Annejet van der Zijl Sonny Boy

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Annejet van der Zijl
Sonny Boy
Title: Sonny Boy
Author: Annejet van der Zijl
Format: Hardcover
Language: Dutch
Pages: 282
Publisher: De Morgen, 1446293340
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 8.4 MB
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Real story about a young black man from Suriname and a middle-aged Dutch woman with 4
children who fall in love in the 1930's. They have a son, Sonny Boy. When WW II breaks out,
they hide jews and are eventually reported to the Germans after which they are deported to
separate concentration camps.
Insightful reviews
Ragna: *dutch book*
Impressive account of the lives of an unconventional family in an extraordinary time.
I picked it up because of the Suriname angle. I visited the country but really know little about it's
past. Attracted by the history and how the social morale of the time was of influence to the
protagonists I sat myself down to read a historical love story.
Only in the last half of the book did I realize this wasn't going to end well and this was as much
a book about ww2 as it was about culture, colonialism and love.
(Next book I buy I'll read the whole backpage before plunging in)
I enjoyed the pace, the style, the layers of choices and nuances that the writer weaved into
telling this true family (his)story. Also the beautiful document that the family and loved ones of
the Nods family now have to keep.
Rita: Dutch book written in 2004.
"True story about a young black man from Suriname and a middle-aged Dutch woman with 4
children who fall in love in the 1930's. They have a son, Sonny Boy. When WW II breaks out,
they hide jews and are eventually reported to the Germans after which they are deported to
separate concentration camps."
Mostly the author is out to teach us, which is fine, and she makes no bones about it. She says
we can best learn history by reading/learning about the lives of "ordinary" people [rather than
just political and military leaders] which I expect is true.
She refers several times to the racism of Dutch colonial attitudes and attitudes of Dutch in
Holland toward those of different skin color -- and also of Protestants towards Catholics. I
expect she is right about that too. [The middle-aged Dutch woman is nearly kicked out of her
Catholic family for marrying a Protestant. Then later for divorcing, and for taking up with a black
Some like to think that there are times and places where racism did not exist [a Natl Geog
article on Egypt claims that there was no racism there 4,000 years ago]. But I imagine there
have always been OUT groups, blamed for whatever problems the IN group was having. The
criterion used to label the OUT group is not really important, I think, it can be skin color or
language or religion or culture...
The book is good to read, but for me, as so often with Dutch novels, I feel the author is so
rational about her writing that it detracts from the story. It's all told in such a cerebral way. Don't
know if it's my Dutch, being such a late second language, or whether American and English
novelists simply have a different style that I happen to be more used to, which seems to me
more to tell the story without the author seeming to stand in the way of it.
The title of the book is misleading, as it is much more the story of Sonny Boy's parents than of
Sonny Boy himself, in my opinion, so I couldn't figure out for a long time who the main character
was... Somehow unsettling.
Kate: When I moved to The Hague a friend gave me this book, which is set in Scheveningen,
the beach town just outside The Hague, during the German occupation of the 1940s. I forced
myself to read it in Dutch (I don't think it's been translated yet). Trudging through a Dutch novel
is Work, but this was a page-turner. I cared so much about the fate of the characters, who are
based on historical persons: a married Catholic woman in Holland who falls in love with a recent
immigrant from Suriname, and has a child with him. Fifty percent of the pages made me cry.
Anne-Marie van den Bosch: Groot appreciate voor het onderwerp; zoals de eerste bladzijde
aangeeft - liefde en om iets van de tijd te begrijpen de biografieen van onbekende burgers.Een
als een evenwichtige documentaire geschreven relaas van de levens van Waldemar en Rika,
gebouwd op een solide fundament van study naar gegevens. Vlot en soepel verteld, zonder
herhalingen of eindeloze toevoegingen. Eigenlijk spreken de feiten voor zich en hebben geen
behoefte aan dramatische effecten of theatrale toevoegingen. De droge realiteit is al
aangrijpend genoeg.Een totaal in balans opgebouwd verslag, zonder vingerwijziging en vol
menselijkheden. De filmeditie die ik in bezit heb bevat vele foto's die mij bijna als voyeur deden
voelen.De schrijfstijl deed mij denken aan mijn beleving bij Leer mij je liefhebben,ook een docuverslag van een vrouw, waarbij het tijdsbeeld sterk is neergezet, onderbouwd met vele vele
feiten.Ja, ze waren beiden razend interessant om te lezen, en nodig om mij meer te leren over
geschiedenis, om weer andere dingen beter te kunnen "begrijpen".Maar het verhaal kan mij niet
in vervoering brengen, mij verlokken naar andere gedachtewerelden zoals ik vaak zo graag
doe, het blijft op een vreemde manier "op afstand".Het is moeilijk om het boek alleen maar af te
doen als droog terwijl het een sterk opgebouwd verhaal is en het mij met ontzag kan laten
stilstaan bij gebeurtenissen die nooit vergeten mogen worden, waarbij de vraag rijst of wij als
volgende generaties wel in staat zullen zijn om de ernst en het gevaar van ontwikkelingen in
ons huidige bestaan op tijd te erkennen voor wat ze zijn.
Donatella: E' l. a. prima volta che mi approccio advert uno scrittore neerlandese, di fatto ho
spudoratamente scelto a caso due autori. Sonny Boy mi ha incuriosita: si tratta infatti della
ricostruzione di una storia vera da parte di una scrittrice-giornalista. los angeles storia riguarda
due persone che più different di così non sarebbero potute essere: lei olandese bianca di forty
anni, cattolica sposata con un protestante (cosa che già di consistent with sé costituiva uno
scandalo), madre di four figli; lui surinamese nero, ventenne.La storia di questo strano amore
advert un certo unto si intreccia e si immerge nella Storia europea legata al nazismo, alle
persecuzioni razziali, e da essa ne viene inesorabilmente risucchiata.Bello lo stile di Annejet
van der Zijl, più letterario nella prima parte si trasforma consistent with diventare una vera
cronaca di avvenimenti che, filtrati dalla storia personale di due persone comuni, hanno
riguardto interi popoli e nazioni. Sono rimasta un po' a bocca asciutta verso l. a. fine, quando si
trattava di dare più spazio al vero "Sonny Boy", ossia il figlio di questa insolita coppia. Poche
parole, troppo poche, con troppi sottintesi sul suo dramma.
Dymphie: Een schitterend boek: meestal hou ik niet van van biografieën, maar dit is een mooie
combinatie van documentaire en literatuur. Aan te bevelen! Over die vroege geschiedenis van
Suriname wist ik niet zoveel, over concentratiekampen heb ik wel meer gelezen natuurlijk, maar
van dat schip (Cap Arcona) wist ik trouwens niet. Deze manier maakt het heel genuanceerd en
dichtbij, knap: wat mij betreft is ze geslaagd in haar opzet, om door het beschrijven van de
geschiedenis van gewone (hoewel, zo gewoon zijn ze ook weer niet) mensen de grote
geschiedenis invoelbaarder te maken. Dat is een goede opzet: mij interesseert de sociale
geschiedenis van het gewone volk ook meer dan dat van de zoveelste koning.
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