Maxence Fermine Snow - Dream Speech Turns 50

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Transcript Maxence Fermine Snow - Dream Speech Turns 50

Maxence Fermine
Title: Snow
Author: Maxence Fermine
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Pages: 112
Publisher: , 0
ISBN: 074345684X
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 7.8 MB
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"Yuko Akita had two passions. Haiku.
And snow.
An international bestseller, "Snow "is "a novel that reads like a poem. Limpid, delicate, and pure
like its title."* In nineteenth-century Japan, a young haiku poet named Yuko journeys through
snow-covered mountains on a quest for art and finds love instead. Maxence Fermine's prose is
hypnotic, and his sensuous love story envelops you as if you¹re wrapped in one of his dreams
with your eyes wide open.
Yuko has all the makings of greatness, but must learn to reach beyond the silent starkness of
snow, his ultimate inspiration, to find the color pulsing through life. Color enhanced by love,
without which he will remain invisible to the world. On his journey to enlightenment he learns
how fragile the balance of life can be through the tragic story of his blind master, Soseki, and
the love of his life, a French tightrope walker named Snow. Love and art finally converge in a
most startling and exquisite way when a special young woman opens Yuko's heart to the purest
of color and light.
"*Gala" (Italy)
Insightful reviews
"And why do I need to know about the art of tightrope walking?"
Soseki put his hand on the young man's shoulder, as he had done a month before.
"Why? Because to write, is to feel your way step by step along a thread of beauty. Along
the thread of a poem, or of a story unfolding on a sheet of silk. For the poet, like the
tightrope walker, must go forward, word by word, page after page, along the path of a
book. And the most difficult thing is not that you must keep your footing on the rope of
language, with only a pen for balance; nor to keep going straight ahead, when the way is
blocked by the sudden drop of a comma, or the obstacle of a full stop. No, the difficulty
for the poet is to stay on the rope that is writing, to live every moment without losing
sight of his dream, and to never come down, not even for a second, from the rope of the
Margaryta: I picked up this beautiful gem just this morning at my local library's book sale, and
for only $2. I took off the dirty plastic cover that was caped to the dust jacket, cleaned the actual
book with some rubbing alcohol, and left the library sticker on it as it was. It felt like one of those
books that I was meant to find. It was mismarked and put into the bin with soft cover books, all
of which were very worn and with broken spines, and this one was so small and thin compared
to them that my eye was drawn to it, as well as the fact that it was a hardcover in the softcover
I believe I was meant to find this book, or rather, that IT found ME. Before beginning it I looked
at other reviews to see what people said and one caught my eye about how sexists this book
was and how it's about a guy who is sexually frustrated or something along those lines. But
what I found inside was completely different. It's not sexism but a true essence of human
emotions that I think not all experience and not all will understand, so I can see perfectly why
this book has such mixed reviews, despite the praise that's printed on the back of it. This book
is for people like me, who need that blend of magic in the ordinary life and want that fairy tale
touch mixed in with a bittersweet twist. It was beautiful and should be approached best with an
open mind. It's a life lesson, in a sense, that has been delicately woven into a narrative that was
both unexpected yet so chilling that I felt I agreed with all the thoughts the author put forth.
I read it in 15 minutes - that really speaks to what kind of power this book has.
It's short ad the minimalist approach fits the subject matter perfectly. I'm so so glad I picked this
one up and allowed myself to be pulled into the relaxing yet thought-provoking world of Japan,
of Yuko and poetry. (I write poems myself so that's probably another reason why this book
resonated with me so much). All I know is that this book is going on my favourite books shelf,
and is staring there as I revisit it in the years to come. A beautiful, beautiful thing.
Serena!: 2.5*
E' una grande paraculata, questo libro, lo so.. Ma è una paraculata che (almeno nella prima
metà) incanta e delizia, fa assaporare la neve e mette voglia di passare gli inverni ad
osservarla.. :)
(Ma rimane comunque una paraculata new-age un sacco bella e fyga
, non dubitatene!!)
*Come mai Serena è finita a leggere questo libro? Storie di vita vissuta che non interessano
Quest'anno come tutti gli anni, i tubi dei signori di sopra si sono rotti, con conseguente perdita in
casa.. L'area questa volta è stata camera mia vicino ai libri (il dramma esistenziale che non vi
dico) e dopo imprecazioni, "maiunagioia" e "perché a me?", ho assistito alle fasi di riparazione,
compreso l'arrivo del parquettista. A parte l'uomo più bello del mondo ma poi.. LETTORE. Tipo
tre ore a parlare di libri, non vi dico la gioia.. Mi ha consigliato lui "Neve", per la descrizione che
ne fa l'autore.. Beh su quello aveva ragione! Poi era un figo, dovevo leggerlo per forza :D
Era felice.
All'altezza del cuore.
Muriomu: Il libro è diviso in due parti, nella prima si racconta di Yuko e del suo amore
incondizionato consistent with l. a. neve, che rappresenta consistent with lui tutto quello che ci
può essere di più puro, bianco e limpido al mondo. l. a. neve è instancabile musa delle sue
poesie. In questa prima parte si parla soprattutto di questo, l'ho trovata quindi, alla lunga, un po'
ripetitiva e a tratti noiosa.Sebbene il libro parli d'amore, non si parla d'amore in questa prima
parte, se non di quello di Yuko in keeping with l. a. neve.La seconda parte del libro ci racconta
los angeles storia del maestro Soseki, e del suo perduto amore. Questa parte è decisamente
più coinvolgente, più delicata, sia nei toni che nelle immagini descritte.La storia del maestro, pur
essendo toccante, non coinvolge pienamente, questo perché gli amori raccontati in questo libro
sono molto simili a quelli narrati delle vecchie favole. Basta uno sguardo, anche da lontano,
anche se non si è sicuri se quella che si sta guardando sia una donna, un uccello o un fiocco di
neve, ma già di amore si parla!E non avrei nulla in contrario con questo, se fossi certa che
l'intento fosse quello di raccontare una favola rivolta a dei bambini, ma il libro non è rivolto a
loro, e questo lo confermano alcune immagini descritte a dir poco imbarazzanti, a livello dei
peggiori romanzi Harmony!Inoltre il racconto sembra avere los angeles presunzione di parlare
di grandi amori, grandi amori di cui, sinceramente, in questo libro non ho letto.Per conoscere l.
a. mia recensione completa vai su:http://cafelitterairedamuriomu.blogsp...
Brittany: selection quote:"Snow is a poem. A poem that falls from the clouds in smooth white
flakes.A poem that comes from the sky.It has a name. a reputation of surprising
whiteness.Snow."Reminded me strongly of "Silk," -- the quick chapters, the one-letter title, the
language and white house at the pages evoking a poetic/haiku-like/"this is ready ASIA" type of
feeling.It is interesting, displacing the Snow White tale into the mountains of Japan. The
ethereally attractive and reasonable "Snow," a blonde-haired blue-eyed European, reveals
herself locked eternally younger within the ice of a eastern mountaintop. the invention of Snow
exerts a profound influence on our narrator, a burgeoning poet, who unearths her to be the main
appealing factor he has ever laid eyes upon. Etc. etc.Quick read. Small impression.
Laura: "Ci sono due specie di persone.Ci sono quelli che vivono, giocano e muoiono.E ci sono
quelli che si tengono in equilibrio sul crinale della vita.Ci sono gli attori.E ci sono i funamboli."
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