Day 2, Wednesday 23 March

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Transcript Day 2, Wednesday 23 March

Wednesday, 23 March 2016
09:00-09:30 Registration & coffee/tea
09:30-10:00 Welcome chair of the day: Jacco van Ossenbruggen & How to give a great research talk by Kenji Takeda (Microsoft) — AFAS ZAAL —
10:00-11:00 Award ceremony Dutch Prize for ICT Research 2016 and masterclass Gamification in the classroom by Alexandru Iosup (Delft University of Technology) — chaired by Alexander Rinnooy Kan (KHMW) — AFAS ZAAL —
11:00-11:30 Coffee: Poster Session & Meet the Demo
Embedded Systems (by PROGRESS)
Computing and Imaging (by ASCI)
Algorithms, Software and Data (by IPA)
Integrated Systems and Circuits (by ProRISC) Semiconductor Advances for Future
Electronics and Sensors (by SAFE)
Jiahui Wang (University of Twente) C. Salm,
Claudia Palattella (University of Twente) E.
Jorge A. Pérez University of Groningen):
J. Schmitz: Comprehensive C-V measurement and
Klumperink, J. Zhiyu Ru, B. Nauta: Measurement
11:30-11:35 Marcel Worring: Introduction of
model for RF-MEMS capacitive switch from DC
of Digital-to-Time Converters with sub-ps Timing
Well-Behaved Software
the programme
Invited speaker: Akash Kumar (TU Dresden):
to RF
Dealing with Reliability challenges usig FaultTolerance en Approximate Computing
11:35-12:20 Elmar Eisemann (Delft University of
Technology): Creating the Illusion of Reality
Award ceremony Else Kooi Prize to Dr. Waqas
Award ceremony Else Kooi Prize to Dr. Waqas Syed
Invited speaker: Bruce Watson: Correctness-by(Delft University of Technology
Construction for Software Libraries
Syed (Delft University of Technology
12:20-12:30 ASCI Flash Presentations followed
Flash presentations
by Best ASCI Poster and Best ASCI Flash award
Invited speaker: Ronald Dekker (Philips): Meet Dr
Natural Artificial Intelligents (by SNN)
Tim de Bruin (Delft University of Technology)
R. Babuska: Deep Learning for Robust Robot
Invited speaker: Robert Deckers (AtomFreeIT &
VU): From machines to people – History, present,
and future of software development
NIRICT – Earl McCune (RF Laboratory):
Experiences of a serial entrepreneur: Where
Science meets Business
Gijs Huisman (University of Twente) M. Bruijnes
and D. Heylen: Tasty Bits & Bytes: ICT and food
12:10-12:50 Ton Engbersen (IBM)
Flash presentations
Taco Cohen (University of Amsterdam)
M. Welling: Symmetries and Equivariance in Deep
12:45 Mini track by Kenji Takeda (Microsoft):
Cloud Computing for Researchers & Machine
Learning “Lightening Demo”
12:45 Mini track by Hugo Trippaers
(Schuberg Philis): The Vintage Advantage
Satadal Dutta (University of Twente) R. Hueting,
L. Nanver, J. Schmitz: Opto-coupling in CMOS:
Avalanche Mode LEDs in Sillicon devices
Vignesh Ramachandran (University of
Twente): Energy-efficient and Heterogeneous
(Implantable) Body Sensor Networks – IBSN
14:00-14:05 Marcel Worring (University of
Amsterdam): Science & valorization session
Roshan Bharath Das (VU University), A. van
Halteren, H. Bal: SWAN-Fly : A flexible cloudenabled framework for context-aware applications
in smartphones
Adriatik Bedjeti (CWI) L. Hollink, D. Elliott, M.
van Harmelenn: A Corpus of Images and Text in
Online News
14:00-14:05 eScience track Welcome and
opening Wilco Hazeleger (NLeSC)
Moinuddin M. Haque (Tilburg University),
P. Vogt, A. Alishahi and E. Krahmer: Exploring
patterns in children’s interactions using neural
network methods
M. Yung-Jae Lee (Delft University of
Technology) I. Antolovic, A. Can Ulku, E. Charbon:
A Single-Photon, Time-Resolved Image Sensor for
Low-Light-Level Vision
Rasool Tavakoli (Eindhoven University of
Technology): Enhanced Time-Slotted Channel
Hopping in Wireless Sensor Networks
14:05-14:35 Koen Bertels (Delft University of
Technology): Bluebee
Tanja E. J. Vos (Universidad Politécnica de
Valencia), U. Rueda and W. Prasetya: Automated
Testing at the User Interface Level
Anca Dumitrache (VU University) O. Inel,
B.Timmermans, L. Aroyo, C. Welty, R.J. Sips:
CrowdTruth: Methodology for Harnessing
Disagreement in Gathering
14:05-14:30 Invited speaker: Kenji
Takeda (Microsoft Research): eScience
for all – democratising research with cloud
Sander Bohte (CWI): Amsterdam Networks of
Spiking Neurons
Daniel Pfefferkorn (Leibniz Universität
Hannover): How expensive is wireless security?’
– A simulative approach for investigating’
14:35-15:05 Cees Snoek (University of
Amsterdam): From Euvision to Qualcomm
Tobias Kuhn (VU University): Decentralized Data
14:30-14:55 Invited speaker: Natalino
Busa (ING bank): A Platform for DataDriven Banking
Kimberley McGuire (Delft University of
Technology), G. de Croon, K. Tuyls, B. Kappen:
Exploration with a Swarm of Pocket Drones
Ronald Stoute (Delft University of Technology)
M. Louwerse, V. Henneken, R. Dekker: High Definition
Flex-to-Rigid (HD F2R): an Interconnect Substrate
Zeyu Cai (Delft University of Technology) R.H.M. van
Veldhoven, A. Falepin, H. Suy, E. Sterckx, C.Bitterlich,
K. Makinwa, M.A.P. Pertijs: An Integrated Carbon
Dioxide Sensor for Air-Quality Monitoring
Best ProRISC Poster award ceremony
Light snack and beverage available on your way to the plenary session
Keynote speaker – Wiro Niessen (Erasmus MC – University Medical Center Rotterdam) Biomedical and Genetic Data Analytics in Dementia — AFAS ZAAL —
Award Ceremony & Closure — AFAS ZAAL —
Business Innovation and Research (by NWO and NLeSC)
12:45 Mini track by Boudewijn Haverkort
(University of Twente) COMMIT2DATA
12:30-14:00 Lunch: Poster Session & Meet the Demo — Information stands: NWO, STW and IPN
The Human and the Machine (by SIKS)
Invited speaker: Thomas Mussenbrock:
(Ruhr University Bochum) Memristive Devices:
Fundamentals and Applications
Vignesh Ramachandran (University of Twente):
Joost Hausmans (NXP): Anomaly-Free
Abstractions of Aperiodic Multiprocessor Systems
Best PROGRESS Poster and Best PROGRESS Flash
award ceremony
15:05-15:30 Successful spinoffs and more: Koen
Bertels and C. Snoek will share their experiences
in creating very successful spin-offs to initiate a
discussion on the best ways to create valorization
activities AND scientific impact
Invited speaker: Oege de Moor (Semmle):
Software as Data
Best IPA Poster award ceremony
Astrid van Aggelen (Queen Mary University of
London) V. de Boer, M. Groen, W. Meys, J. Reitsma,
W. Bonestro, M. Veenstra: Observe: Semantic
Context-based Content Recommendation for
Adaptive Public Screens
Best SIKS Poster and Best Flash award ceremony
14:55-15:20 Invited speaker: Qi Gao
Rebecca Sier (NIN): Reward-based learning of
subroutines by neural networks
Best Intelligent Systems Poster and Best Intelligent
Systems Flash award ceremony
Welcome to ICT.OPEN2016! Information and Communication Technology is omnipresent in our lives. The ICT.OPEN conference offers a meeting place for the large thriving
ICT research community in the Netherlands. At the same time it is a showcase where ICT researchers can present, demonstrate and discuss their
latest contributions to the state of the art and learn about the latest developments from their colleagues.
ICT.OPEN is a federated conference. During the conference there are eight different parallel tracks, each organised by a different research school
or national research program. Presentations submitted by Dutch researchers alternate with invited talks from highly senior experts from industry
and academia. ICT is covered from hardware and networking to software and big data, with special attention to security, intelligent systems and
the connection between science and business.
We are very lucky to have Prof. Dr. Mary Shaw from Carnegie Mellon University as keynote speaker on software engineering and
Prof. Dr. Wiro Niessen from Erasmus Medical Center as keynote on medical imaging. On top of that the winner of the Dutch Prize for ICT
Research 2016, Dr. Alexandru Iosup, will give a keynote. ICT.OPEN is exemplary for what the research community as a whole should always
be: open, inviting and collaborative. There is no competition for research funds, no prioritisation of a select few among a mass of excellent
researchers. Everyone can showcase their research. Yet, there is a competition for the best poster and flash. During the evening there is a social
dinner with bands who will venture out into the performance of music.
ICT.OPEN would not have been possible without NWO and STW joining forces, aided by IPN, the ICT Research Platform for the Netherlands and
ICT-Innovation Platform
Security and Privacy
the research schools and programs ASCI, IPA, SIKS, SAFE, ProRISC and PROGRESS and the Cybersecurity and Intelligent Systems communities.
However, I want to thank in particular the people at NWO and STW who kept the organisation going and ensured that the researchers delivered
all required input on time. They did a fantastic job. I cannot thank you enough.
Still, we welcome suggestions on how ICT.OPEN can still be improved for the years to come!
Enjoy the conference!
On behalf of the organisation committee,
Paul De Bra, chair of ICT.OPEN2016 committee