English Idioms / Chinese Common Expressions/ Famous Sayings

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English Idioms / Chinese Common Expressions/ Famous Sayings

0921- Idioms

1. Add insult to injury

To make a bad situation worse; to hurt the feelings of a person who has already been hurt

 First, the basement flooded, and then, to add insult to injury, a pipe burst in the kitchen.

 My car barely started this morning, and to add insult to injury, I got a flat tire in the driveway.

0921- Idioms

2. As a duck takes to water

easily and naturally

 She enjoys singing, as a duck takes to water.

0921- Idioms

3. Ask for the moon

to ask for too much; to make great demands; to ask for something that is difficult or impossible to obtain

 When you are trying to get a job, it seems unwise to ask for the moon.

0921- Idioms

4. At sea about something

 When it comes to higher math, Peter is totally at sea.

0921- Chinese Common Expressions

 1. 愛理不理  2. 礙手礙腳  3. 礙眼  4. 擺架子

0921- Famous Sayings

 1. “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” --- Mahatma Gandhi

0921- Famous Sayings

 1. “ 弱者絕不會寬恕。寬恕是強者的特 質。” -- 莫哈瑪 ‧ 甘地

0921- Famous Sayings

 1. A home run yesterday doesn’t guarantee your win today. ---Babe Ruths

0921- Famous Sayings

 1. 昨日的全壘打不能為你帶來今日的勝利 -- 貝比



0928 English Idioms

 1. At the eleventh hour

At the last possible moment

 She always turned her papers in at the eleventh hour, so her teacher always punishes her.  The workers were about to go on strike, but at the eleventh hour they reached an agreement with the company.

0928 English Idioms

 2. Babe in the woods

A naive or innocent person; an inexperienced person

 Bill is a babe in the woods when it comes to dealing with plumbers.

 As a painter, Mary is fine but she is a babe in the woods as a musician.

0928 English Idioms

 3. Bag and baggage

with one’s luggage; with all one’s possessions

 After having a ferocious quarrel with her husband, Shelly showed up at our door bag and baggage late on Sunday night  All right, if you won’t pay the rent, out with you, bad and baggage.

0928 English Idioms

 4. Be a copycat

To be a person who copies or mimics what someone else does

 Sally wore a pink dress just like Mary’s. Mary called Sally a copycat.

0928 English Idioms

 5. Beggars can’t be choosers

a proverb meaning that a person should not criticize something he gets for free.

 I don’t like the old hat that you gave me, but beggars can’t be choosers.

0928 English Idioms

 6. Be poles apart

to be very different

 George and Mary finish their relationship ten years after their marriage, because they are poles apart in terms of personality.

0928 English Idioms

 7. can’t carry a tune

Unable to sing a single melody

 Singing lessons are always a pain in the neck for Peter because he really can’t carry a tune.

0928 Famous saying

 觸動心靈的美 不見得華麗 Beauty is only skin deep. What counts lies in how you are touched by it. 作家 劉墉  品質比數量重要 一支全壘達遠勝兩支二壘安打 A great home run in time is more trustworthy than two base hits in a row. 蘋果電腦公司執行長 史帝夫賈伯斯  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7D9t-zuVMo

0928 Famous saying

 給需要水的人一杯水 就是最大的幫助 台灣路竹醫療和平會創辦人 劉啟群  失敗不致命 不去改變才致命 《伍登教練的成功金字塔》作者 約翰伍登

0928 Famous saying

 登山容易 下山難 江秀珍

1005 English Idioms

 1. bite the dust

to fall to defeat; to die

 The team won several games before biting the dust in the final competition

1005 English Idioms

 2. boggle someone’s mind 

to overwhelm someone; to mix up someone’s thinking; to astound someone

 The size of the room boggles my mind. I never expect such large space.

1005 English Idioms

 3. cash-and-carry

having to do with a sales of goods or a way of selling that requires that the buyers par for the goods and take them at the same time

 I am sorry. We don’t deliver. It’s strictly cash and-carry.

1005 English Idioms

 4. cross a bridge before one comes to it

to worry excessively about something before it happens

 She’s always crossing the bridge before coming to them. She needs to learn to relax.

1005 English Idioms

 5. a diamond in the rough

a valuable or potentially excellent person or thing hidden by an unpolished or rough exterior

 Jenny looks quiet and unsociable, but she is a fine person —a real diamond in the rough.

1005 English Idioms

 6. doubting Thomas

someone who will not easily believe something without strong proof or evidence

 This school is full of doubting Thomas; they don’t believe any theory in the books until a fine proof is given by their teachers.

1005 Famous saying

 1. 人之所以不快樂 是因為只看到自己沒有的 卻不珍惜手中擁有的 104人力銀行行銷總監


大咖說的話  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP5VIhbJwFs Bill Gates 前世界首富



- Warfare

 North Korea shells South Korea's border island, prompting Seoul to return fire in one of the most serious incidents since the end of the Korean War in 1953.




 Monitoring our ailing oceansO cean scientists are urging governments to invest billions of dollars by 2015 in a new system to monitor the seas and give alerts of everything from tsunamis to acidification linked to climate change.




 British scientists have developed a new way of joining and rebuilding molecules and used it to refine the anti-wrinkle treatment Botox in an effort to improve its use for Parkinson's, cerebral palsy and chronic migraine.


俚語  Birds of a feather flock together  Bob and Tom are alike. They like each other’s company because birds of a feather flock together.


俚語  Black and blue  My knee is black and blue because I bumped into the side of my desk yesterday and hurt it.


俚語  Black sheep of the family  Mary is the black sheep of the family. She is always in trouble with the police.


俚語  A bull in a China shop  Bob is a regular bull in a china shop. He turnovers the milk and spill it on the guest’s suit.


俚語  Blow the whistle  The gangs are getting very bad. It’s time to blow the whistle on their misbehavior.


俚語  Bite one’s tongue  I sat through that whole conversation biting my tongue


俚語  Bite the hands that feed you  I am your mother! How can you bite the hands that feed you?


俚語  Burn the midnight oil  If you burn the midnight oil every day, you will probably become ill.


俚語  Can’t carry a tune  Listen to poor old John. He really cannot carry a tune.


俚語  Can’t carry a tune  Listen to poor old John. He really cannot carry a tune.


俚語  Slow and steady wins the race  Never give in. Slow and steady wins the race. You will make it finally.


俚語  Under the table  The mayor had been paying money to the construction company under the table


俚語  Daylight robbery  It’s daylight robbery to charge that amount of money for a hotel room


俚語  Take the bull by the horns  If we are going to solve this problem, someone is going to have to take the bull by the horn.


俚語小考        1. 火上加油 2. 如魚得水 3. 好高騖遠 4. 感到茫然 5. 最後一刻 6. 初出茅廬的新手 7. 南轅北轍          8. 五音不全 9. 一敗塗地 10. 一手交錢一少交貨 11. 杯弓蛇影 (bridge) 12. 物以類聚 13. 瘀青 14. 害群之馬 15. 魯莽的人 16. 取締 / 檢舉