalism, separatism
What is Iran’s goal to join SCO?
 Islamic
Revolution’s perception on
convergent activities
 Strengthening Iran’s geopolitical role
 Looking to the East
 Reduce US treats against Iran
 More economic ties with Russia, China
and India
 Integrated Energy Market in Asia
Islamic Revolution’s perception
on convergent activities
Mahdaviat: Doctrine of Hope in Shi’ia,
United World Order in Future
 The Constitution of the Islamic Republic makes
clear Iran’s preferences in foreign policy.
(1) Iran’s neighbours;
(2) Muslim countries;
(3) Third World countries;
(4) countries that furnish political, economic,
social and/or military needs of Iran.
Islamic Revolution’s perception
on convergent activities (2)
In search of ways to expand its interests,
Tehran looked towards cooperation with
neighbors, with other nearby and Muslim states
 Iran became a major player in regional and
International organizations as
Iran and Initiated Regional
 Persian
States Countries:
Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan
 Caspian
Cooperation Organization:
Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan
 Shi’a
Nations Rim:
1-Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Bahrain
2-Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon,
Strengthening Iran’s geopolitical
Iran’s Subregions:
 Middle East
 Persian Gulf
 South West Asia
 Central Asia,
Caucasus, and
 Caspian Basin
Middle East Sub Region
Asian Identity
Iran’s advantages
Iran’s geographical position,
 culture
 Political hierarchy
 Economic stature
 Military muscle
give it the potential to play a leading or pivotal role
in a number of regional configurations:
-Persian Gulf
-Central Asia
-Caspian Basin
What can Iran do?
Critical tools:
Dialogue with other nations
Economic and technological advancement;
Regional positioning;
Iran‘s response in foreign relations has mainly
focused on 3 levels;
Consolidating Iran‘s regional position and
relations In Middle East
Deepening the relations with the European
Union as a leverage against potential future US
domination in the region;
Seeking a new strategic relationship with Asian
Looking to the East
Iran has
 1% of the world’s population,
 7% of the world’s natural reserves
-10% of the global proven oil reserves
-16% of the world’s natural gas
130 b barrel oil (17 billion tons)
27 trillion cm gas
which means $3000 billions
Energy resource
Energy demand
Reduce US treats against Iran
Iran’s Neighbors in the day of
US full control:
 Russian group:
 US semi control:
-Saudi Arabia
US Pressures
Iran was using the game of showing to shift from one super
power to another during bipolar system
US did not desire to see Iran as Iranistan
After US-Iraq war in 1991 and collapse of Soviet Union in
1992, US shifted its policy against Iran:
Dual Containment
Rogue States
Axis of evils
Nuclear Pariah
UNSC Sanctions
Can SCO help Iran
to manage its challenges?
Conceptual Challenges in Iran’s Foreign Relations:
 Iran-US Relations
 Iran-EU Relations
 Oil price
 Treaty of Friendship between Iran and Iraq (1975)
 Iran’s share of Hirmand River
 3 Iranian Islands in Persian Gulf
 Caspian legal regime
Iranian “Allies” in US-Iran
 China
Economic not political relations; not bought
and paid for
As a mater of general policy, opposes
sanctions, but…
Believes Iran should not ‘push’ the issue
 Russia
Iranian mistrust
SCO and Lonely Iran
 Iran
is a unique state in this region with
“Strategic Loneliness”.
 This fact is encouraging Iran to think how
would be more secure in individual
SCO and Middle East security
 No
common understanding or framework
of security, divergent interests
 US strategic presence in Asia and its
- Historically polarising
- US military umbrella for GCC
- From indirect to direct hegemony
- Containment (encirclement) of Iran
Potential future Scenarios, Can
SCO support Iran?
Iraq instability continues
US-Iran confrontation escalates into
Unpredicted radical change in a GCC
US withdraws from Iraq:
Civil war erupts, violence spreads in the
region, or
International community steps in to help
stabilise Iraq
Thank you
[email protected]
Four Iran Historic Compromises
with its Neighbors
 Iran-Soviet
Russia Friendship Treaty, 1921
 Iran-UK MOU on situation of Abu Musa
Island in Persian Gulf, 1971
 Iran-Iraq Treaty on Friendship and
Governmental Borders, 1975
 Iran-Afghanistan Agreement on the portion of
Hirmand Waters, 1976
Iran’s Regional Foreign Policy
Regional Challenge:
Historical Compromise:
 Caspian Sea Legal  Iran-Soviet Russia Friendship
Treaty, 1921
 Persian Gulf
 Iran-UK MOU on situation of
Abu Musa Island in Persian
Gulf, 1971
 Iran-Iraq Treaty on Friendship
 Iraq
and Governmental Borders,
 Iran-Afghanistan Agreement
 Afghanistan
on the portion of Hirmand
Waters, 1976