Saul Bellow Herzog - Impressions By Maria

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Transcript Saul Bellow Herzog - Impressions By Maria

Saul Bellow
Title: Herzog
Author: Saul Bellow
Format: Paperback
Language: Italian
Pages: 514
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 8804341149
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 6.1 MB
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Solo, in una casa di campagna, un intellettuale si interroga - e interroga gli amici - sul senso
dell'esistenza, in un susseguirsi di spiegazioni, interpretazioni, chiarimenti. Il romanzo di
maggior successo di Bellow, premio Nobel per la letteratura 1976.
Insightful reviews
Noce: Metti che poi perdi le staffe
Ebbene signori miei, cosa sarebbe successo se Moses Herzog avesse avuto un blog?
Avrebbe sicuramente fatto parte della vecchia scuola, forse antesignano della piattaforma di
Splinder. Lì avrebbe esercitato le sue migliori doti di grafomane, scrivendo post tutti i giorni e
non di rado più volte al dì; avrebbe intavolato discussioni, inveito contro destinatari universali,
sfogando le sue frustrazioni e intervallando fiumi di parole irate a poetici sguardi disillusi sul
passato. A volte avrebbe risposto ai commenti con veemenza e partecipazione, a volte avrebbe
spiato in silenzio, tutto compreso nel suo vittimismo, o a seconda, nel suo orgoglio più fiero. Per
via del suo vasto background culturale, avrebbe seminato proseliti senza difficoltà e l’opinione
pubblica si sarebbe scissa in colpevolisti e innocentisti.
Poi, con l’avvento dei social network sarebbe passato di moda. Con fare dinoccolato avrebbe
accettato che internet rispecchiasse la società qualunquista di oggi, ma con contegno si
sarebbe fatto da parte. Non sarebbe stato uno di quelli che cancellano l’account. Avrebbe
lasciato i suoi scritti lì, come testimoni romantici delle sue cadute e risalite.
Nondimeno il suo nome sarebbe rimasto legato a un certo tipo di antieroismo. Aspè che vi
Quando da piccola mio padre mi spronava dicendomi che la vita bisogna cavalcarla, altrimenti
lei cavalca te, io coscienziosamente annuivo, ma intimamente giudicavo quest’approccio
decisamente superficiale. La logica mi insegnava che prima di cavalcare, bisogna salirci a
cavallo, e chi l’ha detto che io ne fossi capace? E se avessi messo il piede in fallo e mancato la
staffa? E se una volta sulle staffe le vertigini mi avessero inchiodato in una goffissima posa
scomposta? E se dopo svariati tentativi avessi rinunciato a salire, chi lo dice che io non avessi
comunque voluto fortissimamente riuscirci?
Questo è l’esatto istante in cui Herzog fa capolino, quell’attimo in bilico tra la metaforica
comprensione del nodo gordiano della tua vita appeso alla sella di una cavalcata utopica, e la
rinuncia frustrante a un futuro che da terra manco riesci a vedere, figuriamoci prenderlo di petto.
Herzog è sempre lì quando fai ritorno a casa e una volta chiusa la porta, fai il più bel discorso
della tua vita, quello lucido e tagliente che ti capita di vedere solo nei film, in bocca a pochi attori
eccellenti, o ad oratori con esperienza pluridecennale. E mentre tu dai fondo alle tue migliori
capacità teatrali davanti alla finestra che dà sul cavedio di casa, Herzog lo fa sul foglio. E scrive,
scrive tutto quello che diresti anche tu, rimanendo fedele a se stesso mentre cerca di
combattersi e annullare la parte marcia di sé.
Ma c’è un momento in cui si stacca dal modello in serie di “uomo come tanti” e diventa l’eroe
degli antieroi. Quando raggiunge il fondo di se stesso e non si scotta. E risale, solo una volta
scoperto, che in fondo sta bene e si ama esattamente per com’è. Con le sue contraddizioni
imbarazzanti e la sua pedante introspezione, che condividiamo perché è quella a cui vorremmo
arrivare tutti se avessimo il coraggio di inoltrarci nelle pieghe più scomode del nostro io. Ed
Herzog infatti, È scomodo oltre ogni ragionevole dubbio. È quell’amico che quando chiama,
dobbiamo resistere alla tentazione di farci negare, ma alla fine cediamo e prestiamo orecchio ai
suoi soliloqui, perché per quanto impegnativo è l’amico più vero che abbiamo. E succede
sempre, che a fine serata ci congediamo da lui con la muta speranza che almeno un po’, ci sia
rimasta appiccicata addosso, una piccola parte della sua onestà.
Carla: Um livro que me deu muita luta… Agradeço-lhe por isso caro Sr. Moses E. Herzog.
Esta é a auto-análise obsessiva de um homem à procura de um rumo, um rumo que fatalmente
encontra nas mulheres, um equívoco ao qual regressa sempre como se fosse um retorno ao
útero materno. A tragicomédia de Herzog.
Herzog busca tranquilidade num mundo corrompido, num mundo que o encara como insano e
escreve compulsivamente cartas sobre tudo e sobre nada para criar um ponto de equilíbrio e
estabilidade na sua vida desmoronada. Desbrava o caminho escrevendo e no fim, saciado,
regressado à origem possível, encontra, finalmente, a paz no silêncio.
“Posso não estar bom da cabeça, mas tudo me parece claro.” (P.366)
Admito que não seja fácil gostar deste livro. Talvez o tenha lido no momento certo.
Alan: When I read this, I was living in the Berkshires not far from Herzog--or at least, not far
from Norman Mailer in the summers. (Mailer would take his grandson-aged son to the Berkshire
AA baseball games, in his Corvette.) Even closer than Herzog and Mailer lived two Russian
BSO violinists and a Hungarian trombonist, in the summers. I improved my Russian through
their aegis, but not my Hungarian. I was a college professor like Herzog, though not as soughtafter by different institutions, nor yet abandoned by my wife. I was also, like Herzog, a
compulsive letter writer; in fact, I had a monthly correspondence with one of the great letter
writers, a Shakespearean at Amherst College who built the only Frank Lloyd Wright house in
New England. His letters were eminently sane and funny; they drew out what sanity and humor
dwelt in me. Or what I could muster to confront my own professional disaster and
rebirth--through completing my 17C dissertation by use of the Chapin Rare Books Library miles
away in Williamstown. My goal was to join the "English" profession in America--a paradoxical
endeavor inherited from the role and decline of Latin education around the end of the 19thC.
Herzog was indeed an admonitory epistle, a series of them in fact, a warning against my whole
purpose. But I did not take it that way. Herzog was equally a warning against academic
marriage, though I did not take it that way, either. And finally, Herzog provided a prototype of
the joking sufferer, which I attempted to be in rising above my defeats. The fact that he was
insane did not discourage me. Sanity might be over-rated. Name a famous leader who was
sane: Hitler? Stalin? Napoleon? Attila? Caligula? Commodus? Caesar himself, reportedly killing
100,000 Tencterii in a week? Of course, few of these avatars of insanity could be called joking
sufferers. Herzog, and possibly Bellow, were. And I aspired to be.
Not Herzog, but one who wrote with Herzog's wit, a bit. After Henderson the Rain King, Herzog
was from a whole different tribe. One could not picture Herzog lifting a heavy stone and gaining
a village-full of wives. Henderson had trouble satisfying his fifty wives, and Herzog had not
satisfied his one.
So I highly recommend this book to aspiring letter-writers and exiles from NYC recovering from
marital and amorous defeats or from academic trials, to those who find insanity no bar, as they
look around, to leadership and high office, or to those who discover humor in the midst of their
Jan: Why should still we learn Saul Bellow today, and why Herzog?Bellow, who gained the
Nobel Prize for Literature, is the single 3 time winner of the nationwide e-book Award for fiction.
the days of London pointed out him because the maximum author in English of the previous
century. Bellow believed that fiction may still tackle the most important social matters and in his
phrases ‘account for the mysterious condition of being.’ In his serious essays, Bellow known
as for ‘a extra optimistic imaginative and prescient of people as excellent victims wounded
through their very own aspirations and beliefs in a global that has misplaced its trust in both.’He
used to be a sensible observer and will write with an exuberance that was once nearly
Whitmanesque. The country wrote ‘It's like consuming from a fireplace hose. this can be your
mind on Bellow.’ And, he was once comical in a really dry manner. Accepting all of the above,
he believed the true real try of excellent writing was once entertainment for the reader.Herzog
has been referred to as the pinnacle ‘novel of ideas.’ A middle-age university professor, who's
a failed academic, loses his moment spouse to his most sensible friend. He obsesses to
appreciate what not just has occurred him yet to humanity at huge - locally, nationally, globally,
historically, culturally, politically. He asks the main tough questions that almost all folks might
run from: what's the goal of living? Is love worthy a man's soul? Can one guy ever make a
distinction within the world? Herzog addressed those matters with a sequence of letters he
writes yet by no means mails to family, to friends, to church clergy, to Spinoza, Nietzsche,
Heidegger, Adlai Stevenson, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, or even to God. The letters are cranky,
playful, yet constantly clever. it's been stated after ‘Herzog’ no author want faux in his fiction
that his schooling stopped within the 8th grade.Maybe the beautiful depth comes from the truth
that Bellow all started the radical after wasting his moment spouse to an outstanding friend.
Herzog’s female friend Ramona is modeled after Bellow’s female friend on the time and he or
she was once quoted asserting the unconventional is ‘a booklet so deepest as to represent a
parallel to Rousseau's Confessions.’Some accuse Bellow of being a misogynist. i discovered
his therapy of ladies quite now not negative. Sure, Herzog hates his ex for creating a idiot out of
him, yet Bellow acknowledges the relatively outstanding energy a girl has to deliver even a
super and boastful guy to depression because of his want for only a small quantity of her
attention, her care.Like such a lot of Bellow’s books, don’t anticipate Herzog to have a lot of
plot or perhaps a conclusion. the tale is within the thinking.
James: The highbrow lifestyles is a unsafe one. Giving oneself license to question life in general
implies a function or foundation for doing so. however the global is stubbornly reluctant to
maintain with stylish highbrow trends, and what objective one ascribes to the highbrow lifestyles
is still annoyingly subjective. the trendy highbrow lives with the legacy of elitism which as soon
as made scholarship and pondering commonly the usual guard of noblemen and well-off
hobbyists. hundreds of thousands of years in the past a humanist schooling was once obvious
as whatever befitting a gentleman. studying the classics used to be a fashion of buying the
delicate idiom of the upper-classes which introduced one in the direction of the antechambers of
energy and influence. those top classes, however, spoiled themselves on ingratitude. And one
of many imperative advantages of our modern day liberal democratic society is that schooling is,
for the main part, open and free. yet this freedom comes at a cost. humans get to come to a
decision what's of worth of their lives; yet this skill to settle on is often in festival with practicality,
advertisement pursuits and the juggernaut of the media. to assert we’re loose completely is
nonsense. Freedom calls for deliberation and discipline: the self-discipline to get rid of offerings
clandestinely imposed upon oneself from open air and to formulate and carryout classes of
motion which keep away from passivity and conformism. this is often the nice difficulty of recent
society: we’re freer yet much less disciplined frequently as a consequence, and so we've got a
superb present that frequently seems hole and useless, particularly to intellectuals who’ve
made pondering their profession. Herzog, the eponymous hero of Bellow’s novel, is an
highbrow within the grips of a fiery mid-life crisis, person who pits himself and his life’s
paintings opposed to an international which turns out detached to the lifetime of the mind. The
resource of Herzog’s mid-life problem is the breakup of his marriage to Madeleine, a tender
and gorgeous graduate pupil with whom he has a daughter. at the beginning of the radical she
has absconded with Herzog’s buddy Gersbach (a married disc-jockey who has absorbed
superficially a lot of Herzog’s scholastic air of mystery of significant ideas) and brought their
younger daughter with her. rather than accepting the break-up Herzog turns this divorce and
betrayal into a chance for a full-blown reappraisal of things, either one of highbrow background
and his personal imperfect life. As you could imagine, there are not any solutions here. And
whereas Herzog manages to collect relatively a observation at the heritage of principles during
his story, he finally ends up having a look super egotistic and kooky within the process, whereas
the folk he believes to have so much wronged him seem primarily naïve (or just too twodimensionally drawn via Bellow). This leaves him puzzling over no matter if you could receive
any objectivity in any respect in existence approximately your passions. The lifetime of the brain
may be passionate simply as a romantic courting can be. however the global turns out to prize
superficial bluff (as Gersbach, for Herzog, turns out to exemplify) greater than authentic,
dignified cultivation. nobody sees this extra truly than Herzog, and he’s steadily defeated and
made extra petulant and helpless as a consequence. visible in the course of the lens of grand
principles the area is often just a little silly. And to outlive this Herzog is pushed restlessly to
research all that he knows, searching for resolution. within the end, confronting his personal
own challenge brings him up opposed to the concern of modernity: and the answer for both,
from the perspective of the individual, is a type of radicalized modesty, which through the top of
the radical we can’t be sure Herzog really achieves. it's a unhappy and relocating story, and
moves a be aware of ambiguous defeat and resignation. it's as if Bellow realizes that the
outdated elitism of rules has ultimately been eclipsed by way of a brand new informationsaturated global that has the looks of unsophistication and but simply could be forging a brand
new and entirely diverse type of sophistication, person who Herzog can’t grasp.
Vit Babenco: An actual highbrow is usually an interloper or maybe an outcast. “He did not
consider that Poggioli had performed complete justice to yes very important figures – Rozanov,
for instance. although Rozanov used to be cracked on convinced questions, just like the Jewish
ritual bath, nonetheless he was once an excellent figure, and his erotic mysticism used to be
hugely unique – highly. depart it to these Russians. What hadn't they performed for Western
Civilization, the entire whereas repudiating the West and ridiculing it!”So like a hermit crab one
should still discover a shell and hiding in it stay within the estrangement and alienation – an final
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