Why Pray For The Peace of Defender and Protector of Israel,

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Transcript Why Pray For The Peace of Defender and Protector of Israel,

Why Pray For The Peace of
Jerusalem? Why I am a
Defender and Protector of Israel,
and Why I Believe Israel is
Significant For Us Today.
Biblical Mandate
• We have studied in past years, Psalm 122:6,
where we are instructed to pray for the Peace
of Jerusalem. Let’s read it.
• This year I would like to get more
personal and tell you …from my heart,
why I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
Let’s look at my olive tree…
The Olive Tree
• Read …Romans - Chapter 11
• The Olive tree represents the covenants and
promises to Israel, growing from it’s HOLY ROOT
which is THE MESSIAH, The Word of God.
• Christians are simply the “wild” olive branches
grafted in among the natural branches “to become a
partaker with them of the root and fatness of the
olive tree,” which God established.
• The natural branches are the people of Israel; these
people are born naturally into the OLIVE TREE
(remember to the Jew first Romans 2:9 read this…)
Those who turned away from that relationship were
broken off.
It’s All About Relationship!
• Those in-grafted branches…the
Gentiles who have trusted in Jesus the
Messiah,… have a special relationship
with Israel, its people and Land, and
have sworn allegiance to the King of
the Jews- Jesus of Nazareth. Natural
branches can be broken off and natural
branches can be grafted back in, but
only by God. He is the gardener.
Reconciliation of The World
• Eph 2:8 We are All saved by grace for you have
been delivered by grace through trusting, and
• Romans 11:11 It is by means of their stumbling that
deliverance has come to the gentiles (That’s you!)
Romans 11:15…For if their casting Jesus aside means
reconciliation for the world, What will their accepting of
Him mean? It will be life from the dead.
Our Jewish Messiah
Jesus’ circumcision on the 8th day B’rit Milah (literally in Hebrew
covenant of circumcision) Luke 2:21-38 was witnessed by the prophetess
Anna, from the tribe of Asher and Holy man Simeon.
Jesus remained fully Jew until the last moment on the cross…He is still fully
Jesus and His first followers thought and spoke within a Jewish
framework and the only way for Christians to “truly” understand the
life and words of Jesus are from a Jewish perspective.
EXAMPLE…hiding under the shadow of HIS WINGS…what’s that?
She touched the corner of His garment. (tzitzit) Matt 9:20
Garden of Gethsemane (is from the Hebrew words "gat shemanim" or
oil press)…Luke 22 the sweat became like drops of blood falling to the
ground. Jesus was pressed, he was squeezed in this place.
Preserving The Word
• We wouldn’t have the New Testament recorded today if Jews
hadn’t accomplished the fact ….Do you know that it ironically
would be Jews, not Christians who would preserve the very same
Hebrew scriptures used by Jesus and His followers for the New
Testament by translating these Aramaic scriptures and parable
stories into Greek?
• Did you know 70 Hebrew sages were put into separate
little huts and kept apart as they translated the Hebrew
scriptures for the Greek version of the Old Testament?
• Ask me about Simchat Torah and the scroll!! The faithfulness of
Jewish scribes…Would Christians…be faithful to protect the
scriptures in the same way? The answer is a resounding NO and
God knew it …the end from the beginning!!!!)
• Do you realize it was the Jews in Jesus day who first recognized
Him as Messiah? It is true… all of the 12 disciples were Jewish
(neither Dr. Luke, the author of the book of Luke, nor Mark were of
the original 12…they were Greek contemporaries of Paul.)
The Man Paul…Most Loved Revelator
YES…he went to the gentiles with the message of the Messiah after he
was rejected by the Jewish leadership…
Over the span of his 30 yr ministry ….Paul remained a Jew, a
messianic Jew…free in the truth of His Messiah, Jesus.
He was always in the synagogue in every town…always
preaching…always conscience of the feasts, the day of atonement
(Yom Kippur).
• Paul taught us …about atonement… He linked us to and
explained our Jewish heritage. Lots of good men have died but
only one fulfilled and is fulfilling the prophecies regarding the
Messiah. Jesus is Jewish, sinless, perfect and was able to willingly
lay down His life to atone for the sins of the world. Without the Torah --our Jewish roots ---we wouldn’t be able to understand the concept of
this atonement.
Why Are These Things In Scripture, (Are You
Sticking me in jail?!)
SOME Jewish ideas and concepts you might not be aware of in the
New Testament…things Jesus referred to, as did Paul and others…
The feast of Chanukah, John 10:22, Yom Kippur, Acts 27:9, the Shema,
Mark 12:29, What JESUS said about the preserving and protecting of
the Torah, Matt 5:18. So if they are referred to in the New Testament,
do you Christian know what they were referring to?
If it was important enough to mention…remember all the things not
recorded… John said if they had been recorded the world could not
contain it all…John 21:25
…Therefore if these things were recorded in our Holy Scriptures,
shouldn’t we be interested enough to understand the background, the
root of who Jesus is? What they are there for?
History –
Where the Rip Occurred
2nd century is where the break
occurs between Jew and Christian
Gentile…things started changing fast…*
The Christian church starting
morphing becoming a different
creation…no longer thinking it was
Jewish… but perhaps a beautiful
Peach tree…not with white olive
blossoms, but with beautiful pink,
peach blossoms, perhaps smelling
much better than that old olive tree!
….even forgetting or caring who we
are, where our beginnings came
from or what our root was.
• Paul warns against arrogance in
Romans 11:18 “Do not boast,
as if you were better than
the root, because the root
is supporting you!”
Anti-Semitism Rises
• Despite Paul's warning against arrogance, by the 2nd century
great anti-Semitism arises in the church as gentile believers
began loosing touch with their Jewish beginnings….
• The Holy Roman Empire legalizes
Christianity, forbids the Christian Jews with
an edict, and invents holidays and new times
of worship, all with ulterior motives of
politics, power and mind control.
Soon Messianic Jews were forbidden to combine their Shabbat services and
ritual with their new found faith…. Pogroms began…they were chased and
excluded out of the church!
• Rumblings started being heard…asking do we even
need the scriptures?
Ripping the Heart Out
• To the Messianic Jews of the early Church in the 2nd century
…rejection of the scriptures by the early gentile church was like
ripping their heart out. The love of the Holy Scriptures…Torah
study is STILL life to … and the essence of who a religious Jew is.
• On the Jewish side those Jews who never recognized Jesus as
Messiah embraced Simon Bar Kokhba as messiah and were
angered when they got no support in the war against Rome for the
saving of Jerusalem… so THEY forbid the Christian Jews from the
• NOW… the Messianic Jews…those who believed Jesus was
Messiah had no where to go.
• Jew
grew further and further apart…
• The climate was so bad the Holy Scriptures were in deep
jeopardy of rejection… from the Christian church!
Marcion’s Legacy…
To the Church
• Marcion, was only a wealthy ship merchant, but he had political
power and he tried to abolish the Old Testament. His writings
are still around, influencing many…His teachings are still used today in
replacement theology circles, including many bible colleges. (I will explain this
term shortly.)
• Marcion adamantly opposed anything Jewish and argued the
Old Testament should be removed from the canon of the
Church. Later Augustine was influenced by Marcion’s writings
and penned his own version of replacement theology in
his book “City Of God”
• Do you know what many of the early, puzzled, Christian
theologians thought about Israel after the destruction of
• Do you know they wrote the Jewish people off, ---natural Israel
off, out of the picture…irrelevant after the fall and leveling of the
city of Jerusalem?
The Holocaust and Our Complicity
What was going on in the minds of many confused Christians during the
time of the Holocaust, as they silently watched the slaughter of the Jews,
some Christians even turning in their Jewish neighbors in hiding to the
• Did they think this was God’s plan? They must have. May
God forgive them for their silence and their complicity, and may the Jewish
remnant forgive the Christian church for not crying out then from every
mountain top.
(The Webster’s definition of complicity is the state of being an accomplice;
partnership in wrong doing)… Early theologians got into a real
mess trying to figure out what God was doing.
Theological Nightmares…
I believe Martin Luther Is In The Cloud Witnesses Saying Listen To Her!
Martin Luther received wonderful revelation regarding Grace and that we
are ONLY saved by grace---and I am glad for his open ears to hear and
boldly go forth with that revelation battling-- fear of man,--- battling the
religious spirits. He prevailed and we understand today we are ONLY saved
But did you know…Martin was so excited at the prospect of all the
Jews FINALLY realizing who Jesus was and he was so sure that
they would now realize this, in his life time… that he started to get
impatient (not a fruit of the Spirit). He started to get mad, then he
took up great offense towards the Jews
• By the end of his life he wrote horrible things regarding
the Jews, one of those is titled, On The Jews And
Their Lies (1543).
Adolph Hitler used Martin Luther’s writings to justify the
Holocaust. Do I think Adolph Hitler was an anti-christ -an anti-
messiah…OF COURSE but I learn from history and will not try to evangelize
a people I know are in God’s very able hands and times!
Who Is The Father Of All Lies!
• I believe the enemy of God’s people,
satan, hates the Jewish people so
much because out of them came
the Messiah that redeemed the
entire world …THAT it is still the
enemy’s GOAL to try and annihilate the
Jewish people from the face of the
earth. It will not happen because God
has promised that it will not happen!
Stumbling Terribly
• Martin Luther stumbled terribly after accomplishing good
things…but it is my belief he still entered heaven. I do believe
he is in the cloud of witnesses saying to me, to you…don’t
make my mistake.
• I think his desire would be for us to succeed
where he failed. He failed in Love…
By the end, he was not moving in love and in the end he became
hopeless. He lost his vision and took things out of God’s hands and
into his own hands. He couldn’t figure out how it would all work. He
slandered the Jews. Titus 3:2 says to SLANDER NO ONE…TO BE
What Does Replacement Theology Mean?
The term replacement theology refers to the theory that the church has
replaced the Jewish people as God’s chosen people. According to this
belief, the church is the new Israel, a continuation of the concept
of Israel from the Old Testament.
This view teaches that the church is the replacement for Israel and that the
many promises made to Israel in the bible are fulfilled in the Christian
church, not in the biblical, literal, Israel.
Therefore, the prophecies in Scripture concerning the blessing and
restoration of Israel to the land of promise are “spiritualized” into
promises of God’s blessing for the church.
The prophecies of condemnation and judgment however, still
remain for national Israel and the Jewish people. This view replaces
Israel in the program of God.
Replacement theology became the position of the church in the time of
Augustine 354-430 and is still taught today, in 2007, at many bible colleges.
Why That View Breaks My Heart!
• Major problems exist with the view of replacement
theology…such as the continuing existence of the
Jewish people throughout the centuries and
especially with the revival of the modern state of
• If Israel had been condemned by God, there being no
future for the Jewish nation, how do we account for
the supernatural survival of the Jewish people,
Israel’s rebirth among the gentile nations, victories
in major wars with the Arabs and a flourishing
modern democratic Jewish state?
• Back To My Little Olive Tree and it’s roots….
What Would You Say?
If someone asked you today, “prove to me that Christianity is valid and
prove to me that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the only true
God, and that Allah is not the true God, what would you say to them?
• You’d have a hard time proving anything. ….even that God exists.
The one thing and just about the only thing that can be said is …. I can
show you the Scriptures. I can show you thousands and thousands of
years ago, God made a covenant with a man named Abraham. God said
some very specific things and made promises to him.
One of those promises was that he was going to give him a land and
that land was going to be passed down from generation to generation.
And then God spoke to his son Isaac and his son Jacob and reconfirmed
the promise of that land… and then God also said something else
• He said that if my people do not serve me I will drive
them, I will push them…I will drive them out of that
• BUT THEN……God said something else. He said I
• (The church forgot that part or seemed to think it
was impossible for God to do!)
LAND! Genesis 12:7 Amos 9:14 & 15 READ IT!
• So
Strangers From One Another
• You see something else also occurred in the 2nd
Century I had not been aware of as a young Christian
….Rabbinical Judaism.
We are so separated from our Jewish roots… that Jew and Christian
are strangers to one another. We have not understood one another
because we have changed so much since we were linked hand in
hand, that we are unrecognizable to each other.
In the past there has been little common ground even though we
include the Torah (first 5 books of the bible) in our Christian bibles.
When studying Judaism at an East Coast College, I would come home
and throw myself on my rug and cry…so big was the divide I
perceived. “What about angels, the after life”? I’d cry to God. I found
I had very little in common, with Judaism.
• BUT…I will tell you I could feel the presence of the
Holy Spirit (the Ruach ha Kodesh).
Rabbinical Judaism Begins
Rabbinical Judaism began when the temple was destroyed. The
Jewish community brought the Shabbat services into the home at this
The Oral Law, that which had been passed down from the time of
Moses, started to be written down on parchment about the same time
those 70 Hebrew sages were put into those little huts so that we could
read the Old Testament in Greek.
• Jesus preached from this knowledge and addressed issues, as
did Paul, that we cannot find in the Old Testament, such as
rules regarding women, formulated by the Jewish rabbis during
the time of exile in Babylon. These rules would not have stood
at the time of the Judge Deborah, picked by God, who ruled
Israel for 40 yrs - and Paul for one knew where these rules
came from and tried to bring clarity to the subject.
• Just a bit of encouragement to you women!
Does This STUFF Mean Anything To Me,
(or why should I care) ?
• What is the spiritual significance and what
can be learned in the biblical instructions
God gave to Moses regarding all these things
that Christians are free from carrying out?
• Couldn’t there be something more to be
learned here?
Precious Symbols
God’s Power Points
• What about the menorah, the tallit, tzittzit, the mezuzah and the
side curls, payees? Jesus when speaking of phylacteries said
many wearing them were showing off…He didn’t say
phylacteries were bad. Phylacteries can have a great purpose
if worn with a heart towards God, they are a reminder. They
help focus on the Almighty.
• Each has significance when meditated upon —Nobody is
asking you to grow side curls or tie a phylactery on your head
…You are indeed free in Jesus Christ…but they have worth to
understand the intention of God.
Like a peach tree shows in a power point what we
have morphed into, so these ancient symbols found
in our bibles convey God’s heart to us and are great
reminders as they sit around the house or hang on
your door!
Here is my Desire For Israel
• I want to surround Israel and protect the Jewish remnant.
• Many want to destroy this people. I will not forsake Israel,
because God has not forsaken Israel. He commands me to
Pray For the Peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 Even
though we do not know one another and have had a
history of nightmare difficulties, I believe Israel is my
brother and I am his sister and we are part of one tree and
from Romans 11:25
• I believe that someday, when the gentile world enters
it’s fullness, the Jewish remnant will be grafted in again because the word of God says it was a temporary thing… It
is in this way that all Israel shall be saved!
• How is that possible? I do not know. But I trust God
and will not try to invent theologies to match my
expectation. I have seen that done before. I put my hope
in God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
My Olive Tree Flowers Are No
Longer Pink and Missing Branches
Have Been Grafted In Again!
Watchmen on the Wall!
• I was thinking on these things, standing on a
Spiritual wall …and I saw the bride of Christ
with me...surrounding Israel.
• We encompassed Israel, once named Jacob,
the supplanter, but now renamed Israel by
God himself. It means ruling with God.
• We stood as protector, no longer judging,
and nudging and bristling with impatience,
because we finally believed God and His plan
for His own people.