Slavery to Abolition

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Slavery to Abolition
Black People in Virginia
 1619 first African in Virginia
 1625 23 black indentured servants in VA,
working with white indentured servants
 1650 300 blacks
 1682 slaves and servants differentiated
 1700 about 1,000 brought to VA yearly
 1705 Slave Codes
 Transformation from servants to slaves
 Major growth in slave population,
especially in 1720s and 1730s
 Britain - the major slave trading country
 By 1781, 575,000 slaves in US of total
population of 3.5 million
Early 1800s
 1804 – slavery abolished in northern states
 Commerce in north depended heavily on
institution of slavery
 1808 legal ban on importation of slaves
 12.8 million Americans
 2 million slaves
 Held by 25% of white southerners
 88% of slave owners had 20 or fewer
 319,000 free people of color, half in south
Slave Rebellions
 Resistance inspired by slave revolts in Haiti
 1800 Gabriel Prosser marched on Richmond
with a force of 1,000, but was betrayed
 1822 Denmark Vesey organized a failed
rebellion in Charleston involving some
 1831 Nat Turner and conspirators killed 60
in Virginia before seized
Underground Railroad
 Thousands of slaves escaped from south
during 1800s before Civil War
 Abolitionists, including free blacks and
whites assisted in creating & sustaining
Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman
 Key Underground Railroad figure
 In 1849 escaped from slavery in Maryland
 Returned 19 times to bring back more than
 Bounty for her capture exceeded $40,000
 Created a home for the elderly in New York
after emancipation
Abolition Activities
 1830 – rise of underground railway
 1831 The Liberator W.L. Garrison
 1833 American Anti-Slavery Society
 1851 Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
(300,000 sold)
 1854 Narrative of the Life of Frederick
Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass
 Escaped slavery in 1838
 Joined abolitionists on lecture circuit as
compelling speaker
 Published North Star 1847-1863
 Active in Underground Railroad in