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Twenty years from now you will be
more disappointed by the things that
you didn't do than by the ones you did
do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail
away from the safe harbor. Catch the
trade winds in your sails. Explore.
Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain
Play is the highest form
of research.
Albert Einstein
The game encourages him to think of himself
as an active problem solver, one who persists
in trying to solve problems even after making
mistakes; one who, in fact, does not see
mistakes as errors but as opportunities for
reflection and learning.
James Paul Gee, What Video Games Have to Teach Us About
Learning and Literacy
Whoever wants to understand
much must play much.
Gottfried Benn
German physician
How can learning outcomes be measured?
Imagine a textbook that contained all the facts
and rules about basketball read by students
who never played or watched the game. How
well do you think they would understand this
textbook?... But we do this sort of thing all the
time in school with areas like science and
James Paul Gee, What Video Games Have to Teach Us About
Learning and Literacy
A child loves his play, not
because it’s easy, but
because it’s hard.
Benjamin Spock
It is ironic how rigidly trained we have been to
[...] argue ideas as though we believed a
decision had to be made. Is Hamlet mad or
not? The world will little note which decision
we reach. But we will long remember whether
we have explored the question in a way
calculated to enrich our understanding of the
play and our relationship with each other.
Kahn, M., "The Seminar: An Experiment in Humanistic
Education." Journal of Humanistic Psychology
People tend to forget
that play is serious.
David Hockney
Contemporary British painter
Do not…keep children
to their studies by
compulsion but by play.
We can’t solve problems by
using the same kind of thinking
we used when we created
Albert Einstein
What do we know about whether learning
in a game is transferred to real life?
With virtual reality, it is likely that we will
soon communicate with one another
through simulated environments,
through “telepresence,” perhaps guiding
our own software representations, our
digital agents or avatars, to interact in a
virtual world…
The Future of the Public University in America: Beyond
the Crossroads
Children at play are not
playing about. Their games
should be seen as their most
serious minded activity.
Michel de Montaigne
French essayist
The creation of something new is
not accomplished by the intellect
but by the play instinct.
Carl Jung
Swiss psychoanalyst
One of the most difficult tasks men
can perform, however much
others may despise it, is the
invention of good games. And it
cannot be done by men out of
touch with their instinctive selves.
Carl Jung
Swiss psychoanalyst
The only source of
knowledge is experience.
Albert Einstein
Play is training for the
Marc Bekoff
Contemporary American biologist
How do you think students will respond to
course-related games?
There is clearly a need to explore new
forms of learning and learning institutions
which are capable of sensing and
understanding the change and of
engaging in the strategic processes
necessary to adapt or control it.
The Future of the Public University in America: Beyond
the Crossroads
I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand.
The playing adult steps sideward
into another reality; the playing
child advances forward to new
stages of mastery.
Erik H. Erikson
American psychoanalyst
I have missed more than 9,000
shots in my life. I have lost almost
300 games. 26 times I have been
trusted to take the game-winning
shot and missed. I have failed
over and over and over again.
That is why I succeed...
Michael Jordan
Are games more appropriate for some
disciplines than others?
All truth passes through three
stages. First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being
Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher,
The virtue of a computer in the
classroom is that it requires a
user, not a watcher.
Diane Ravitch
Educational Policy Analyst
PowerPoint has a
pharmaceutical effect and
should be FDA regulated.
Elliott Masie, Masie Center
With new technologies we've
tended to do the same things
more efficiently, when what
we need is to do different
things more effectively.
Christopher Dede, Professor, Harvard
School of Education
When you are not practicing,
remember, someone
somewhere is practicing,
and when you meet him he
will win.
Ed Maccauley, Former NBA player
What will the IRB want to know about
research within a game?
How do we use the power of
technology without adapting to it so
completely that we ourselves behave
like machines lost in the levers and
cogs, lonesome for the love of life,
hungry for the thrill of directly
experiencing the vivid intensity of the
ever-changing moment?
Al Gore, Earth in the Balance
Some people see things as
they are and say why. I see
things that never were and
say why not.
George Bernard Shaw
Almost all creativity
involves purposeful play.
Abraham Maslow
It is not the strongest of the
species that survive, nor the
most intelligent, but the one
most responsive to change.
Charles Darwin
Do you know any avid computer game
players? Have you ever talked to them
about their experiences?
To learn, I must dance with my subject... fly it, ride it,
spin it upside down, write a poem about it, sing about
it... shake my fist at it, think about it, draw it, animate
it, eat it, see it through a microscope and a telescope,
make love with it... experiment with it, fly over it and
under it, see it in different lights, textures, fabrics...
taste it in different flavors, understand it in different
contexts... cry about it, despair of it, take joy in it, try it
in another country... pour it on my pancakes.
Michael Medwid, 1991
My work is a game, a very
serious game.
M. C. Escher (1898 - 1972)
Sometimes when you innovate, you
make mistakes. It is best to admit
them quickly, and get on with
improving your other innovations.
Steve Jobs (1955 - )
Creativity is the power to
connect the seemingly
William Plomer, author
Does compulsive gaming by students worry
Play is our brain’s
favorite way of learning.
Diane Ackerman
The day before something
is a breakthrough, it was a
crazy idea.
Heard during NPR interview, April 2007
The traditional classroom paradigm
is also being challenged by digital
technology, driven not so much by
the faculty… but by students.
The Future of the Public University in America:
Beyond the Crossroads
Ours is now a world that demands that
people know how to learn new things—
especially technical things—quickly and
well; that they know how to collaborate,
especially with people not just like
themselves; and that they know how to
think strategically and laterally as well as
linearly and logically. These are all skills
that good video games demand and teach.
Marc Prensky, Don’t Bother Me Mom—I’m Learning
I believe learning comes
from passion, not discipline.
Nicholas Negroponte, The Media Lab
[Students] approach learning as a “plug-and-play”
experience; they are unaccustomed and unwilling
to learn sequentially—to read the manual—and,
instead, are inclined to plunge in and learn through
participation and experimentation. Although this
type of learning is quite different […], it may be
more effective for this generation, particularly
when provided through a media-rich environment.
The Future of the Public University in America: Beyond the Crossroads
Ideas and products and
messages and behaviors
spread just like viruses do.
Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point
Just as the university is challenged in
adapting to new forms of teaching and
research stimulated by rapidly evolving
information technology, so too its
organization, governance, management,
and relationships to students, faculty, and
staff will require serious reevaluation and
almost certain change.
The Future of the Public University in America: Beyond the
Attention is not concentration.
Attention is interest. If you have
interest in something, then
you’re attentive, and if you’re
attentive, you discover many
Unknown (cited in Leadership for Smart
People: Book 1)
Change does not occur
because we see the
light…..but because we
feel the heat.
Jeff MacKenzie
We don't stop playing because
we grow old, we grow old
because we stop playing.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
How might we approach developing
interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary games?