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Experts in action:
How to teach volleyball in
By Gylton Da Matta Ph.D.
The reality of PE… no “buts” !
Physical Education is one of the most important subjects
in school.
Yet…it faces many challenges:
• The PE teacher is the movement expert!
• The school overloads the PE teacher!
• Coaching and teaching go hand to hand!
• Students love to learn volleyball: Multi skill levels,
males/ females, multiracial, multi ethnic but…it is only
effective if teachers know how to teach!
• Block classes, high student/teacher ratio and some
times low resources (NASPE, 2008; FIEP, 2008)
Interactive Physical Education
Curriculum: Changes with the new rules
(Da Matta,1998; FIVB, 2009)
The game is faster and more enjoyable to watch.
There is a better balance between offense and
Overall more participation in all ages at all levels.
Parents and spectators understand the game
New students require a multilevel planning and
deliverance of volleyball tasks across k-12.
Videos, video games and televised games have
increase volleyball exposure (FIVB, 2009).
Play require skills! Skills
demand pre-requisites…
Lancebol (Catch & Throwing concepts)
Floor-ball (Low body posture & striking)
Change (Inclusion, movement & attention)
Introduction of Spike, serve and
manipulative skills (Fiedler, 1972)
Introductions of setting, passing and ball
control in modified games that allow long
rallies (Baacke, 1992; Sawula, 1992)
Volleyball is ideal for schools:
Pedagogical value is high.
Ultimate team sport.
Non violent, inclusive and dynamic.
High sportsmanship & etiquette
Co-ed, multiethnic, diverse, multi level and
multi skills sport (1v1; 2v2; 3v3; 4v4; 5v5;
Modified games; developmentally appropriate
Various Modalities of Volleyball:
Young-old, men-women, able-disabled.
Indoor open and challenger (FIVB, 2009).
Grass volleyball and mud-volleyball
Sand volleyball or beach volleyball.
Family volleyball
Seating volleyball (Paralympics)
Super Volleyball: Mini, Regular,
Giant Volleyball for PE Classes
Mini-Volleyball and its variations (Via Volleyball,
USA; Viva Volleyball, Brazil; Kids Volley,
Denmark; Mini-Volley, Japan, Netherland and
Regulation volleyball is fast, unique and fun
(Challenger & Body scale net for teenagers).
Giant volleyball appropriate for students with
special needs.
Progressions, cues and
metaphoric cues (Rink, 2006; Berstein, 1957)
Must facilitate flow of movement.
Three chunks of information.
Associated with context of sport.
Meaningful and age appropriate for learner.
Rhythmic and specific to skill
Can be customized to each learner
Simple, fun and objective.
Assessment: Rubrics towards
Expertise (Matrix of skills)
Playing (Proficient skills, tactical
knowledge and enjoyment of the game.)
Service (Process & product)
Spiking (Process & product)
NASPE setting test (Product)
NASPE passing test (Product)
Ball control (Process and product)
Peer evaluation for game play.
Sports and Technology:
Playing volleyball for a lifetime
Technology, ergonomics and methodology makes learning volleyball
easier to play, to teach and to play. Pay attention for digital divide.
Learning complex skills is possible through deliberate practice and
deliberate play over a long period of time (Ericsson et al., 1993).
Elite coaches utilize technology daily so athletes are habituated with
such tools (Da Matta, 2004)
Practice with the Brain in Mind
( Nerve system/ sensors; matter over mind)
Decision making process
Visual perception
Motor Development
Verbal rehearsal
Problem solving
Self-talk; talk aloud & memory
2001; Rink, 2006)
Motor Learning
Motor Control
Volleyball Physical Abilities
Gross and fine motor skills.
Hand-eye coordination, visual search skills and
multiple manipulative abilities.
Dynamic, static and recovered balance.
Spatial awareness, movement intelligence.
Rhythm and flow.
Communication and body expression.
Core strength and relaxation.
Speed, explosiveness and agility.
(Broer, 1973; Seidel et al., 1980; Da Matta, 2004)
What technology tools do expert
teachers use? Keep it simple!
Timing devices (many)
Video recording systems (many)
Motion picture films (many)
Video capture soft wares (few)
Radar or laser velocity measuring device
(most at professional level).
Simulators and projectors (elite level)
Statistics software (high school; JO’s)
(Da Matta, 2004)
Practical implications: Use what is
available and still keep it simple!
Lower costs
Expertise with technology
Multicultural sports
Developmentally savvy strategies
Learning stages / skills acquisition
(Fitts & Posner, 1957; Rink, 2006)
Movement repertoire and body control.
Familiarization with ball and game situations.
Immediate feedback (Magill, 2004)
Individual technical development (Da Matta, 2004).
Tactical development (McPherson, 1998).
Development of physical abilities *
Proficiency of sport specific skills.
Nature of skills: open vs closed and block vs random
practice (Rink, 2006)
Cognitive, associative and autonomous phases (Fitts
& Posner, 1967)
Teaching Complex Skills In
Skills acquisition vision 80% (Visual feedback)
Motivation to play (Play, learn skills, play)
Early initiation & late specialization (Equipment and gear)
Injuries prevention (Padding and treatment)
Quality of instruction and coaching (Storage long term memory)
Positive environment (Fun to see yourself)
Methods of conditioning (Testing and Assessment;
Athletes’ wellness…successful experience!
What to consider in modern
Technical tactical preparation
Athletes Individual
External factors: Culture
Sociological Variables
Social & team skills
Physical-Mental Skills
Volleyball specific conditioning
( Neuro-muscular system/ sensors)
Agility drills
Rhythmic runs
Movement patterns rehearsal
Court specific sprints with technical moves
Jumping and landing drills
Temporal-spatial drills
Flexibility and relaxation drills
Muscular resistance drills
Deliberate practice theory –
Sports pedagogy in action!
Mass drills, mimics & modeling.
Volley-aesthenics (calisthenics, aesthetics)
Movement without ball
Individual movement with ball and bounce
Adjust the rules, multiple contacts, no bounce
Altering the speed of the game
Partner drill – Modified games
Real game with little interferences
Once they learn the skills…LET THEM PLAY!
Jumping Program: Frequency,
intensity, type & time (Weineck, 2001)
Volleyball jumping movements.
Static blocks plus transitional movements.
Elastics, steps and mini-obstacles on mats.
Running patterns and jumps variations with ball.
Planned Pliometrics (Boxes and sand)
Trampoline (mini-tramp for conditioning and
springboard for technical development)
Dumbbells and foot weights for refined strength
Medicine-balls and basketballs
Principles of Learning & Training
(Weineck, 2001; Rink, 2006)
Change the environment to facilitate learning.
Use special implements to elicit performance
Use strategies to boost athletes’ confidence.
Formative assessment as a positive coaching
Simple to complex, individual to collective.
Less is more.
Maximize athletes’ involvement in practice.
Principles of Sports Training
(Matveiev, 1999; Bompa, 2006)
Principle of Individuality
Principle of Physiological Adaptation
Principle of Overload
Principle of Interdependence VolumeIntensity
Principle of Continuity
Principle of Specificity
Principle of Contextual Interference
Planning of Training for Schools
Early initiation & late specializations (Da Matta, 2004)
Stages of:
Basic formation; specialization;
performance; maintenance.
Stage of:
Pre-control; control; utilization;
proficiency (Graham, 2009).
Mesocycles of preparation, competition
and transition of performance
(Bompa, 2006)
Which high tech did experts use?
Accelerometer: No
Force platforms: No
Force transducers: strain gauge: No
Pressure sensors
Electromyography: Yes
Bio impedance: %G : Yes
Pedometer: No
Seismographs: No
Heart rate monitors: Yes
Videos stats: Yes
VHS/VCR: Yes…a lot!
FIVB Volleyball Coaches Manual, 2000 2nd Edition
Thanks, Gylton Da Matta Ph.D.
[email protected] or [email protected]
Main Volleyball References:
• Confederação Brasileira de Volleyball (2009) Women’s volleyball roster. Players’ Profile and Ary Graça Filho’s Strategic
Development Plan for Brazilian Volleyball. Retrieved March 28, 2009 from /
• Da Matta, G. (2004) The influence of deliberate practice and social support systems on the development of expert and
intermediate women volleyball players in Brazil. Dissertation published, University of South Carolina.
• Ericsson, K. A., Krampe, R. T., Tesch-Römer, C. (1993). The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert
performance. Psychological Review, 100, 3, 363-406.
• Graham, G., Holt-Hale, S., Parker, M. (2008) Children moving; A reflective approach to teaching Physical Education.
3rd Ed. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.
• International Federation of Physical Education (FIEP, 2008) The reality, meaning and significance of contemporary Physical
• Rink, J. (2006).Teaching Physical Education for Learning. (5th Ed.) Times. St. Louis,
MO: Mosby College Publishing.
• Sawula, L. (1992/ 2000). Growth and development principles for male and female volleyball players. FIVB Operational
Manual IV - Extended Theoretical Information. (pp. 122-139) Lausanne, Switzerland: FIVB.