Joseph Conrad Victory

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Transcript Joseph Conrad Victory

Joseph Conrad
Title: Victory
Author: Joseph Conrad
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 224
Publisher: Createspace, 1263272400
ISBN: 145051264X
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 8.3 MB
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In the past this novel was regarded as comparatively minor among other Conrad's works, but
Victory has grown in reputation in the last years. This novel has been adapted to film more
times than any other Conrad novel, especially outside the U.S.
Insightful reviews
Michael: I could not find an image of the copy of this book that I am reading, which has the
grooviest minimalist 1920's cover illustration (by Edward Gorey). I love the covers of those early
paperbacks,and honestly, can not separate the literary contents of the book from the musty
brilliance(and aroma)of those old editions.
This book has great characters, exotic atmosphere and a fantastic plot. Woven into this are
philosophical themes expressed with great restraint. It reminds me a bit of the books of
Conrad's contemporaries Somerset Maughm and Graham Greene, particularly the writing that is
set in the South Pacific. I am only halfway through the book so that is all I have to say about it
right now.
Isa Kerr: Initial reactions: Instantly draws you in. Conrad's powerful command of description and
forward-moving plot make for a smooth read. What I liked the most was his thorough study of
each important character. The relationship between Lena and Heyst is complex and not a
simple love story. Ricardo and Mr. Jones offer beguiling studies of evil. I also got a sense of
how one cannot ever be too sure of another body's intentions and vice versa, making for
uncertainty, and the cause of all of Heyst's unlucky drama in the first place.
Non è stato facile addentrarsi in questo libro.
Conrad ha una scrittura a cui non ero abituata, non avendo mai letto nessun'altra sua opera in
inglese, e l'approccio è stato difficoltoso; ma, più di tutto, ogni volta che iniziavo rimanevo come
ipnotizzata dalla prima pagina, da quell'incipit così... beh, stranamente ammaliante.
La storia si dipana lentamente agli occhi del lettore, dapprima narrata tramite un noi collettivo
non specificato che a volte diventa un io e che non esprime alcun giudizio o commento sulla
vicenda; in seguito raccontata dalla bocca del capitano Davidson, una sorta di amico del
protagonista, e dell'albergatore Schomberg, il suo nemico; e solo infine vissuta in prima persona
dal protagonista del romanzo, Axel Heyst.
Il modo in cui la vicenda è narrata rispecchia perfettamente la natura solitaria di Heyst.
Heyst è un uomo che vive della sua solitudine, distaccato dal mondo e isolato nella Baia dei
Diamanti, dove è rimasto a vivere dopo il fallimento della compagnia che lì estraeva il carbone e
di cui lui era socio; e infatti all'inizio del romanzo, lui, che ne è il protagonista, appare solo come
una figura intangibile, distante, irraggiungibile nel suo volontario isolamento. Gli sporadici suoi
contatti con il mondo vengono raccontati in flashback che posticipano l'inizio della storia che
Victory vuole raccontare.
Così, per circa metà libro, vediamo Heyst con gli occhi degli altri, in un ruolo in bilico tra quello
di protagonista e di personaggio marginale alla vicenda.
Poco alla volta, però, Heyst diventa più visibile, in particolare dal momento del suo incontro con
una giovane violinista inglese. La narrazione finalmente gli si avvicina, diventando incentrata su
lui e perdendo di vista la collettività attraverso i cui occhi l'avevamo visto all'inizio; mano a mano
che si prosegue la lettura lui esce dal suo isolamento, entra in contatto con altri esseri umani e
ne viene coinvolto, si scontra con loro e viene convinto ad agire.
Più che di azione, però, Victory è un libro fatto di personaggi, di riflessioni, di passioni: tutto il
resto è sullo sfondo, e non è che una mera scusa per fare interagire, evolvere, cambiare i
protagonisti della storia. Conrad si è dimostrato, con Victory, un eccellente pittore dell'animo
Bill Wren: what's fascinating approximately Conrad is that he's a author with one foot within the
Victorian age (as within the demeanour of his storytelling) and one within the glossy age (as in
his characters and themes). The book’s sensibility is reflective of this disconcerting dualism.For
me, the most subject that emerges is that of detachment and isolationism and their
consequences. for numerous reasons, Heyst eliminates himself from the world, in need of no a
part of it. however the international are not missed and at last involves locate him. (In a few
ways, it’s a version at the subject matter explored in his previous book, Lord Jim.)The result's
tragedy – or maybe it’s higher defined as comedian tragedy as a result of incompetence of the
3 envoys of the skin world. (You’ll need to learn the e-book to appreciate what I mean.)Axel
Heyst is the most personality yet one other key personality is that of Lena, the younger lady he
rescues and falls in love with. this can be the only a part of the radical the place i've got a few
trouble with Conrad (though now not lots as to dislike the book). in terms of describing her and
scenes related to her (particularly people with Heyst) the prose is overwrought and
melodramatic. In a few cases, as while it pertains to what Heyst thinks and feels approximately
her, or within the manner he speaks to her, it can be a mirrored image of the character’s
idealization of her.Overall, however, i believe it really is essentially as a result of the era’s view
of ladies and males and their areas within the world. beautiful notwithstanding it may well were
to the viewers of the time, it sounds an off-key be aware to a extra modern audience. Curiously,
however, the feminine characters ordinarily turn out to be greater and smarter (and extra longsuffering) than the male characters, relatively major characters (like Heyst) in Conrad’s stories.
but he can't appear to write approximately them in that way. as soon as again, it’s that unusual
dualism of being half Victorian and half modern.In the end, it is a first-class tale — rather for
those who like experience tales with characters instead of caricatures. It’s a superb learn
however it is a singular that wishes to respire – it won’t be rushed. Conrad’s a wordy
bugger.But when you enable it room to respire you’ll certainly be rewarded.
Kenneth Iltz: The e-book used to be first released in 1915. Axel Heyst finally ends up residing
on an island in what's now Indonesia, with a chinese language assistant Wang. Heyst visits a
close-by island whilst a feminine band is enjoying at a resort owned through Mr. Schomberg.
Schomberg makes an attempt to strength himself sexually on one of many band members,
Alma, later known as Lena. She flees with Heyst again to his island and so they develop into
lovers. Schomberg seeks revenge by means of trying to body Heyst for the "murder" of a guy
who had died of average motives and later by way of sending 3 desperadoes (Pedro, Martin
Ricardo and Mr. Jones) to Heyst's island with a lie approximately treasure hidden at the island. I
won’t smash the ending. you need to learn the e-book to find who survivies.It is clean to learn
Conrad. everyone seems to be conversant in the center of Darkness yet his different novels are
both good. This one is a straightforward learn with a quick paced and fascinating plot.
Jim Leckband: Conrad quite nailed it with this one. within the preface he writes that he wrote it
as a unmarried piece - now not as a serial released in periodicals - and it shows. The narrative
hijinks that he deployed in his past novels has been tamed. This makes this novel be triumphant
as a thriller.But just like the books of John le Carré, one other writer i am studying the full works
of, "Victory" is a mystery with benefits. those merits are brilliant characters, unequalled mental
intensity and the simplest writing from sentence to condemn you may find.The plots of the
characters come up from the characters and their blindness. the most personality Axel Heyst is
a wanderer that no-one can fathom, in particular whilst he settles on a island within the South
Pacific the place his failed coal corporation was.The starting of the tale is living within the resort
that the clueless yet malevolent Schomberg runs. He hates Heyst (because of bewilderment
him) and this units the complete novel in motion, leading to undesirable characters paying Heyst
a visit.Conrad throws in loads of symbolism and references - e.g. Adam and Eve and the
creation of evil, The Tempest (particularly Caliban within the brute Pedro), and Hamlet (Heyst's
ambivalence to action). those are subtly known as out and serve to reinforce the reader's event
instead of a "Look at me, i am being clever" type of thing.
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