Running the Line: Assistant Referee Mechanics and Duties Fall 2010

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Running the Line: Assistant Referee Mechanics and Duties

Running the Line Fall 2010

When finished with this presentation the student will know basic AR responsibilities, mechanics for offside, as well as touchline and goal line ball out-of-play restarts. Running the Line Fall 2010

The Referee Team

The Referee and two Assistant Referees (ARs) are the THIRD TEAM

Running the Line

This team determines the quality of the match

The Team’s “Field”

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The Referee runs diagonal (standard diagonal shown) Each AR covers ¼ of the field – sees what’s ahead and behind the Referee – judges most offside calls and ball out of play restarts in their area.

AR 1 AR2 Referee

Running the Line

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The Team’s “Field”

Sometimes the Referee runs a “reverse” diagonal when field conditions dictate AR covers ¼ of the field – sees what’s ahead and behind the Referee – judges most offside calls and ball out of play restarts in their area.

AR 1 AR2 Referee

Running the Line

The AR During Play…

Always stays with 2 nd closest to goal line to last defender or ball – whichever is

Stays square to field by sidestepping or sprinting when necessary

If ball is in opposite end of field and if 2 nd to last defender is in their opponents half of the field, stops at the half way line

Being an AR is not easy – concentrate and stay in position

Make sure there is room to run your line – move subs, bench personnel and fans away from touchline.

If sun is in your eyes, ask referee if you can wear a cap or sun glasses to shield your eyes

Always, always, always be in position – in line with 2 nd defender or ball and square to field.

to last

Running the Line

AR Responsibilities

What are they?

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PROVIDE ADVICE the Referee & ASSIST Supervise substitutions Back up time Back up book (score, cautions, ejections, etc.)

Running the Line

AR Responsibilities: Pre-Game

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Arrive 30 min early – dressed & looking like a referee Meet with the Referee !!

Check player equipment, player passes Check condition of field, goals (anchored), holes in nets, etc. Fill-in if Referee is delayed (check field, game balls, coin toss, etc.)

Running the Line

AR Responsibilities: Pre-Game

AR-Referee Pre-game Meeting

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AR Responsibilities: Pre-Game

Entering the Field   

Enter field as a team, walk to center with Referee -- sprint to check your goal (anchored, nets) - take position on touch line Line up with the second-to-last defender Count players in your end - Unfurl your flag – signal referee - “We are ready to play”

Running the Line

AR Responsibilities: In-game

Leaving the Field – Half Time 

Leave field as a Team

Ask “did I miss anything?”

Ask Referee why they chose to wave off your call(s)

Inform Referee and other AR of anything unusual you observed

Running the Line

AR Provides Advice by …. ?

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EYE CONTACT EYE CONTACT EYE CONTACT Flag Other nonverbal signals (as per pre-game) The Referee can accept, or “wave off” advice from the AR

Running the Line

AR Provides Advice on …

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Offside – when and where “Goal” versus “no goal” Substitutions Ball out-of-play (throw-in, goal kick, corner kick) Fouls – when and where Touchline problems

Running the Line

AR Offside Advice (1)

Player in offside position becomes involved in play AR Mechanics….?

- Stop immediately - Face field (at attention) - Raise flag straight up (held still) - Upon Referee acknowledgement, move on touch line to point of infraction - Signal (near, mid, far) where on the field the infraction occurred - If not acknowledged, HOLD SIGNAL until direction of play changes (defender or keeper takes possession, goal kick awarded)

Running the Line

AR Offside Advice (2)

Player guilty of the offside infraction scores AR Mechanics….?

- Stop immediately - Face field (at attention) - Raise flag straight up (held still) - Upon Referee acknowledgement, move on touch line to point of infraction - Signal (near, mid, far) where on the field the infraction occurred

Running the Line

AR Offside Advice (3)

Attacker other then player that scores is guilty of the offside infraction (in AR’s opinion)

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AR Mechanics…?

Stop & hold position at attention (with flag down) Make eye contact with Referee Signal “see me”, if they continue to just look at you (they may need help)

Running the Line

AR Goal Line Advice

Ball completely crosses goal line…..


Running the Line

AR Goal Line Advice (1)

Ball last touched an attacker

Restart ?

Goal Kick AR Mechanics when ball out in AR’s area - Stop - Turn body toward touch line - Display flag parallel to ground pointed at goal area Correct?

Running the Line

AR Goal Line Advice (1)

Ball last touched an attacker

Restart ?

Goal Kick AR Mechanics when ball out in AR’s area - Stop - Turn body toward touch line - Display flag parallel to ground pointed at goal area Correct?

Running the Line

AR Goal Line Advice (1)

Ball last touched an attacker

Restart ?

area Goal Kick AR Mechanics when ball out in Referee’s - After referee has signaled for goal kick AR confirms referee call - Display flag parallel to ground pointed at goal area - If ball goes out of play and back in – AR raises flag vertically until acknowledged by referee – then signals goal kick

Running the Line

AR Goal Line Advice (2)

Ball last touched a defender

Restart ?

Corner Kick AR Mechanics???


Stop immediately


Face field Point flag at downward angle to YOUR corner arc


NEVER RUN beyond corner arc, and NEVER raise flag to point at opposite corner

Running the Line

AR Goal Line Advice (3) Obvious

Goal Scored


AR Mechanics???

Make Referee eye contact Immediately turn to face up-field Hold flag field-side Sprint 10-15 yd upfield along the touch line, stop, and then face the field

Running the Line


AR Goal Line Advice (3) Funky “Good”


ball in and out of goal but the goal is good AR Mechanics???

Run to corner flag Raise flag straight up Make Referee eye contact When referee blows whistle, Sprint upfield as in normal goal mechanic

Running the Line


AR Goal Line Advice (3) Funky “No”


ball looked like it went into a goal but it didn’t AR Mechanics???

Make Referee eye contact Indicate nothing Continue normal AR mechanics

Running the Line

AR Goal Line Advice (4) “No” Goal

ball obviously in the net but it’s not a good goal AR Mechanics ???


Stop & hold position at attention (with flag down)


Make eye contact with Referee Signal “see me”, as per pre-game

Running the Line

AR Substitutes Advice

When legal substitutes are at midfield BEFORE goal kick or same-team throw-in … AR Mechanics ???

- Face field - Flag over head, held with two hands (never hold flag cloth) - Maintain until recognized, then IMMEDIATELY drop flag

Running the Line

More AR Substitutes Advice

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If necessary - other AR mirrors the signal to direct referee’s attention to the other side of the field As per Pre-game Referee - AR supervises substitution when complete, AR signals

Running the Line

AR Touch Line Advice Throw-In

Ball crosses touch line in Referee quadrant – AR Mechanics ?

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Wait for referee to show direction then mirror referee Ball goes out and comes back in – raise flag vertically Ball crosses touch line in AR quadrant – AR Mechanics ?

Face field and raise flag at 45 o , in the direction of the throw-in

Hold flag until making eye contact with Referee

Running the Line

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AR Touch Line Advice Throw-In

A re-throw is advised when …

Ball never crossed touch line Wrong team took throw-in

AR Mechanics ???

Raise flag raised straight up – transfer flag to proper hand to indicate direction

Running the Line

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AR Touch Line Advice Throw-In

Change of possession advised when… Thrower lifts foot Did not bring both hands properly from behind the head Thrower had one or both feet completely on field AR Mechanics ???

Signal with flag raised straight up – transfer flag to proper hand to indicate direction of ball possession

Running the Line

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AR Fouls Advice

A foul has been committed that Referee may not have seen… AR Mechanics?

Stop Face field (at attention) Transfer flag to proper hand to indicate direction of restart Raise flag straight up When eye contact is made, wave or wiggle flag

Running the Line

AR Fouls Advice

Defender Commits Major Foul in Penalty Area AR Mechanics ???

Make eye contact, if referee does not indicate anything, then…

Stop, face field, raise flag, and signal the “foul”

When acknowledged, hold flag across lower body indicating a PK, as shown to the right

Walk to corner flag

Running the Line

AR Fouls Advice

Where is AR on a Penalty Kick ???

Intersection of goal line and penalty area line

Straddle the goal line, flag down, in hand closest to Referee

Watch whether ball (100%) crossed goal line and keeper infractions - as per pre-game

If keeper moves illegally keeping a goal from being scored – stay in position with flag across lower body

Signal goal scored by following normal goal procedures

Play continues – resume normal AR position to judge offside

Running the Line

AR Caution or Dismissal Advice

AR Mechanics ???

Stop, face field and signal “foul”

CAUTION - Move hand to suggest possible caution (yellow card) … hand over badge (as per pre-game)

DISMISSAL - Move hand to suggest possible dismissal (red card) pre- game) … to cover rear shorts pocket (as per

Running the Line

Fans, Coach or Player Problems


A brief word can advise player or coach of your dissatisfaction

If problems persist, use “see me” signal to summon Referee

Running the Line

Game Advice for ARs NEVER …. NEVER

Lose eye contact with Referee for more than a few seconds

Communicate verbally when a standard signal can be used

Fail to support the referee team

Take your eyes off the field to watch non-game events (except sideline incidents)

Running the Line

Game Advice for ARs NEVER …. NEVER

Argue or discuss game with parents, fans, players or coaches

Threaten cautions or dismissals – always call over the Referee

Attempt to overrule or embarrass Referee

Touch a player, coach or fan

Touch the ball

Give advice to players

Running the Line

After the Match

Meet Referee and leave field as a Team – shake hands on the field

Collect equipment and leave area as a Team

DO NOT DISCUSS game or Referee calls with anyone but the Referee Team

Running the Line

Getting Better as an AR

Always ask Referee, “what can I do better?”

Start centering appropriate games

Request feedback from assessor, if the Referee is being assessed

Take additional classes

Visit referee advice websites:

Running the Line

Running the Line: On-Line Module Quiz

Name (Print): _______________________________

Print this page, answer the questions and bring with you to recertification 1.

What are 3 responsibilities of the Assistant Referee?


How does the AR communicate with the Referee?


How should the AR show the referee they believe an attacker other then player that scores is guilty of the offside infraction?


How should the AR handle a fan that is being so loud and abusive that they cannot do their job as an AR?


What is the AR’s position during dynamic play?