Welcome to Kindergarten Round-up 2011 O.A. Peterson Elementary

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Transcript Welcome to Kindergarten Round-up 2011 O.A. Peterson Elementary

Welcome to
Round-up 2011
O.A. Peterson Elementary
Principal: Todd Rogers
Assistant Principal: Jennifer Villines
Counselor: Stephanie Dall
Home Ideas for Adjusting to
Things to work on at home – starting this summer:
Fine motor skills: cutting, coloring, lacing, holding a pencil
Counting objects
Sorting, creating and recognizing patterns
Alphabet recognition and sounds
Managing bathroom needs
Buttons pants, shirts, coats, tying shoes and zipping up
Writing their name, knowing their full name, address, phone
number and birthday
Read to your child every night.
Also practice:
 Review the expectation of school rules, just like there
are rules at home, practice good listening skills, not
interrupting, sharing, good manners.
Adjusting to the First Days of
Practice Routines:
 Beginning the school year is a perfect time to
start routines – start this summer!
 Helps the transition process
 Getting ready for each school day the night
before: parent signing the daily folder, make lunch
together, pick out your next school day clothes,
bath, story, bedtime. Arrive on-time or early to
school each day.
Adjusting to the First
Days of Kindergarten
Try to find age-appropriate responsibilities for
your child to do each day: bring their folder to
school in their backpack, lay out clothing at night,
According to the National Education Association,
“giving young children tiny tasks will reduce your
stress level (parents) and actually help your child
to become a better student.”
Adjusting to the First Days of
Practice Routines:
Try to keep your child’s transportation to and from
school the same as much as possible (especially at
Review with your child when you will see them next
(at 3pm, after day care, at grandma’s house, etc…)
Try to be consistent with these transportation
plans and avoid being late to pick them up!
Reduces anxiety 
Adjusting to the First Days
of Kindergarten
Starting School is Exciting:
Buy a new back pack, lunch box, or new school
shoes together and make it a big deal! They are
now a BIG kid!
Involve them in some of the decisions to help with
ownership over going to school and learning (ie:
what to wear to school)
Adjusting to the First Days of
Saying Goodbye 
Make your goodbyes cheerful and brief.
Try to avoid coming back to the classroom after
you have already said goodbye.
Please feel free to walk your child to their class
the first two weeks of school.
Some children respond well to a planned ritual
(example: 2 hugs and a thumbs up)
“Quick goodbyes leave dry eyes!”
Adjusting to the First Days of
Responding to Distress/Tears:
Don’t scold the child’s distress or fear.
Remain positive that you will see them at the end
of the school day.
Remind them how they will make new friends, play
at recess, etc…
Tell them what you will be doing while they are at
school (at work, grocery shopping, etc…).
Avoid letting them see you sad , children of all
ages can sense when adults are scared, worried,
Home Ideas for Adjusting to
Bigger Building, More Kids:
Some children express anxiety of the
unknown students and an unknown building.
 Pep Talks at home: “You’re so lucky you get
to go to a brand new big kid school. Who
have you met? Have you seen your brother
or sister in the hallway?”
Home Ideas for Adjusting to
Help your child write a letter/picture to
his/her teacher.
Review the school and classroom rules
at home with your child, feel free to let
them ask questions.
Talk to your child about their concerns.
If necessary, bring them up with the
teacher or school counselor! We are
here to help!
Home Ideas for Adjusting to
Plan a play date- find a new friend of your child’s, get
to know the family and plan some play time!
Play the name game- have your child draw pictures
and write the name of the people they know at school,
teacher, friends.
Make an “All-About-School” Booklet- about their
favorite part of each school day.
Draw a Home-to-School Map- create a poster, picture
of how they get to school. This could be a fun family
Academics and Curriculum
Get familiar with the kindergarten
curriculum and what is expected of your
child at the end of the year.
Practice these skills at night and on the
weekends to reinforce what they are
learning at school.
They grow so much both academically
and socially in only one year!!
Academics and Curriculum
The Gift of a Good Book:
Try to read with your child every day!
Books help children build vocabulary, learn
concepts of print, develop listening skills, and
enjoy reading!
After you read a book - talk about the characters,
their favorite part, new words they learned, words
they already know!
Lead by example. Let them see you reading.
Get ideas from the book list handout! 
Academics and Curriculum
Word Walls:
Your student will begin learning five “word
wall words” (high frequency words) each
 Reinforce these words at home and have
your child make their own list of words
they know in their bedroom, on the
refrigerator, on a chalkboard, etc…
Essential Learning for
Language and Literacy
Listening and Speaking
Social Studies
Ways to Get Involved with
your Kindergartener
Find out the best way to stay in communication with your child’s teacher
(emails, notes in folder, etc…)
Check your child’s BEE (Bring Everything Everyday) Binder every night.
Volunteer in the classroom.
Volunteer around the school (library-book fair, teacher luncheons,
special events).
Join the PTA-become a member and make a difference in Peterson
Become a Watch DOG.
Visit your child once in a while at lunch time.
Help with field trips.
Helpful Learning Links
Starfall- contains alphabet and phonics games!
Johnny Can Spell Phonogram Practice- a great way to practice the
phonograms your child is learning in class.
Rainforest Math- math games for skill levels K-6
Reading Rockets- a great source of information to assist your child in
learning to read!
NISD Family Involvement Program- useful tips for young children.
Nurse – April Capps
Please send an extra set of clothes for your child to
keep in their locker.
See nurse for appropriate forms if your child will
require medication at school.
Do not send your child to school 24 hrs following
fever (temperature of 100 or greater), vomiting, or
If your child has a history of food allergies, asthma,
diabetes, or seizures, please see the nurse.
Kindergarten Supplies
Order your supplies tonight through
the school office
If you don’t want to order your supplies
through the school, please bring them
on Meet the Teacher Night (date to be
We encourage parents to join and
participate in P.T.A.
P.T.A. serves as a vital link between
home and school.
In order to volunteer at school, class
parties, and field trips, you must
complete a background check online
through the district website.
Contact Information
Please visit our Kindergarten Team
website during the summer for more
information or fun activities to do with
your child.
You may register online for our Mustang
Newsletter. Visit
www.nisdtx.org/Peterson for more
We Are Here for You and
Your Child 
We are glad you’re here!
Please contact your child’s teacher, the school
counselor, Stephanie Dall, or our principal,
Todd Rogers, if there is anything we can do to
make your child’s day at school even better! 
It’s an honor to serve you and your child!
Welcome to O.A. Peterson Elementary!