Henryk Sienkiewicz Quo Vadis

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Henryk Sienkiewicz Quo Vadis

Title: Quo Vadis Author: Henryk Sienkiewicz Format: Paperback Language: English Pages: 579 Publisher: , 0 ISBN: 0781805503 Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub Size: 9.5 MB Download: allowed


Rome during the reign of Nero was a glorious place for the emperor and his court; there were grand feasts, tournaments for poets, and exciting games and circuses filling the days and nights. The pageantry and pretentious displays of excess were sufficient to cloy the senses of participants as well as to offend the sensitive. Petronius, a generous and noble Roman, a man of the world much in favor at the court of Nero, is intrigued by a strange tale related by his nephew Marcus Vinitius of his encounter with a mysterious young woman called Ligia with whom Vinitius falls madly in love. Ligia, a captured King's daughter and a one-time hostage of Rome, is now a foster child of a noble Roman household. She is also a Christian. The setting of the narrative was prepared with utmost care. Henryk Sienkiewicz visited the Roman settings many times and was thoroughly educated in the historical background. As an attempt to create the spirit of antiquity, the novel met with unanimous acclaim, which earned the Nobel Prize in literature for the author in 1905. As a vision of ancient Rome and early Christianity it has not yet been surpassed, almost a century later.

Insightful reviews

Marat M. Yavrumyan: ???? ?? ??? ?? ????????????? ????? ????? ????????? ????????????? ??, ?? ???????? ????? ? ???????, ?????? ???????????? ???, ?????? ????????? ?? ???????

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«???????» ?? ?? ??????? ?? ?? ??? ????? ?) K.D. Absolutely: Rome under the rule of emperor Nero, AD 64. The Polish author, Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916), went to Rome to observed for a couple of years during the writing of this book (published as a book in 1896). He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1905.

Quo vadis is Latin for "Where are you going?" and alludes to a New Testament verse (John 13:36). The verse, in the King James Version, reads as follows, "Simon Peter said unto him, Lord, whither goest thou? Jesus answered him, Whither I go, thou canst not follow me now; but thou shalt follow me afterwards." In the story, Peter went back to Rome, sacrificed himself that resulted to the triumph of Christianity.

who is a nephew of Nero's right hand and former governor of Bithynia, C. Petrocius. Vinicius fell in love with a beautiful Christian lady, Lygia who is a hostage of the Roman empire. The wife of Nero, Poppaea Sabina tries to make a pass on Vinicius who despises her. Hurt, Poppaea Sabina makes Lygia's life in the palace like a hell. Ultimately, Lygia was put in jail for being a Christian. At that time in Rome, being a believer of Christ is punishable by cruel death. In the

book, there are scenes when the Christians are made to wear clothes made of animal skins and put in the gladiator arena. Then the emperor and the spectators release the different wild animals from hungry dogs and lions to boars, bears, etc. There is also another type of watch-for fun game when Christians are put in the same arena and they are killed by the Roman gladiators in any kind of weapon that they could think of. Those scenes are really depressing and although I watched movies similarly set during this time like Gladiators, Ben Hur, etc., the way Sienkiewicz captured the scenes in the book is really breathtaking and it was enough for me to have fewer nights of sleep during this Holy Week.

On the plus side, the characters of the old St. Peter and St. Paul were a delight to read. We all know their lives as two of the 12 disciples of Jesus as narrated in the Holy Bible. However, in this book, they are already old and converting many Roman citizens to Christian fold like the lovers Lygia and Marcus Vinicius. Their faith is steadfast and their sermon and messages are clear and nice to reflect on. It is like having to know a part of their twilight years when Christianity was finally spreading in Rome and throughout the world.

The only difficulty I have reading this book is my limited knowledge of Ancient Rome. There are many words and terminologies that I had to look up to in the dictionary or Google. It made my reading slower. However, I did not regret spending 6 days on this book as it is one of the things that made my Holy Week this year more meaningful and memorable.

Henry Avila: Roman Emperor Nero, is a singer of beautiful songs, his first love, he himself composes, if you don't like them, better keep your opinions unsaid, you'll live a longer life. Nero has killed his mother, wife, brother, all his family, and many former friends. Only unlimited praise, the mighty Caesar enjoys ( but that he is terrible, his voice and music, is a small sacrifice for his friendship and the vast benefits, he showers) ... Petronius, the "Arbiter of Elegance", and close friend of the vicious ruler, has much influence in the court. A well educated and secret writer of The Satyricon, the first novel, with poetry. He doesn't take credit as the author, Petronius likes to live in Rome, not exiled, as others have been. The book ridicules certain Roman patricians, their society, both he is part of ! In the arts, nobody knows more than he.

Marcus Vinicius, a military tribune, his nephew, back from a war in Asia Minor, informs his uncle in the opulent steamy Roman Baths, that he has fallen madly in love, with a pretty maiden.

While recovering from an injury in the house of Aulus Plautius, a retired, and honored general, who helped in conquering Britain. The girl is the daughter of a foreign king, a Roman hostage, now living in the home, of the General's and Pomponia Graecina, the wife of Aulus, she , becomes very fond of her, treated like a daughter. Since all her relatives perished, Lygia, now considers them her new family. The young patrician soldier must have her as his concubine, but Lygia, is a secret Christian, who though she loves him, will not accept that. Marcus seeks his uncle's influence to get the girl, away from her loved ones. Nero has Lygia, come to his palace to be examined, the Emperor likes attractive women, but the noble, clever, arbiter of elegance, tells him, she is too narrow in the hips, not true, and a compliment today, but it saves the lady.

Poppaea, the Emperor's cruel new wife, hates the maiden, naturally, Tigellinus, ambitious head of the Praetorian Guard, he likes to kill, hates Petronius, his arch- rival. Given to Marcus, but

with the help of Ursus, Lygia's devoted servant, as big as a giant and as strong as an ox, escapes easily, before reaching the tribune's house . Which so angers the lovesick Marcus, that nothing else matters, but to recover his prize, greatly effecting his health. With the assistance of Christians, including St. Peter and Paul, she is well hidden. Fires break out soon after, in the vast city, countless building are incinerated, the great capital of the world, is tumbling down.

People are perishing in its flames, shooting high , into the night sky, bright now as daylight, crowds are streaming out of the infernal, the thick smoke , chokes, the heat and flames, killing thousands, winds spreading the insatiable fires. Everyone but Marcus, the soldier, flee, in a desperate effort to rescue his beloved, enters the doomed town, staggering, in the hopeless search, hardly able to breath, falling but getting up, he must continue the quest, or die trying ...

The frightened Nero, afraid of the people's wrath, blames the obscure Christians, for the disaster, many will bravely die in the bloody arena. The Roman masses, must be appeased !

Gisela Pérez: Marvellously written , Quo Vadis is an epic from the days of the 1st Christians and the autumn of Nero's Rome. A stark distinction among Rome's lifestyle between decadent celebrations, pan et circenses, orgies and sycophantic adepts to Nero's madness, slavery and sophistication contrast and that of the 1st Christians practising austerity, compassion and aiming at a classless society. Vitinius transformation as a result redeeming energy of affection leads him to include Christ and reject the lifestyles he had formerly known.

Amanda McCrina: Quo Vadis is a hard made from its time: muted yet sobering circumstances of clinical racism and anti-Semitism take place during the narrative. from time to time Sienkiewicz devolves right into a kind of voyeuristic sensationalism; a bit an excessive amount of care is dedicated to detailing Nero's excesses and the gore of the arena. additionally a few readers may well understandably locate it a piece preachy; to me it was once a little fun to work out later Catholic doctrines (papal infallibility, for instance) positioned into the mouths of those first century believers. But, for all that, i used to be certainly invested within the tale and characters.

The intensity of analysis on show is impressive. The discussion is brisk and intelligent. many of the descriptive passages—in specific that of the burning of Rome—are rather powerful. and that i loved Sienkiewicz's use of topics that floor in a few of my different (later) favorites, like Lloyd Douglas's The Robe . So—worth reading, if one recognizes its faults and retains in brain the context within which it appeared.

Lu: Al Quo Vadis di Sienkiewicz devo dare due stelle.Inizialmente avrebbero dovuto essere 3, ma giungendo al termine di questo quantity ciò che mi è rimasto è veramente poca cosa. Devo ammettere tuttavia che le best pagine, i primi 2/3 capitoli, mi avevano fatto pensare advert una lettura oltrechè scorrevole anche abbastanza piacevole. Il personaggio di Petronio mi è subito piaciuto ed ho trovato in quest'uomo istrionico e intellettuale un protagonista interessante da seguire. Marco Vinicio nelle sue top apparizioni mi aveva dato l'idea di un uomo molto forte, testardo, focoso e intenzionato a qualsiasi costo advert avere l'amore di Ligia. A tutto faceva da corollario lo sfondo dell'antica Roma, una scenografia storicamente interessante. Pur sapendo che questo quantity rientra nella letteratura cristiana ed essendo io non cristiana, anzi non religiosa, ho voluto affrontare l. a. lettura poiché l. a. storia e i grandi romanzi epici, storici, sono sempre stati di mio interesse. Purtroppo guy a mano che l. a. lettura proseguiva, le pagine giravano, i capitoli terminavano, uno dei ben pochi punti di gradimento è rimasto nella figura di Petronio. Marco Vinicio è diventato un uomo lagnoso, arrogante, di una vuotezza imbarazzante.

los angeles mutazione di Vinicio, tipico romano dedito alla guerra, ai piaceri e all'ottenimento di tutto ciò che desidera, avrebbe dovuto essere, a mio avviso, uno dei temi portanti del libro; l'uomo si ritrova dinnanzi advert un ostacolo non tanto fisico quanto spirituale ed avvezzo a battaglie reali ora deve volgersi advert una lotta interna, emotiva, intima. Il nemico non è più davanti a lui, ma dentro di lui. los angeles donna che brama è una fervente e ligia (...) cristiana.

Vinicio capisce i suoi errori, capisce che in step with avere l'amore di Ligia deve avvicinarsi alla di lei religione e finisce con l'esserne totalmente coinvolto e desideroso di abbracciare questa nuova corrente spirituale. Purtroppo non ho letto nulla di tutto ciò. Il profondo cambiamento di Vinicio viene descritto in un modo straziante, ma straziante nel peggior senso del termine.

L'augustiano si rivela un uomo piagnucoloso, isterico, preda di deliri religiosi che ai miei occhi sono imbarazzanti. Vinicio È un personaggio imbarazzante.Sienkiewicz aveva ottimo materiale, ma ha fallito.A questa visione fallita del cambiamento di Vinicio mi piace accostare l. a. storia di Chilone. Il piccolo e astuto criminale, perché questo è ciò che è, riesce a trovare sempre un modo in line with fregare il prossimo a vantaggio proprio. Raggira anche i cristiani conosciuti fino a vedersi dalla parte del folle Nerone, il quale, sempre più dentro una spirale di assurda e demenziale violenza, imbastisce giochi e spettacoli in line with l'eliminazione fisica dei cristiani fatti prigionieri. Alla vista di ciò che l. a. sua ingordigia ha partecipato a compiere, Chilone si sente male fisicamente e spiritualmente e in quel momento los angeles sua conversione diviene reale. los angeles conversione di Chilone è stata meglio gestita rispetto a quella di Vinicio, resa pesante e a tratti patetica. Chilone è stato, assieme a Petronio, un buon personaggio da conoscere e sarà uno dei pochi ricordi positivi di questa lettura. Altri due punti che ho trovato ben scritti: l'incendio che divorò Roma, reso quasi vivo dalle righe dello scrittore, ed i capitoli lettera che, almeno a mio avviso, han dato un pizzico di modernità al romanzo.Quo Vadis viene descritto come una storia d'amore, umano e religioso, sullo sfondo di una Roma sgretolata dall'incendio e dalle persecuzioni cristiane. Queste ultime ci sono state, l'incendio pure, l. a.

storia tra Vinicio e il cristianesimo anche (...), ma Ligia? los angeles storia d'amore umano? los angeles mia opinione è che Ligia è vittima di due fattori determinanti: los angeles figura femminile nell'epoca in cui il romanzo venne scritto e los angeles figura femminile secondo le religioni. Il cristianesimo, di pari passo advert altre religioni soprattutto monoteiste, relega los angeles donna dietro l'uomo e dietro il credo. los angeles donna deve essere una pia servitrice della famiglia terrena e divina. l. a. donna quindi non può essere protagonista, se non come 'vergine cristiana' pronta al sacrificio. l. a. donna non solo è colpevole del peccato originale, ma deve espiarne l. a. pena con il mesto sacrificio di amare fino all'atto estremo.In tal modo il personaggio svanisce, in particolare ai giorni nostri, dove l. a. figura femminile sta cercando di emergere in step with ottenere il naturale posto accanto, ed alla pari, dell'uomo.In conclusione, Quo Vadis è stata una lettura deludente dalla quale mi aspettavo di più. Non penso leggerò altro dell'autore.

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