Microcomputer & Interfacing L3 - Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Transcript Microcomputer & Interfacing L3 - Electrical and Computer Engineering

Microcomputer & Interfacing Lecture 3

The 8086 Instruction sets

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe


 Introduction  Introduction to an instruction  Instruction set of 8086  Addressing mode BY: Tsegamlak Terefe


 Programs in microprocessors are stored in successive memory locations for fetching followed by decoding and execution in general.

 There are in general three levels of programming languages.    Machine Language Assembly Language High Level Language BY: Tsegamlak Terefe


Machine Language  These are the binary codes for the instructions you want the microcomputer to execute


 It is hard or impossible for a programmer to write code in machine language, because it requires memorizing all the instructions in binary form and soon the programming will Become difficult.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 4


Assembly Language  Uses two, three, or four letter


type to represent each instruction  The letters in an assembly language mnemonic are usually initials or a short form of the English word(s) for the operation performed by the instruction e.g., SUB for subtract , XOR for Exclusive OR ,ROR for rotate Wright , etc  Assembly language program has to be translated to machine language so that it can be loaded into memory and run – This is done by the assembler BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 5


High-Level Languages  These languages use program statements which are even more English like than those of assembly language e.g. BASIC, C, C++, Java, ...  Each high-level statement may represent many machine code instructions  An interpreter (compiler) program is used to translate higher-level language statements to machine codes, which can be loaded into memory and executed.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 6


 An instruction will have two major parts  An opcode and an address/operand to store the result after execution or to operate on respectively.

 Opcode : is the operation code which is decoded by the processor to activate the necessary circuitry for the execution of an instruction.

Opcode Address (Operands) BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 7


 The 8086 microprocessor have variable length instructions ranging from 8 bit to 48 bits.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 8

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 9


 For Example lets take the following 16 bit instruction 8BEC.

     8BEC= 1000 1011 1110 1100 The first six bits will tell us the opcode 1000 10 = MOV The next two bits tell us D= 1 => Data will move to REG from R/M W= 1 => Data is 16 bit in size on the next byte MOD= 11 => data is transferred b/n two registers or R/M is register REG= 10 1 The first register involved is BP R/M= 100 The second register involved is SP Hence the assembly equivalence of this machine code will be MOV BP,SP BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 10


 Now that we got a grip of what an instruction look like in 8086 we can generalize the instruction sets (opcode) in to six general group.  Data transfer instructions  Arithmetic instructions  Bit manipulation instructions  String manipulation instructions  Control transfer instructions  Processor control instructions BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 11

Instruction Sets

 Now that we got a grip of what an instruction look like in 8086 we can generalize the instruction sets (opcode) in to six general group.  Data transfer instructions  Arithmetic instructions  Bit manipulation instructions  String manipulation instructions  Control transfer instructions  Processor control instructions BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 12

Data transfer instructions

 Used to transfer data from source operand to destination operand     

Memory to register e.g. MOV AX, [0005h] (AX←[0005h]) Register to memory e.g. PUSH AL Immediate to memory/register e.g. MOV AH, 09h I/O device to register e.g. IN AX, 4 Register to I/O device e.g. OUT AL, 2

 All the

store, move, load, exchange, input and output

this category




instructions belong to ,




BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 13

Arithmetic Instructions

Perform arithmetic operations

    Addition e.g.


Subtraction e.g.


Multiplication e.g.


Division e.g.


e.g. ADD AL, 5 (AL←AL+5) MUL BL (AX ←AL*BL) MUL BX (DX:AX ←AX*BX) BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 14

Bit Manipulation Instruction

 Logical instructions NOT, AND, OR, XOR  Shift instructions SHL, SHR, SAL, SAR  Rotate instructions ROL, ROR, RCL, RCR RCL RCR CF CF Byte/Word Byte/Word e.g. MOV AL, 1Ch (AL←1Ch (00011100b)) ROR AL, 1 (rotate AL one bit to the right) (AL = 00001110b) BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 15

String Manipulation Instructions

 A string is a series of


or a series of


in sequential memory locations. It often consists of ASCII character codes e.g. LODSB – Load byte at DS: [SI] into AL. Update SI STOSW – Store word in AX into ES:[DI]. Update DI CMPSB – Compare bytes: ES:[DI] from DS:[SI] BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 16

Control Transfer Instructions

 These instructions are used to tell the processor to start fetching instructions from some new address, rather than continuing in sequence   Unconditional transfer instructions e.g. CALL, RET, JMP Conditional transfer instructions e.g. JE, JG, JGE, JL, JLE, JZ  Iteration control instructions e.g. LOOP, LOOPE, JCXZ  Interrupt instructions e.g. INT, IRET e.g. SUB AX, 32 JZ label … label : MOV BX, 10 AX=AX-32; If(AX==0) } { BX=10; BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 17

Processor Control Instructions

 Set/clear flags, control the operation of the processor  Flag instructions  e.g. STC – set carry flag  External hardware synchronization instructions  e.g. WAIT - Do nothing until signal on the TEST pin is low  No operation instructions e.g. NOP BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 18

Addressing Modes

 Addressing mode: Describe the types of operands and the way they are accessed for executing an instruction  The operand part of an instructions are accessed from a memory location or a register in various mode of addressing.  The 8086 microprocessor have the following addressing modes.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 19

Addressing Modes

 Immediate  Direct  Register  Register Indirect  Indexed  Register Relative  Based Indexed  Relative Based Indexed BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 20

Immediate Addressing

 Immediate data is a part of instruction, and appears in the form of successive byte(s) e.g. MOV AX, 0005H (AX←0005H) Here, 0005H is the immediate data. The immediate data may be 8-bit or 16-bit in size.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 21

Direct Addressing

 In the direct addressing mode, a 16-bit memory address (offset) is directly specified in the instruction e.g. MOV AX, [5000H ] (AX←[DS:5000H]) Here, data resides in a memory location in the data segment, whose effective address may be computed using 5000H as the offset address and content of DS as segment address.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 22

Register Addressing

 In register addressing mode, the data is stored in a register and it is referred using the particular register  All the registers, except IP, may be used in this mode e.g. MOV AX, BX (AX←BX) Here, data is transferred from register BX to register AX BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 23

Register Indirect Addressing

 Sometimes, the address of the memory location, which contains data or operand, is determined in an indirect way, using the offset registers  The offset address of data is in either BX, SI or DI registers. The default segment is either DS or ES.

e.g. MOV AX, [BX ] (AX←[DS:BX]) Here, data is present in a memory location in DS whose offset address is in BX.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 24

Indexed Addressing

 Offset of the operand is stored in one of the index registers (SI and DI). DS and ES are the default segments for SI and DI respectively  This mode is a special case of register indirect addressing mode e.g. MOV AX, [SI ] (AX←[DS:SI]) Here, data is present in a memory location in DS whose offset address is in SI.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 25

Base Indexed Addressing

 The effective address of data is formed by adding content of a base register (BX or BP) to the content of an index register (SI or DI) e.g. MOV AX, [BX ][SI] (AX←[DS:BX+SI]) BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 26

Relative Base Indexed Addressing

 The effective address is formed by adding an 8 or 16-bit displacement with the sum of contents of any one of the base registers (BX or BP) and any one of the index registers (SI or DI), in a default segment e.g. MOV AX, 50H[BX ][SI] (AX←[DS:BX+SI+50]) BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 27

Summary of addressing modes

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 28

Next Lecture

 Programming the 8086  Emu8086 BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 29

Additional Reference

 Dr Manoj’s handout, chapter 2  The Intel Microprocessors, Barry B.

BY: Tsegamlak Terefe 30