Engaging Diverse Learners

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Transcript Engaging Diverse Learners

Engaging Diverse Learners
Institute for Learning Enhancement
Facilitator: Professor Christine Hockings
In this workshop you will…
a) explore principles and strategies to engage all
students in the classroom;
b) plan a teaching session using strategies that
will engage diverse learners.
Student diversity – Students as individuals
When teachers see students as individuals, students become more engaged
How do you engage your students?
In pairs discuss the questions A-C.
Refer to your pre course forum posts or add in a new post
Share your answers with the group.
How do you know when your students are engaged?
A. In what ways are your students
diverse? p.8
B. What do you know about their lives,
backgrounds and interests? p.9
C. Describe the ways you attempt to
engage all of these students? p.11
Principles and strategies
Create safe, inclusive spaces
Get to know students as individuals
Establish ground rules for collaborative learning
Harness students’ experience and knowledge
Start with what students know, then apply theory (biographical turn)
Connect with students’ lives and future aspirations
Facilitate uncertainty, confusion & difference
Encourage public articulation of thinking & problem solving
Teach reflexively and with sensitivity to differences
Play video
Play video
Mindful of impact of own beliefs and identity on student learning
Coordinate interaction, mixing different students (with a purpose)
Anticipate, prepare & respond flexibly to different and emerging
requirements and interests
Play video
Examples of engaging diverse learners
• Go to WOLF topic Unit 2 Inclusive
Pedagogy (pp.16-18)
• Read some of the case studies
• Play some of the clips of teachers
engaging their diverse learners
(See also LTI video collection www.wlv.ac.uk/ltimodule
Make a list of one or two strategies
or techniques that you could try in
our own sessions
Planning to engage all students
• Think of a session that you have run or will be running
• Using the example of session plan provided redesign this
session applying the principles of inclusive L&T
• Present this to the whole group or your neighbour
highlighting particular inclusive and engaging features
• Evaluate your design and consider the implications on
resourcing, etc.
• Give and receive feedback on your own and others’
session designs
Example / extract of session plan
Business ethics
To explore influences on ethical decision making in the workplace
You will have reflected on your own & others’ ethical positions. Examined the
impact of these and other factors on business decision making
Students: . List the known composition of the group in terms of all aspects of diversity
Tutor activity
10.00 Introduce topic and
explain task.
Student activity
Resources Inclusive?
equip, etc Engaging?
Watch/listen to
video clips and
make notes on
ethical principles
video clips
What methods / data you will use find out how inclusive and engaging this session has been for these
students. How will you ‘judge’ the extent of inclusivity and engagement
Where to next?
This workshop has addressed the UK Professional Standards (UKPSF) outlined below.
A1 Design and plan learning activities and/or programmes of study;
A2 Teach and/or support learning;
A4 Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and
V1 Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities;
V2 Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners
(For full information about the these standards see http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/ukpsf)
Evidence gathered through the completion of activities associated with this workshop
could contribute towards gaining Associate membership or Fellowship of the Higher
Education Academy.
For information on how to apply to be a member of the Higher Education Academy, please
see the HEA website (http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/professional-recognition) or attend the
workshop ‘Joining the HEA – Supporting Your Application’ on the staff development