Thea von Harbou Metropolis

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Thea von Harbou
Title: Metropolis
Author: Thea von Harbou
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Language: German
Pages: 204
Publisher: Ullstein, 446947200
ISBN: 3548204473
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 5.6 MB
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Irgendwann in ferner Zukunft, in der Superstadt Metropolis: Freder, der Sohn des mächtigen
Finanz-Oligarchen Fredersen, verliebt sich in das Mädchen Maria, die pazifistische Führerin der
unter unmenschlicher Akkordhetze schmachtenden Arbeitermassen. Von ihr beeinflußt, will
Freder seinem Vater, dem unumschränkten Herrn der Stadt, klarmachen, daß die in den
untersten Kelleretagen von Metropolis schuftenden Menschen seine Brüder seien. Doch der
alte Fredersen hat kein Ohr für seinen Sohn. Während Freder sich auf die Seite der Arbeiter
schlägt, verbündet sich sein Vater mit dem Wissenschaftler Rotwang. Maria ist für ihn eine
Aufrührerin, die es auszuschalten gilt. Das Mädchen wird gefangengenommen und durch einen
Androiden ersetzt: Dieser Kunstmensch wiegelt die bisher friedlichen Unterpriviligierten auf.
Endlich hat Fredersen einen legalen Grund, gegen die »Revolutionär vorzugehen. Zwar kann
sein Sohn die echte Maria befreien und den Androiden entlarven, aber das Unheil hat bereits
seinen Lauf genommen: Die aufgebrachten Arbeiter sabotieren die Maschinen. Und plötzlich
brechen die Wassermassen eines unterirdischen Flusses in ihren Wohnbereich ein...
Insightful reviews
Devero: Non è una lettura facile, in quanto il simbolismo in questo romanzo abbonda.Eppure
avevo visto anche il film muto sceneggiato dall'autrice per il marito, il regista Fritz Lang,
certamente un film di difficile visione oggi, per via del muto e di certi momenti privi di ritmo e
scene che sembrano ridicole viste oggi ma che nel 1912, quando Thea Von Harbou le
immaginò, avevano tutt'altra, drammatica, valenza.
E poiché mentre terminavo Metropolis iniziavo Quo Vadis, del 1895, non posso fare a meno di
notare alcuni forti paralleli nella trama e in alcuni personaggi. Non posso che pensare che, pur
essendo un'opera originale, questo romanzo debba molto a quello di Sienkiewicz.
Di certo ha avuto una forte influenza sulla narrativa successiva, e anche su altri media. Ricordo,
giusto a esempio, il manga di Osamu Tezuka dallo stesso titolo da cui un decennio fa fu tratto
un ottimo film dal regista Rin taro; e Metropolis è il nome della fittizia città dove Clark Kent,
Superman, abita e lavora.
Infine una nota personale: la copertina, il cui autore non sono riuscito a rintracciare, la trovo
tremendamente suggestiva e fu il primo motivo che mi spinse, vent'anni fa circa, ad acquistare
questo libro. L'aeronave dirigibile della Royal Indian Air Service che soccorre un "naufrago" su
di un tempio in quello che m'immagino sia l'Himalaya me la sono sognata qualche volta.
Edit: la scena della copertina sembra tratta da una scena del romanzo "The Warlord of the Air"
di Michael Moorcock.
Henrik: Fritz Lang's 1927 film Metropolis was my first true introduction to the world of silent
films, and, being somewhat of a booklover, when I discovered that there was a novel version of
the film, written as it was produced, I ordered it straight away.
Metropolis is one of the greatest movies of all time, so innovating in nearly all aspects. The
Metropolis novel... well, it certainly answers a lot of the unanswered questions left by the
absence of the 1/4 missing part of the film, but it also seems to me that it was not written by a
Thea von Harbou was often critizised by Lang's fans as the source of everything that was bad in
the movies in which they collaborated. Stereotypes, clichees, overly romantizised grand ideas all her fault, they felt. And reading this book, one can certainly understand why they would feel
so. As other people have noted, the characters do not seem to have the flaws required to make
them interesting. While they are not perfect, they lack any sense of human depth to make them
interesting. It is also important to note that while Metropolis the movie is famed for inspiring the
most famous tropes of modern science fiction, the book is nearly lacking in any science fiction
elements. Sure, they are present; the mechanized city, future technology, the robot, and so on.
But where a modern sci-fi writer would possibly expand on the presence of technology and its
impact on humanity (which I think is a crucial theme of the story), it is put as a background for
the ancle-deep characters to play out their simple parts.
All it's flaws aside, I actually love this book, almost as much as I love the movie. The reason for
this is that the movie leaves so many questions, and the book answers alot of them, but leaves
alot to the imagination. And it makes me wonder about Metropolis, this great city of the mind,
and its people; who they are, where they come from, how they got to metropolis, and so on? I
would have like to return to metropolis, in the manner of true science fiction. But it is a pillar that
doesn't need to be rebuilt.
Not a great novel, but a pillar nontheless.
Gary Serje: An amazing book that made me appreciate the beautiful chemistry between the
book and movie. Fritz Lang's wife wrote this story and it's message is so touching, that it echoes
through the film and through time
Dony Grayman: Biblioteca de Ciencia Ficción, #23. Portada correspondiente a l. a. adaptación
fílmica.Edición exclusiva para Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay.Hyspamérica
Ediciones Argentina S.A.
Scott Kinkade: As a huge fan of Fritz Lang's silent masterpiece, i used to be excited to get my
palms at the novel. It didn't disappoint. because the film's unencumber in 1927, it used to be
gutted and whole plot strains have been lost. if you would like the complete story, you might
want to learn the book. not just does it have the whole story, yet entire discussion as well. such
a lot of what the characters say within the movie isn't revealed. you simply get the fundamental
concept through playing cards of text. Now i do know precisely what they say. For example, the
affection triangle among Joh Fredersen, Hel and Rotwang, in basic terms hinted at within the
movie, is now completely transparent to me.Thea von Harbou is likely one of the nice writers of
the early twentieth century. do not believe me? learn the publication or see the movie and also
you will.
Pedar: books in translation could be a problem. whatever does not rather work, is it the author,
the translator, the editor, idomatic inspiration that does not translate well, tradition that does not
translate well?In Metropolis, simply learn and enjoy, make notes, glance issues up later, then
take into consideration it.You need to glance issues as much as comprehend them. e.g.
yoshiwara is outdated Japan's crimson mild district. In Japan there's a distinction among "water
trade" that is purely to appeal to and get riled up, and prostitution. using a yoshiwara in city
shows actions that will now not have got via the german censors as simply on the time. XXX
may be the modern equivelant.The mind-set in Germany on the time this used to be written
allowed for deeply spiritual subject matters along the subjects implied by means of
yoshiwara.This is a e-book of robust themes, opposites, contrasts, and is cozy being that. it is a
learn the book, placed it down, learn it in 5 years and it's a diversified book. there's lots to seem
at: magic/science, faith/materialism, worker/elite, poverty/wealth, love/hate,... may perhaps
move on, yet take your choose of dynamics and watch 'em run.Strong characters, one, and 3
dimensional.Early sifi.recommend for later adolescents on.If you're into sifi it is a gotta read.pb
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