Nijmegen Advanced Breast Imaging Course

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Nijmegen Advanced
Breast Imaging Course
Wednesday June 1st, 2016
Breast imaging is the most multimodal discipline in radiology, and one of the
most interactive. Although in many cases the question that needs to be answered
is binomial, i.e. it is cancer, or it is not, breast imaging in practice is far more
complex, and needs to take into account patient needs and epidemiological facts
to deliver truly personalised care.
The array of techniques available to breast imagers is ever expanding. It is a
simple fact that novel techniques are already presented before previous
techniques have been thoroughly evaluated.
Currently tomosynthesis, contrast enhanced mammography, 3D ultrasound and
various MRI techniques are at the brink of wide implementation while good
guidelines on the use of each of these modalities are lacking. Simultaneously,
novel techniques such as breast CT and plane wave ultrasound are under
development and might soon make their way to the clinic.
The Nijmegen advanced breast imaging course aims to discuss the current
advances in breast imaging from image generation to patient care and screening.
‘Why do we see this?’, ‘How can we use it?’, and ‘What is its place in patient care
and/or screening?’ are the central questions on which this course is built.
Lectures will enable the participants to:
•tailor diagnostic tests to the woman and the indication in order to optimise
personalised care
•understand image formation and artefacts in emerging modalities
•discuss the use of novel imaging tests in relation to the clinical question.
8.15 8.45 Registration and coffee
Ritse Mann and Frank de Lange
Issues in (screening) mammography
9. 00 Breast cancer awareness
Marja van Oirsouw
Personalised breast cancer screening
Mireille Broeders
10.00 Contrast enhanced mammography
Eva Fallenberg
Coffee break
Tomosynthesis and Breast CT
11.00 Principles of tomosynthesis and synthetic 2D
Hilde Bosmans
Tomosynthesis in practice
Kristina Lång
12.00 Breast CT, the next level?
Ioannis Sechopoulos
12.30 Lunch
Novel techniques in breast ultrasound and CAD
13.30 3D ultrasound in clinical practice
Michael Golatta
14.00 Optimizing breast ultrasound
Chris de Korte
14.30 Practical use of CAD in breast imaging
Nico Karssemeijer
15.00 Coffee break
The future of breast MRI
16.00 Evaluation of breast MRI as a screening tool
Suzan Vreemann
16.30 Future perspectives of MRI for screening
Ritse Mann
17.00 Novel developments in MRI for the evaluation of
neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Katya Duvivier
17.30 Drinks
Prof. H. Bosmans PhD, medical physicist, Leuven University, Belgium
M. Broeders PhD, epidemiologist, Dutch reference centre for screening, Nijmegen
K. Duvivier MD, breast radiologist VUmc, Amsterdam
E. Fallenberg MD PhD, breast radiologist, Charite, Berlin, Germany
M. Golatta MD PhD, gynaecologist, University Clinic, Heidelberg, Germany
Prof. N. Karssemeijer PhD, computer scientist, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen
Prof. C. de Korte PhD, medical physicist, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen
K. Lång MD PhD, breast radiologist, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden
R.M. Mann MD PhD, breast radiologist, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen
M. van Oirsouw, patient advocate, Dutch breast cancer society, Utrecht
I. Sechopoulos PhD, medical physicist, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen
S. Vreemann MSc, PhD student, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen
Organizing committee
R.M. Mann MD Phd
F. de Lange PhD
L. Oostveen BSc
A. Moedt MSc
General information
The course will take place at the Radboud university medical center,
Auditorium, Geert Grooteplein 15, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Target groups
The course aims at breast radiologists, medical physicists, residents,
breast imaging researchers and dedicated technicians.
Accreditation is requested at NVvR, NVKF, ADAP and NVMBR.
Please register yourself on
• Early registrations fees until May 1st:
participants: €150,-; medical physicists: €100,-; residents,
researchers and technicians: €75,-.
• Registration fees from May 1st:
participants: €180,-; medical physicists: €120,-; residents: €90, and technicians: €90,-.
Registration is open till May 26th, 2016.
Radboud university medical center, PAO Heyendael
Geertje van Duijnhoven, project assistant
T +31 24 361 03 42
[email protected]
Radboud university medical center