Ramesh Narayan (McClintock, Shafee, Remillard, Davis, Li)

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Transcript Ramesh Narayan (McClintock, Shafee, Remillard, Davis, Li)

Ramesh Narayan
(McClintock, Shafee,
Remillard, Davis, Li)
Black Holes are
Extremely Simple
Mass: M
Spin: a*=a/M (J=a*GM2/c)
(Electric Charge: Q)
Many BH masses have been measured
Obvious next frontier: Measure BH spin (much harder)
Beyond that: Test the Kerr Metric (even harder)
Innermost Stable Circular
Orbit (ISCO)
In GR, stable circular orbits
are allowed only down to an
innermost radius RISCO
(effect of strong gravity)
RISCO/M depends on a* (quite
a large effect)
An accretion disk terminates
at RISCO, and gas falls freely
onto the BH inside this radius
Disk emission has a ‘hole’ of
radius RISCO at center
If we measure the size of
the hole we will obtain  a*
Measuring the Radius of a Star
Measure the flux F received from the star
Measure the temperature T (from spectrum)
Then, assuming blackbody radiation:
L  4 D 2 F  4 R 2 T 4
  =
 
F and T give solid angle of star
If we know distance D, we directly obtain R
Measuring the Radius of the
Disk Inner Edge
We want to measure the radius of the ‘hole’
in the disk emission
Same principle as before
From F and T get
solid angle of hole
Knowing D and i
From RISCO and M get a*
Zhang et al. (1997); Li et al. (2005); Shafee et al. (2006);
McClintock et al. (2006); Davis et al. (2006);…
Estimates of Spin Obtained
with this Method
GRO J1655-40
GRS 1915+105
0.65-0.75 Shafee et al. (2006)
Shafee et al. (2006)
McClintock et al. (2006,
Davis et al. (2006)
How to Get Reliable Results?
Should have good estimates of M, D, i
Should include all relativistic effects (Doppler beaming,
grav. redshift, ray deflections, Li et al. 2005: KERRBB)
The system should be in the high soft state: thermal
blackbody radiation, with very little power-law
(>90% of the flux in the thermal component)
Deviations from blackbody (parameter f) should be
estimated via a disk atmosphere model
Need accurate theoretical profiles of disk flux F(R) and
temperature T(R)
GRS 1915+105
in the High Soft
Gierlinski & Done (2002)
Kubota et al. (2004)
Spectral Hardening Factor
Disk emission is not a perfect blackbody
Spectral temperature T of the emitted radiation is
generally larger than effective temperature: T=f Teff
Using disk atmosphere model, can estimate f
(Shimura & Takahara 1995; Davis et al. 2006)
Results are robust, provided most of the viscous
energy is released below the photosphere (it is not
necessary to know exact vertical profile, value of )
Safe assumption in high soft state
Viscous Energy Dissipation
Well-known result for an idealized thin
Newtonian disk with zero torque at inner
edge (analogous results for PW or GR disk)
1/ 2
 Rin  
4  Rin 
F ( R)   Teff (r )   Teff* 
 1  
 
 R    R  
T ( R)  f Teff ( R)
Completely independent of viscosity  !!
The theoretical model makes
a critical assumption: torque
vanishes at the inner edge
(ISCO) of the disk (Shakura &
Sunyaev 1973)
Afshordi & Paczynski (2003)
say this is okay for a thin disk,
but not for a thick disk
Krolik, Hawley, et al. say there
is always substantial torque at
ISCO, and energy generation
inside ISCO
Gierlinski et al. (1999)
Torque vs Disk Thickness
Hydrodynamic heightintegrated -disk model
with full dynamics (radial
velocity, pressure, sonic
radius, non-Keplerian,…)
For H/R < 0.1 (L<0.3LEdd),
good agreement with
idealized thin disk model
Less good at large  but
still pretty good
Bottom line: stick to low
luminosities: L < 0.3LEdd
Shafee et al. (2007)
GRS 1915+105
Spin Estimate
Limiting ourselves to
L<0.3LEdd, we obtain a
robust result:
Insensitive to how we
model the power-law tail
Insensitive to , torque
Insensitive to
uncertainties in M, D, i
Can explain discrepancy
with Middleton et al.
McClintock et al. (2006)
Estimates of Spin
GRO J1655-40
GRS 1915+105
0.65-0.75 Shafee et al. (2006)
Shafee et al. (2006)
McClintock et al. (2006,
Davis et al. (2006)
All four a* values are between 0 and 1 (!!)
Spins of XRB BHs evolve very little via accretion
 BHs are born with a wide range of spin values
GRS 1915+105 (a*  1) is a near-extreme Kerr
BH – any connection to its relativistic jets?
Was GRS 1915+105 a GRB when it was formed?
Other methods of estimating spin (QPOs) could
be calibrated using the present method
Would also test the Kerr metric…
Can we estimate spins of Supermassive BHs?